If, as is claimed by some conspiracists, Oswald was impersonated (by the man below) in a visit to the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City in late September of 1963, then why didn't the Soviets, who blamed the CIA for the assassination, expose this fakery? Why did they, as far as everything I've read, keep it quiet? They blamed the CIA for the murder; why not include this impersonation into the CIA's plot? Why not expose this to the world?
But, again as far I know, they didn't. In his book on the visit, KGB agent/Embassy Official Oleg Nechiporenko said that when Oswald's picture was shown on television shortly after the assassination that he and his fellow agents who met Oswald were shocked. It was indeed the man who came to them acting oddly two months before. Nechiporenko said that he was then ordered by his station chief to file a report on the meeting. This was sent to Moscow where the head of the KGB informed the Soviet leadership of the visit. He didn't tell them it was an impersonation.
From the Nechiporenko account (the Valery here is Valery Kostikov, his fellow agent who met Oswald):

If, on the other hand, it was an impersonation, they why didn't Nechiporenko reveal this to his superiors? Who then, in turn, would reveal this to the world; reveal it as part of the CIA's murder of JFK and their attempt to blame Moscow for the act?
But none of this happened. According to Nechiporenko's account the man *was* Oswald and that they immediately informed Moscow about the visit. Moscow in turn never said anything differently, that there was a impostor. By the way, the man shown below was identified by Nechiporenko and said he was a US Air Force enlisted man who offered to sell secrets to the Soviets (which raises an interesting question: Did the CIA miss this?).
One more point: Neither Nechiporenko nor Kostikov defected to the West. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union they both remained in Russia and worked for the FSB, the Russian followup intelligence service to the KGB. The claim that they defected to the West and wrote this book to curry favor with the West and/or to make money falls apart: again, they never defected and it seems obvious that writing a conspiracy book saying Oswald
was impersonated is going to make more money than one saying he wasn't. Conspiracies sell.