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Author Topic: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge  (Read 13319 times)

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge
« Reply #40 on: March 14, 2024, 12:07:57 AM »
  For starters, between points #1 & #2, you have Officer Haygood running straight through the Ft Worth sign. Haygood, after righting his motorcycle at the Elm Curb, ran directly (N) toward the Picket Fence. He continued running in that direction and then eventually veered (W) toward the Triple Underpass. On the back end of your diagram, after #4, the "No Glove Cop" should be WALKING Directly Forward/toward the TSBD Loading Dock. The No Glove Cop does Not WALK toward the Pergola. Take the time and closely examine the Darnell/Martin Films. Through my research, I have untangled Officer Haygood's entire journey and how he was able to back at his motorcycle make his 12:35 radio transmission. The "No Glove Cop" is Not Haygood. Just ask Charles who has supplied further evidence to that end. The question now is: (1) Is the "No Glove Cop" a real DPD Motorcycle Officer? or (2) Is the "No Glove Cop" an imposture = Conspiracy?  - To Be Continued -

  For starters, between points #1 & #2, you have Officer Haygood running straight through the Ft Worth sign.

 :D :D :D
You funny.

The No Glove Cop does Not WALK toward the Pergola. Take the time and closely examine the Darnell/Martin Films. Through my research, I have untangled Officer Haygood's entire journey and how he was able to back at his motorcycle make his 12:35 radio transmission.

Point#4 is where Haygood is filmed in Darnell walking towards the TSBD building. You don't have a clue what he does after this point.
If Haygood is to get back to his bike in time to make his radio call then this is an approximation of the route he took. We know after he is filmed in Darnell, Haygood is back at his bike making his 12:35pm radio call.

And you've untangled Haygood's entire journey??
I've yet to hear this.
Please explain his full journey from the time he gets off his bike to the time he makes his radio call, and the evidence this timeline is based on?
As I understand it you have Haygood at the Triple Underpass for at least 4 minutes (12:34pm). How does he get round the railroad yard and back to his bike for his 12:35pm radio call
« Last Edit: March 14, 2024, 12:12:37 AM by Dan O'meara »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge
« Reply #40 on: March 14, 2024, 12:07:57 AM »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge
« Reply #41 on: March 14, 2024, 12:18:36 AM »
  Your problem is you are trying to make the journey of the No Glove Cop fit into that 5 minute timeline. There is NOTHING to document Haygood being on the Elm Ext or walking along the rear of the Pergola less than 5 Minutes after the Kill Shot. If you act real nice, I will shortly take the time to explain the Haygood itinerary after he reached the Triple Underpass. ALL factually supported. Haygood is Not the No Glove Cop. That guy is an imposture.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2024, 12:19:56 AM by Royell Storing »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge
« Reply #42 on: March 14, 2024, 01:05:27 AM »
  Your problem is you are trying to make the journey of the No Glove Cop fit into that 5 minute timeline. There is NOTHING to document Haygood being on the Elm Ext or walking along the rear of the Pergola less than 5 Minutes after the Kill Shot. If you act real nice, I will shortly take the time to explain the Haygood itinerary after he reached the Triple Underpass. ALL factually supported. Haygood is Not the No Glove Cop. That guy is an imposture.

If you act real nice, I will shortly take the time to explain the Haygood itinerary after he reached the Triple Underpass.

I literally cannot wait  Walk:

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge
« Reply #42 on: March 14, 2024, 01:05:27 AM »

Online Charles Collins

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Re: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge
« Reply #43 on: March 14, 2024, 01:22:14 AM »
Buddy Walther is also identified in the image/film in question. His testimony indicates he ran to the railroad yards and went over a fence then walked over to the area between Elm and Main streets to look for signs of bullets having been fired. There he encounters Tague. Here’s a snip from Tague’s testimony:

Mr. LIEBELER. Going on Elm Street under the triple underpass?
Mr. TAGUE. Right. Going on Elm. So I stood there looking around. I looked up---there was a motorcycle policeman, and he stopped and had drawn his gun and was running up the embankment toward the railroad tracks. A crowd of people; several people, were starting to come down into that area where he was running, and the people pointing, and excitement up there and so on, and about that time a patrolman who evidently had been stationed under the triple underpass walked up and said, "What happened?" and I said, "I don't know; something."
And we walked up to the---by this time the motorcycle policeman returned back close to where his motorcycle was, and we walked up there and there was a man standing there. Seeing that he was very excited--I don't remember his name at the time I did have it on the tip of my tongue very excited saying he was watching the President and it seemed like his head just exploded. This was a couple or 3 minutes after this happened. And the patrolman said, "Well, I saw something fly off back on the street."
We walked back down there, and another man joined us who identified himself as the deputy sheriff, who was in civilian clothes, and I guess this was 3 or 4 minutes after. I don't know how to gage time on something like that.

And I says, "Well, you know now, I recall something sting me on the face while I was standing down there."
And he looked up and he said, "Yes; you have blood there on your cheek."
And I reached up and there was a couple of drops of blood. And he said, "Where were you standing?"
And I says, "Right down here." We walked 15 feet away when this deputy sheriff said, "Look here on the curb." There was a mark quite obviously that was a bullet, and it was very fresh.
We turned around and we looked back up to see where this possibly could have come from, and the policeman thought he had seen something over here.

Tague’s testimony suggests that he saw Haygood draw his gun and run up the knoll toward the railroad tracks then return to his motorcycle a few minutes later. Also, Walthers appears in the same vicinity as Tague at about the same time that Haygood returns to his motorcycle. The Darnell film appears to show Walthers, the one gloved motorcycle officer in question, and Harkness in the same area in the railroad yard/Elm Street Extension vicinity.

Based on the above sequence, it appears that my assumption that the image was taken after Harkness had already deposited Euins in front of the TSBD was wrong. Based on Walthers’ and Tague’s accounts, it now appears to me that the Darnell film clip was taken earlier than I first thought. If Walthers can run from the Sheriff’s office area to the railroad yards, look around quickly, then walk back to Tague’s location all within about 5 or 6 minutes or so. And, similarly, Harkness can go where he did and get back to the railroad yards in time to be in the Darnell clip, then I see no reason to believe that Haygood couldn’t make it back to his motorcycle from the railroad yard in time to make the radio call.

Online Royell Storing

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Re: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge
« Reply #44 on: March 14, 2024, 02:55:56 AM »
       To fully understand the Haygood journey after he reached the Triple Underpass, you only need 2 things. (1) Haygood's WC Testimony, and (2) The Cancellare Photo

                                                        - OFFICER HAYGOOD WC TESTIMONY -

         ATTORNEY BELIN - "Now, when you ran to the railroad yard, would that be North or South of Elm?"

     OFFICER HAYGOOD  - "The railroad yard would be located at the --- IT CONSISTS OF GOING OVER ELM ST. and back North of Elm ST."

        ATTORNEY BELIN  - " What did you do when you got there?"

      OFFICER HAYGOOD - "Well there was nothing. There was quite a few people, spectators, and AT THAT TIME I WENT BACK TO MY MOTORCYCLE it was on the street--to my radio."

        ATTORNEY BELIN  - "Did you talk to any people over there or not?"

      OFFICER HAYGOOD - "In the railroad yard, I talked to one of the people I PRESUMED TO BE A RAILROAD DETECTIVE that was in the yard."

        ATTORNEY BELIN  - "Did he say anything to you, that you remember?"

      OFFICER HAYGOOD  - "Nothing that I remember."

        ATTORNEY BELIN -  - "Then what did you do?"

       OFFICER HAYGOOD - "I WENT BACK TO MY MOTORCYCLE, which was sitting on Elm St."

            During his WC Testimony above, Haygood locates the railroad yard as "...going over Elm St....". By Haygood's specific definition, the railroad yard would therefore include the TOP of the Triple Underpass. If you look at the Cancellare Photo (colorized) that is included in our "Research Photo Gallery", you will see Haygood standing on Top of the Triple Underpass facing (W). Just feet away and facing him is a railroad attired individual. This in my opinion is the presumed "Railroad Detective" that Haygood sighted in his WC testimony. Never, at any point in his WC Testimony does Haygood mention checking out a caboose, train car(s), boxcar(s), WALKING across the railroad yard or WALKING toward the TSBD Loading Dock. Yet, this is exactly what we see the One Glove Cop doing on the Darnell/Martin films. Instead, Haygood consistently says only that, "I went back to my motorcycle".
           I believe that after reaching the Triple Underpass, Haygood eventually stood atop it as we see on the Cancellare Photo. He then jumped down onto the other side which would immediately place him inside the railroad yard per his WC Testimony definition of the railroad yard = "Going OVER Elm St". Also, after jumping down from atop the Triple Underpass, Haygood is also then in contact with the Presumed "railroad detective" he referenced in his WC Testimony. At that point Haygood testified, "I went back to my motorcycle which was sitting on Elm St". Officer Heygood stood atop the Triple Underpass, dropped down onto the other side, saw that Presumed "Railroad Detective", probably looked around a little, and then jumped back over the Triple Underpass rail and back onto the Grassy Knoll. He then ran down the Grassy Knoll to his motorcycle. Before making his 12:35 radio transmission, Officer Heygood talked with 2 eyewitnesses. 1 of them was James Tague. It was the eyewitness accounts of these 2 people that prompted Haygood to make his 12:35 radio transmission. Conversing with these 2 eyewitnesses also consumed a portion of the Haygood 5 minute window between the Kill Shot and his Verified 12:35 radio call. There is No Way that 5 minutes was enough time for Haygood to: (1) drive his motorcycle down Houston St and then Elm St, (2) dump his motorcycle at the Elm curb, (3) struggle to straighten up his motorcycle, (4) run UP & Across the Grassy Knoll, (5) arrive at/climb atop the Triple Underpass, (6) travel back Deep into the train yard,  (7) WALK across that train yard, 8. WALK down the Elm St Ext, (9) travel back to his motorcycle, (10) talk with 2 eyewitnesses and (11) then make that 12:35 radio transmission. ALL of this in only 5 Minutes? It's physically impossible! It is possible for Haygood to make that radio call if he simply went onto the other side of the Triple Underpass, (he's immediately inside the train yard as he defined), and then get back onto the grassy knoll and basically retrace his steps,  "BACK TO MY MOTORCYCLE". Haygood told the WC exactly what he did/where he went and his WC testimony fits into that 5 minute window following the Kill Shot. For 60 years running Officer Haygood was used to mask the "One Glove Cop" and his stalking of the Train Yard and then likewise the Elm St Ext/TSBD. I have Now exposed this "One Glove Cop" and at the same time Proven a Conspiracy was employed to assassinate JFK.  Prove Me Wrong!   
« Last Edit: March 14, 2024, 02:47:53 PM by Royell Storing »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge
« Reply #44 on: March 14, 2024, 02:55:56 AM »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge
« Reply #45 on: March 16, 2024, 10:21:19 AM »
       To fully understand the Haygood journey after he reached the Triple Underpass, you only need 2 things. (1) Haygood's WC Testimony, and (2) The Cancellare Photo

                                                        - OFFICER HAYGOOD WC TESTIMONY -

         ATTORNEY BELIN - "Now, when you ran to the railroad yard, would that be North or South of Elm?"

     OFFICER HAYGOOD  - "The railroad yard would be located at the --- IT CONSISTS OF GOING OVER ELM ST. and back North of Elm ST."

        ATTORNEY BELIN  - " What did you do when you got there?"

      OFFICER HAYGOOD - "Well there was nothing. There was quite a few people, spectators, and AT THAT TIME I WENT BACK TO MY MOTORCYCLE it was on the street--to my radio."

        ATTORNEY BELIN  - "Did you talk to any people over there or not?"

      OFFICER HAYGOOD - "In the railroad yard, I talked to one of the people I PRESUMED TO BE A RAILROAD DETECTIVE that was in the yard."

        ATTORNEY BELIN  - "Did he say anything to you, that you remember?"

      OFFICER HAYGOOD  - "Nothing that I remember."

        ATTORNEY BELIN -  - "Then what did you do?"

       OFFICER HAYGOOD - "I WENT BACK TO MY MOTORCYCLE, which was sitting on Elm St."

            During his WC Testimony above, Haygood locates the railroad yard as "...going over Elm St....". By Haygood's specific definition, the railroad yard would therefore include the TOP of the Triple Underpass. If you look at the Cancellare Photo (colorized) that is included in our "Research Photo Gallery", you will see Haygood standing on Top of the Triple Underpass facing (W). Just feet away and facing him is a railroad attired individual. This in my opinion is the presumed "Railroad Detective" that Haygood sighted in his WC testimony. Never, at any point in his WC Testimony does Haygood mention checking out a caboose, train car(s), boxcar(s), WALKING across the railroad yard or WALKING toward the TSBD Loading Dock. Yet, this is exactly what we see the One Glove Cop doing on the Darnell/Martin films. Instead, Haygood consistently says only that, "I went back to my motorcycle".
           I believe that after reaching the Triple Underpass, Haygood eventually stood atop it as we see on the Cancellare Photo. He then jumped down onto the other side which would immediately place him inside the railroad yard per his WC Testimony definition of the railroad yard = "Going OVER Elm St". Also, after jumping down from atop the Triple Underpass, Haygood is also then in contact with the Presumed "railroad detective" he referenced in his WC Testimony. At that point Haygood testified, "I went back to my motorcycle which was sitting on Elm St". Officer Heygood stood atop the Triple Underpass, dropped down onto the other side, saw that Presumed "Railroad Detective", probably looked around a little, and then jumped back over the Triple Underpass rail and back onto the Grassy Knoll. He then ran down the Grassy Knoll to his motorcycle. Before making his 12:35 radio transmission, Officer Heygood talked with 2 eyewitnesses. 1 of them was James Tague. It was the eyewitness accounts of these 2 people that prompted Haygood to make his 12:35 radio transmission. Conversing with these 2 eyewitnesses also consumed a portion of the Haygood 5 minute window between the Kill Shot and his Verified 12:35 radio call. There is No Way that 5 minutes was enough time for Haygood to: (1) drive his motorcycle down Houston St and then Elm St, (2) dump his motorcycle at the Elm curb, (3) struggle to straighten up his motorcycle, (4) run UP & Across the Grassy Knoll, (5) arrive at/climb atop the Triple Underpass, (6) travel back Deep into the train yard,  (7) WALK across that train yard, 8. WALK down the Elm St Ext, (9) travel back to his motorcycle, (10) talk with 2 eyewitnesses and (11) then make that 12:35 radio transmission. ALL of this in only 5 Minutes? It's physically impossible! It is possible for Haygood to make that radio call if he simply went onto the other side of the Triple Underpass, (he's immediately inside the train yard as he defined), and then get back onto the grassy knoll and basically retrace his steps,  "BACK TO MY MOTORCYCLE". Haygood told the WC exactly what he did/where he went and his WC testimony fits into that 5 minute window following the Kill Shot. For 60 years running Officer Haygood was used to mask the "One Glove Cop" and his stalking of the Train Yard and then likewise the Elm St Ext/TSBD. I have Now exposed this "One Glove Cop" and at the same time Proven a Conspiracy was employed to assassinate JFK.  Prove Me Wrong!   

On top of the underpass is not in the railroad yard.
I can't believe that this is the big reveal.

Online Royell Storing

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Re: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge
« Reply #46 on: March 18, 2024, 02:53:29 PM »
On top of the underpass is not in the railroad yard.
I can't believe that this is the big reveal.

     Officer Haygood came DOWN from standing atop the overpass and spoke with what he "presumed" to be a railroad detective. Based on Haygood's WC description of the railroad yard, "...going OVER Elm ST", he believed he was inside the railroad yard when he came down from standing atop the Triple Underpass. Take a good look at the Cancellare Photo of Haygood standing atop the Triple Underpass. In that photo to the (R) is a TREE BRANCH. That's your Landmark, you need to remember it. NOW, go to You Tube and search   "JFK: Conspiracy Exposed (Director's Cut)" 36:08 - 36:30. This snippet displays the interview that Mark Lane did with Skinny Holland. During this segment they begin walking down the Triple Underpass. They eventually turn (R) and as they walk forward the viewer can see that same Tree Branch in the upper (L) of the picture. That branch is stretching over the point of the Underpass where it turns into wood fencing. This is the spot where Haygood jumped down from the Triple Underpass and landed inside the railroad yard. That spot is very close to the picket fence/parking lot. It is also very close to the large drainage grate. This Spot is well away from the stretch of train cars that Darnell/Martin filmed the alleged DPD Motorcycle Cop walking in front of. This Haygood landing spot is even further away from the Elm St Ext and the TSBD Loading Dock which Darnell and Martin also filmed this same alleged DPD Cop WALKING toward/down. In Haygood's WC testimony he NEVER MENTIONS train cars, the Elm St Ext, or the TSBD Loading Dock prior to making his 12:35 radio transmission. In fact, when asked what he did, Haygood simply says "I went BACK TO MY MOTORCYCLE...". Haygood made a quick jump down into the railroad yard area close to the Picket Fence, spoke with a "presumed" railroad detective, (visible in the Cancellare Photo), and then climbed Back over the Triple Underpass, onto the grassy knoll and went back to his motorcycle. He spoke with 2 eyewitnesses down near his motorcycle, (1 of them being James Tague), and what they told him warranted his making his Documented 12:35 radio transmission. The DPD Motorcycle Cop we see on the Darnell/Martin films is NOT Officer Haygood. Haygood's WC Testimony proves this, as does the 5:00 minute window between the 12:30 Kill Shot and Haygood's Documented 12:35 radio transmission from his motorcycle. My mountain of Proof Stands Tall and the Challenge I have issued remains unmet. Such is the case when The Truth is brought forward. 
« Last Edit: March 18, 2024, 08:20:15 PM by Royell Storing »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge
« Reply #47 on: March 19, 2024, 02:34:25 PM »
   Time for me to take my VICTORY LAP!
   My Discovery stands as FACT due to being based on:  (1) Photo Evidence, (2) Film Evidence, and (3) Sworn Testimony. And make No mistake, the "1 Glove Cop" captured on the Darnell/Martin Films NOT being Officer Haygood is a Major Discovery due to: (1) PROVING a Conspiracy was orchestrated to assassinate JFK, and (2) ALL of this Evidence having been in plain sight for roughly 60 years. And believe me when I tell you that if the JFK Assassination Research Community could prove me wrong, they would have circled the wagons and been All over me like "white on rice". I have seen this same group sound their Clarion Horn whenever others have attempted to traverse this same path that I now travel down. These "researchers" come outta the woodwork to bury anyone that steps forward to prove them wrong. Today, I am proud to expose the Officer Haygood ID on the Darnell/Martin Films as being Dead Wrong! And the now Unknown "1 Glove Cop" proves that a Conspiracy was used to assassinate JFK. 
« Last Edit: March 19, 2024, 06:38:10 PM by Royell Storing »

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Re: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge
« Reply #47 on: March 19, 2024, 02:34:25 PM »