The 3 minute lie are you ever going to prove it are just talk all around it and hope I prove it for you?
For the fourth time - how long do you think it took Gloria to reach the front steps?
I thought it was six and counting but you would be the expert on that count. You can't even explain why it is important. In fact in this whole confused rant, you have yet to make a valid point about a lie.
In their affidavits there is no mention of making their way down the Elm Street extension, hanging round the railroad yard then re-entering the building through the west door because none of that happened
In Shelley’s and Lovelady’s affidavits there is no mention of Adams and Styles or Baker and Truly. In Calvery’s affidavit there is no mention of Shelley and Lovelady or Baker and Truly. Does that make her a liar as well? Lovelady does not mention Calvery at all. So, if he mentions them in their WC testimonies that makes them liars too? Are you even remotely aware of how many witnesses have similar testimonies? So, exactly what is your point and how does that make them standout as being different than all the other witnesses? How does that prove a 3 minute lie? A lie you seem to be distancing yourself from with every post.
The Darnell footage shows Baker reaching the foot of the TSBD steps seconds after the shooting.
Seconds? No, it does not, this is an outright fabrication.
No, the Darnell footage shows a cop running to the TSBD. You have consistently stated it does not prove he went inside. Now are you lying now about him running into the building? Where is there any time attributed to the film?
You have taken a photo, created a story around it that only you think is accurate and stating all these people are lying. A photo only you can make out the participants. The interesting part is still how Lovelady and Shelley get in front of Truly and Baker in order to complete this fanciful tale. This whole story depends on Shelley and Lovelady telling the truth about talking to Calvery but also lying about everything else. Can you explain the reason for this odd logic? Maybe start with why are all the people who are lying are in a dead sprint to be where you want them to be.
Guessing and conjecture is all this whole post is about. Not a true fact anywhere. Until I read to you Shelley’s statement about Calvery you did not have an interest in her. Now you believe that part of his statement is undeniable, but the time is a lie. There is a point in time where constant accusations are just part of the endless tripe.
You have not proven anything.
Shelley - after the shots, he ran across the street to the "corner of the park", he ran into Gloria across the street, returned to the steps and went back inside the building.
No, going back into the building is something you just made up. Both Shelley and Lovelady felt it was about a three minutes time span until they spoke with her.
Just curious but are you even capable of an original thought?
Oh dear.
What a sad and confused little post this is.
Really not sure why you bother as you constantly end up looking a bit foolish.
I thought it was six and counting but you would be the expert on that count. You can't even explain why it is important. In fact in this whole confused rant, you have yet to make a valid point about a lie.
Don't you remember Jack, it was six and counting regarding the 'untruth' you were telling about how Harkness, Sawyer and Barnett had made statements that refuted Adams' testimony. I simply asked you to provide these statements but you couldn't do that because they don't exist. Rather than admit you'd made it all up you had to keep avoiding the simple question over and over again, making you appear even more silly than if you'd just owned up.
Because you don't know what you're talking about you end up making silly statements and painting yourself into a corner.
And here we are again.
I've asked you a simple question knowing that whatever answer you give is going to make you look foolish. You must have figured that out as well which is why you refuse to answer such a simple question.
If you don't believe me, just answer the question.
So, for the FIFTH time - how long do
you think it took Gloria to reach the front steps?
The Darnell footage shows Baker reaching the foot of the TSBD steps seconds after the shooting.
Seconds? No, it does not, this is an outright fabrication.
No, the Darnell footage shows a cop running to the TSBD. You have consistently stated it does not prove he went inside. Now are you lying now about him running into the building? Where is there any time attributed to the film?

Even for you this is a next level senior moment.
It appears I'm going to have to hold your hand through this one.
Look at my quotation again. Read it slowly. It says that the Darnell footage shows Baker "reaching the foot of the TSBD steps seconds after the shooting".
Reaching the footDon't you understand?
There is no mention of Baker "running into the building", as you put it.
Do you understand?
And have you forgotten already - it was
you who was saying that the Darnell footage showed Baker entering the building, not me!
It wasn't that long ago.
Here, let me show you the quote, see if it jogs your memory. It's from Reply#339 on the "Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview" thread:
Why does this even matter? Baker entering the TSBD is on film and is a known time event. Adams and Styles "immediately" turned out to be a number of minutes.Don't you remember, I responded by pointing out what a poor grasp of the evidence you have. What an understatement that was.
Shelley - after the shots, he ran across the street to the "corner of the park", he ran into Gloria across the street, returned to the steps and went back inside the building.
No, going back into the building is something you just made up. Both Shelley and Lovelady felt it was about a three minutes time span until they spoke with her.

Oh, brother.
This is a summary of Shelley's affidavit in which he states very clearly that he went back inside the building.
Just do some basic research and you wouldn't make such a fool of yourself,
Here is a link to the affidavit, all you have to do is read it: curious but are you even capable of an original thought?
Are you capable of any kind of thought?