It's hopeless. That is why I no longer respond to our resident contrarian. Every interaction goes down the same rabbit hole. An amazing pattern repeated on every thread on this forum. Here he has taken issue with why Oswald would "end up on a go nowhere suburban street" if he were fleeing from the assassination. A false and misleading premise, but we are left in a sense of wonderment as to how the contrarian would answer his own question when Oswald he was supposed to be at his place of employment at this time. What would Oswald be doing if he had just assassinated the president and was on the run is obvious. Trying to escape. What do we know about his circumstances? We know that he didn't own or have access to a car. We know that he did ride the bus. We know that he had a bus transfer in his pocket. We know that he must have been familiar with the local bus routes as his primary means of transportation. We know that he had recently taken a bus to Mexico City and was familiar with the drill. None of that matters to the flat Earthers who suggest that no conclusion can ever be reached that they don't want to accept absent a time machine or Ouija board. Any manner of reasoned logic supported by the facts and evidence is rejected for that reason without providing any alternative explanation. It is a tortured exercise to suggest doubt by any means. No effort to shed light on what happened or even attempt to explain the consequences of their own objections having validity. The discussion stops and ends with taking issue as to the evidence of Oswald's guilt.
That is why I no longer respond to our resident contrarian. Every interaction goes down the same rabbit hole. An amazing pattern repeated on every thread on this forum. I am sure it must be frustrating for you that not everybody swallows the BS you constantly are coming up with. Perhaps it would help if you substituted, once in a while, your wild unsubstantiated claims with actual facts and conclusive evindence.
It's typical that you keep on doing the same thing (i.e. making claims you can't back up with evidence) and still expect a different outcome.
Here he has taken issue with why Oswald would "end up on a go nowhere suburban street" if he were fleeing from the assassination. A false and misleading premise,There is nothing false or misleading about it. It's just one more basic question you can't answer.
What would Oswald be doing if he had just assassinated the president and was on the run is obvious. Trying to escape. The most significant word in this sentence is "
But I agree, if Oswald killed the President it's obvious that he would try to escape. What is less obvious is what he was doing on a go nowhere suburban street when he had all sorts of other options available to him.
We know that he had a bus transfer in his pocket. Really? We know this? All I know is that the DPD claimed to have found a transfer on Oswald after searching him several times and finding nothing.
It is a tortured exercise to suggest doubt by any means. How is it a tortured exercise to present conclusive evidence to back up your outlandisch claims and dispel the justifiable doubt?
Btw, it's kind of funny that you reply to my comments by pretending not to reply to them and talk to Bill Brown instead..... Actually, it's hilarious! But nice try

You may well be gullible enough to be convinced by the flimsy evidence against Oswald but that doesn't automatically mean that you are right. But you actually do believe that you are 100% right about everything and all the time....