Yes. I sent John Mytton a private message on what Benavides had said way back when Weidmann and I were participating in the mini-debate thread. I was wondering if Weidmann was ever going to bring up what Benavides said but he never did.
However, the police tapes obviously don't mention the body being loaded into the ambulance, but the tapes do tell us when the ambulance was leaving the scene en route to Methodist Hospital. The tapes tell us that the ambulance was leaving the scene as Callaway was making his report on the squad car radio.
According to Callaway, Tippit was loaded into the ambulance after he made the call.
According to Benevides, Tippit was loaded into the ambulance after Callaway made the call.
And it would appear that Scoggins testifies to the same thing:
Mr. Scoggins: And then I got out of the cab and run down there; the ambulance had already arrived by the time I got there, and they were in the process of picking the man up, and they had done had him, was putting him on the stretcher when I got there, and they put him in the ambulance and took him away, and there was someone that got on the radio at that time and they told him he was going to report it, so they told him to get off the air, that it had already been reported, and he picks up the officer's pistol that was laying on the ground, apparently fell out of his holster when he fell, and says, "Come on, let's go see if we can find him."
Mr. Belin: Mr. Scoggins, I started to ask you about the revolver of the policeman when you came and saw him. This was in his holster or on the street?
Mr. Scoggins: It was on the street whenever I saw it.
Mr. Belin: Do you know where it was with relation to the policeman's body?
Mr. Scoggins: It was there pretty close to his body, you know, like kind of under his body when they picked him up. It either fell out of his holster or was laying on the ground, one, I don't know which.
Mr. Belin: What did you see him do? This man came up and picked up the policeman's gun. He picked it up and said, "Let's go see if we can find him?"
Although he doesn't know Callaway's name Scoggins testifies to the same sequence - he makes the call, after which he picks up the pistol from where Tippit is still lying.
...the tapes do tell us when the ambulance was leaving the scene en route to Methodist Hospital. The tapes tell us that the ambulance was leaving the scene as Callaway was making his report on the squad car radio.This is simply not true. The tapes tell us no such thing. This is something you have completely made up.
Below is a copy of the relevant transcript of the tapes. The ambulance calls (602) are picked out with red stars.
Both calls are just the call numbers of the ambulance - 602
There is nothing else.
You have assigned your own meaning to them.

The bottom line is that all the key witnesses report the call being made before the body is removed and the tapes reveal nothing other than your own unsupported interpretation.
These two 602 calls are best explained by the ambulance driver, Butler. After realising it was a police officer lying in the street, Butler returned to his ambulance and tried to call in that the victim was a police officer but couldn't get through (because Callaway was in the process of making his call).
Butler's explanation can be found in this article: reading through how you approached the mini-debate I do not expect any amount of evidence to change your mind about this aspect of the case and, to be quite frank, I couldn't care less. What I'd like to know is, what was the point of the mini-debate? Was it just about point-scoring over some trivial detail?