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Author Topic: LHO on the lam? An intriguing possibility!  (Read 6406 times)

Online Charles Collins

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Re: LHO on the lam? An intriguing possibility!
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2024, 07:57:42 PM »
There's a woman stood to the right of Brennan. I believe the 'shadow' is actually her hand pointing at something.

It is difficult to determine what we are seeing in some of the images. You might be right, the image you posted seems to be much clearer. I think I see her left hand pointing up. But the angle of the sun isn’t right for there to be a shadow on the shirt. So I think we are just seeing the hand blocking part of the shirt from the camera. Thanks!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: LHO on the lam? An intriguing possibility!
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2024, 07:57:42 PM »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: LHO on the lam? An intriguing possibility!
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2024, 08:06:29 PM »
It is difficult to determine what we are seeing in some of the images. You might be right, the image you posted seems to be much clearer. I think I see her left hand pointing up. But the angle of the sun isn’t right for there to be a shadow on the shirt. So I think we are just seeing the hand blocking part of the shirt from the camera. Thanks!

Yeah, I think it's her actual hand and not a shadow.

Online Charles Collins

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Re: LHO on the lam? An intriguing possibility!
« Reply #18 on: March 25, 2024, 09:43:44 PM »
After shooting JFK, Lee Harvey Oswald is not, I reiterate, going to mingle with the crowds and Police Officers in the manner represented in this photograph. A guilty fleeing assassin like Oswald is going to escape the scene of the crime inconspicuously and, if possible, as soon as he feasibly can. The individual indicated by the yellow arrow in the initial post is indisputably not Lee Harvey Oswald.

Thanks for your opinion. So, just how do you propose he look inconspicuous while hurrying away from the scene while the cops are close enough to pick his pocket? The cops are instinctively looking for people hurrying away. That is the reason Baker said he stopped LHO on the second floor. If LHO had not stopped and “mingled” with Baker and Truly he might have been shot. Then he apparently tried to make himself look inconspicuous by getting a coke and walking out through the office area. If this is LHO in the photo, and he had to get past the cops at that intersection (inconspicuously), how better to look inconspicuous than to pause a few seconds and try to look like he is part of the crowd? Your apparent dismissal based on what might have been just a very short pause (the photo represents only a small fraction of one second) just doesn’t make sense to me.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: LHO on the lam? An intriguing possibility!
« Reply #18 on: March 25, 2024, 09:43:44 PM »

Online Charles Collins

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Re: LHO on the lam? An intriguing possibility!
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2024, 01:07:11 AM »
So, this witness is the same Howard Brennan, who later identified LHO as the sixth-floor gunman but failed to recognise him as he supposedly passed or stood alongside him just minutes later; not likely.

I agree that Brennan would have been very likely to recognize LHO (if he had seen him). However the photo clearly shows that Brennan is looking up towards the sixth floor window. If it was LHO standing on the opposite side of Brennan, and he only stayed there a few seconds, Brennan wouldn’t have been likely to have even seen him (on the street).

Offline Duncan MacRae

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Re: LHO on the lam? An intriguing possibility!
« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2024, 07:57:37 AM »

Offline Michael Capasse

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Re: LHO on the lam? An intriguing possibility!
« Reply #21 on: March 26, 2024, 12:57:17 PM »
It's a man in a hard hat - not sure how u can tell it's Brennan

Offline Fergus O'Brien

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Re: LHO on the lam? An intriguing possibility!
« Reply #22 on: March 26, 2024, 08:06:21 PM »
The evidence suggests that LHO walked out the front door of the TSBD within around 3-minutes of the shots. Free lance photographer Jim Murray ran to his car and got his cameras and was near the front door of the TSBD around 3-minutes after the shots. Murray made several photos there. However several of them were completely over exposed due to an issue with his camera. Thankfully, there is one photo that Murray made at that location at that time that did turn out well. Here is a copy of the photo:

As you can see in the photo, there are a couple of ladies apparently upset; Howard Brennan is looking up at the window where he saw the assassin shoot JFK; and there is a cop (William Barnett) looking in the direction of the camera (which is around the end of the island in front of the TSBD). I have drawn a yellow arrow to a figure that appears to be just to the other side of Brennan. All that can be seen is apparently the back part of the head and a left shoulder. This figure appears to be wearing a white t-shirt. The figure doesn’t seem to be looking at Brennan. Rather he appears to be trying to blend in with the other people and appears to be trying to avoid letting the cop see his face.

Here is an image of LHO from a similar angle:

Could the figure in Murray’s photo be LHO? I think that it is an intriguing possibility. The time and place seems to be correct for this possibility. The behavior of the figure seems to be what I imagine could have happened. What do you think?

there is no evidence that i am aware of that comes near to proving that Oswald walked out the front door 3 minutes after the shooting . in fact the only witness to ever say they saw Oswald leave (wes frazier ) said he saw oswald cross north houston street having left via the loading dock area , or in other words at the rear of the building . frazier said he was wearing a jacket . he told this to gary mack , all be it quite a few years after the fact .

Online Charles Collins

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Re: LHO on the lam? An intriguing possibility!
« Reply #23 on: March 26, 2024, 09:22:47 PM »
there is no evidence that i am aware of that comes near to proving that Oswald walked out the front door 3 minutes after the shooting . in fact the only witness to ever say they saw Oswald leave (wes frazier ) said he saw oswald cross north houston street having left via the loading dock area , or in other words at the rear of the building . frazier said he was wearing a jacket . he told this to gary mack , all be it quite a few years after the fact .

Frazier’s claims in more recent years completely contradict what he testified to under oath. I guess the statute of limitations for perjury had already run out by then. Plus Frazier needed a “hook” to sell his book…

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: LHO on the lam? An intriguing possibility!
« Reply #23 on: March 26, 2024, 09:22:47 PM »