I strongly suspect there is extant Alyea footage of Fritz actually handling the hulls while he is in the SN.
I've always found it interesting that two seemingly separate, independent sources [Alyea and Mooney] claimed that Fritz handled the hulls before they were photographed by the Crime Lab and that both describe the original configuration of the shells as all being very close together. I'm sure there are other officers who describe the same thing but I can't remember who they are off the top of my head.
The still below is part of the Alyea footage showing the SN. In the bottom left of the still we can see someone inside the SN crouched down:

I believe this person can only be Fritz. It is surely the case that once this area was closed off there was only one person who had the authority to enter it - Fritz.
The next shot in the film is a close up of this person who seems to be holding something small in his fingers and is showing it to another officer. (circled in red).

I believe the person is Fritz and he is showing either Boyd or Sims one of the hulls.
As I say, only Fritz would have authority to be in this area handling anything and the only thing in that area that could be held in his fingers and would be of any interest is one of the hulls. They are crouched in exactly the spot where one of the hulls was found.
Maybe, maybe not.