While Jack takes a nap I'd like to have a closer look at this claim I made in an earlier post:
I think Gloria saw JFK's head explode and ran as fast as she could back to the TSBD building.
She had about 140 ft to cover. Let's say she was running at a modest 6mph, she could have covered that distance in 16 seconds. I think it was probably quicker than that.
I think she reached the TSBD steps before Baker got there.
She was stood at the steps, telling Lovelady and others about the shooting, when Baker arrived.
Shelley was stood at the bottom of the steps having just returned from "that little, old island" across the Elm Street extension.
This whole scenario was captured by Darnell:
The woman in white is dressed very distinctively, a white headscarf and dress. she appears to be linking arms with Gloria, who wears a black headscarf and black top. I believe this is the woman who was with Gloria as reported by Joe Molina:
Mr. Ball: Do you know a girl named Gloria Calvary?
Mr. MOLINA: Yes.
Mr. Ball: Did Gloria come up?
Ms.. MOLINA. Yes, she came. I was in the lobby standing there and she came in with this other girl.
Mr. Ball: What did she say?
Mr. MOLINA. She said "Oh, my God, Joe, he's been shot." They were both horrified. I said "Are you sure he was shot?" She said "Oh, Joe ,I'm sure. I saw his hair fly up and I'm sure he was shot" something to that extent.From various testimonies it is clear Gloria saw JFK's head explode so she must have been standing close enough to the limo when the headshot occurred to see it. There are a number of films taken around the moment of the assassination so it should not be too difficult to locate these two women, proving that at the moment of the headshot they were stood somewhere on Elm Street but seconds later they were on the front steps of the TSBD building.
In March of '64 the employees of the TSBD building gave statements [CE1381's] to the FBI including their whereabouts at the time of the assassination and who they were with. Gloria states that she left her office with three work colleagues to go and watch the motorcade - Karen Westbrook, Karan Hicks and Carol Reed. In their CE1381's each woman confirms she was with the other three at the time of the assassination but there is something weird about these statements that needs to be mentioned before moving on. Three of the statements - Calvery, Westbrook and Hicks' - are identical. Only Carol Reed's statement is different.
The CE1381's state that the four women were on Elm Street, about halfway between Houston Street and the underpass, which would make sense as the head shot occurred in this general area and Gloria has to be stood close enough to see it. However, there is a discrepancy - according to one version they are stood on the south side of Elm Street but in the other they are stood on the sidewalk, which is on the north side of Elm Street.
So, which is it, north or south?
When we watch the Zapruder film we see there is no-one on the south side of Elm Street that fits the description of these four young women. As the limo moves along we see:
Two black men clapping
The Babushka lady, Charles Brehm and his son.
Jean Hill and Mary Moorman.
Two older men in dark suits - one is Altgens and I believe the other is Bothun.
A diving Malcolm Summers
A family of three - the Franzens. Stood close to them a man whose name I don't know.
And finally, an unidentified couple.
The Zapruder film proves the women are not stood on the south side of Elm, meaning they are stood on the sidewalk on the north side.
In the Bronson pic below we can see those people stood on the north side. To the very left of the picture is Bill Newman stood with his wife and kids. We know from the Bell film that there is no-one else stood on the sidewalk between Bill and the underpass (there are three men on the steps leading up to the picket fence but nobody on the sidewalk).
As we move from left to right - after the Newmans there are two women, one of which I believe is Doris Mumford. Then there is a very large gap until we come to Umbrella Man and DCM. Then two college kids. Then the Chisms and then a group of five women. A red arrow points out a woman wearing a blue headscarf:

There are no group of women who could possibly be Gloria and friends between Bill Newman and the woman in the blue headscarf.
Which brings us to the picture below.

On the right hand side of the picture we see the woman with the blue headscarf (who was picked out with the red arrow in the Bronson pic), partially obscured by the Stemmons sign. In the group to her left we are looking for the woman with a white headscarf and dress and Gloria, wearing a black headscarf and black top. They are instantly recognisable as there is only one group of women wearing headscarves:

Here we have Gloria Clavery and her three work colleagues, all wearing headscarves.
In the Zapruder film, the last time we see Gloria is z190.
Seconds later we see her and the woman in white at the front steps in the Darnell footage.

In the cropped and cleaned section of the Roberdeau map below, Calvery's position is shown. It also shows her route back to the "corner of the park" where she met Shelley , who had run across from the front steps [at point A]. According to the scale of the map, the distance from Gloria's position to point A and then across to the steps is just shy of 140 ft. At a modest run of 6mph, she could have covered this distance in 16 seconds. Personally, I think she was moving faster .

Rather than stamp their little feet, huffing and puffing, I invite the resident Nutters to counter the arguments I have made here with actual evidence and arguments of their own. Show me where you think I've gone wrong and why, rather than the usual whining "I'm right so you must be wrong" logic that pervades all their posts.