I'm a bit annoyed at myself for posting this as it has absolutely nothing to do with how I look at this case and could possibly involve having to throw out everything I think about it.
But I've seen it so I'd like to get an opinion.
I've been staring at various images for too long and there's a good chance I'm seeing things, but if not, I'm hoping it's old news and has been dealt with before.
Below is a crop from the picture Tom Dillard took just seconds after the assassination (the one that shows Bonnie Ray Williams and Hank Norman looking out).
It's a close-up of one of the SN windows (obviously the one next to the half open window the shots were taken out of.)
I can't help seeing two shapes that curve upwards that suggest the bottom of a buttoned up suit jacket (picked out with the two red arrows at the bottom).
And there's at least one, very distinctive, button shaped object with possibly 3 more (picked out and numbered. Number 3 seems very obvious)
photo upload hostingI certainly don't mind being made to look a fool on this one.
It's something I can't "unsee" now I've seen it and would appreciate any possible help from those who are far more expert at dealing with images than I am.
The image I've used was taken from Robin's website.