"Completely" searched. LOL. Once again you have failed to address a single substantive point or even tell us what you are suggesting. This is real simple. If Oswald wasn't on that bus, then someone MUST have planted the transfer. The police said it was found in Oswald's possession. There are only two possible explanations for this: 1) Oswald was given the transfer by the bus driver; or 2) it was planted on him by DPD. If you are suggesting that the transfer was planted - and why else would you harp on this - then that means you are the proponent of the "dopey conspirator stories." If so, that begs an explanation for which I've repeatedly try to get from you. WHY would the police want to place Oswald on that bus? How does this advance the cause of framing him? If there is no point to this from the perspective of framing Oswald, then that lends itself to the conclusion the transfer was not planted and Oswald was on the bus. So spin us a yarn and explain why anyone trying to frame Oswald would need to place him on that bus. The bus that takes him nowhere.
I'm sorry, I don't have time for your nonsense - I stated my case with documentation to back it up.
U can spend the rest of the day making what you think a fantasy conspirator would do, of course could never be proven.
Up to you, that means nothing to me. These facts remain:
Lee was "completely searched" at the time of his arrest.
There were no bullets or bus transfer found on his person.
4 people saw a man leave DP in a car. 2 of them said it looked like Lee Oswald.
When the suspect was asked about this, he did not deny it.
I'll go one step furtherThe WC was already aware what was expected of them as early as January 1964: