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Author Topic: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory  (Read 16024 times)

Offline Michael Capasse

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Re: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory
« Reply #112 on: May 11, 2024, 05:09:35 PM »
The Bag that He Saw

This slide was created by Dr. Tony Fratini for JFK Boards, "Did Lee Harvey Oswald construct the paper bag (CE 142)? "
Taken from a video by Tom Meros, and along with Buell Frazier, demonstrate the size of the bag he saw vs. the actual size of the rifle.
This is an important illustration of what it would take to carry a rifle approximately 34 inches long, packaged in brown paper.

Lee told Frazier, he was bringing curtain rods. Frazier, said he had no reason not to believe him, because Lee had never lied to him before.
Well then, Lee had better make a package that looks like curtain rods. Not one to be held like a soldier walking with a rifle.
Buell has always maintained the package was tucked under his armpit. That could not be the gun. Disassembled, the rifle is 34.8 inches long.

« Last Edit: May 11, 2024, 05:14:46 PM by Michael Capasse »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory
« Reply #112 on: May 11, 2024, 05:09:35 PM »

Offline Fergus O'Brien

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Re: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory
« Reply #113 on: May 13, 2024, 02:01:18 PM »
What you overestimated was your own intelligence and what you underestimated is your lack of it. The point you are making is you have no point. The whole post was to make disparaging comments about LNers and specifically Dale Myers. Nothing more. Once again you had a chance to post on the subject of Knotts Lab, but instead chose this tripe as the subject of your post.

my silly friend i speak as i find . meaning i call a spade a spade . if i speak to a person (LN or CT ) and they are being idiots , especially being an idiot with me . well then i will highlight the fact that they are being IDIOTIC .name calling which i have been subjected to here is at the best juvenile , yet most (but not all) LN go down that route . ones intellect and knowledge / research should be all that one requires in a discussion / debate such as this , it is all i need , sadly in those respects you fall quite short . so i dont have to say anything disparaging about you because your own posts here have done that job quite well .

a little common sense also is a good thing , i think most would agree . for example myers animation is RIGHTLY criticized , for some very valid reasons . he himself had to admit that neither connally nor his jumpseat were in the position in which his animation placed him , which was the 6 INCHES INBOARD . he in fact admitted the fact that the jump seat was 2.5 inches inboard as per the limo makers schematics / measurements . this is also the same  man who has said Oswald didnt do either shooting and who now has profited quite a bit from saying the opposite . so their are valid criticisms of myers and his work , just as i am sure there may well be valid criticisms of other work (such as knotts lab ) that should be considered and evaluated . however i see not one criticism of myers and his work made or accepted by LN or by you .and i see no common sense there .

Offline Fergus O'Brien

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Re: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory
« Reply #114 on: May 13, 2024, 02:14:32 PM »
Quote from: Fergus O'brien on May 10, 2024, 08:45:33 PM

"Fritz went into the snipers nest and picked up the shells interfering with a crime scene before it was recorded on photo / film , he lied and said he did not do this yet two LN witnesses Alyea and mooney said they saw him do it . he thrust a pre written confession into Fraziers face , a confession Frazier never gave , and demanded he sign it . he first denied a conversation between him and craig and then admitted it happened . hardly the actions of an honest man , why should we trust such a person ?. i am certain if he was a CT witness you would refuse to accept a word he said . by the way people testify under oath all the time and dont tell the truth , wouldnt you agree ? . hosty admitted destroying evidence and not revealing information . Harry holmes an FBI informant who was less than truthful in testimony . tell the readers here why they should have no doubts about these people and trust their word and yours ? ." fergus obrien

So Fritz was part of the conspiracy to frame Oswald?  He did so not knowing or caring who the real assassin was or how he might explain the evidence if a different person was eventually linked to the crime.  And you were the one pushing back on this having to be a VAST conspiracy.  It's not VAST but everyone was involved except Oswald.  LOL.  Again, more people were in the room and asked questions of Oswald than just Fritz.  All of these people are lying and even risking their careers and convictions for crimes?

so i wrote highlighting that Fritz was less than honest and asking a valid question , which was why should we then by default trust every word of such people . in essence they have given us reason , good reason to doubt their honesty , so then is it not and SHOULD IT NOT BE a valid concern of any person as to whether such person/s warrant our distrust ? .  and then i get the above reply stating that FRITZ WAS PARTY TO A CONSPIRACY TO FRAME OSWALD FOR JFKS MURDER . and LN wonder why i might question their intellect ? , i rest my case . i guess LN just find it easier to talk nonsense than to have to talk about such things as the honesty or lack their of of one of their own witnesses .

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory
« Reply #114 on: May 13, 2024, 02:14:32 PM »

Offline Fergus O'Brien

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Re: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory
« Reply #115 on: May 13, 2024, 02:23:34 PM »
The Bag that He Saw

This slide was created by Dr. Tony Fratini for JFK Boards, "Did Lee Harvey Oswald construct the paper bag (CE 142)? "
Taken from a video by Tom Meros, and along with Buell Frazier, demonstrate the size of the bag he saw vs. the actual size of the rifle.
This is an important illustration of what it would take to carry a rifle approximately 34 inches long, packaged in brown paper.

Lee told Frazier, he was bringing curtain rods. Frazier, said he had no reason not to believe him, because Lee had never lied to him before.
Well then, Lee had better make a package that looks like curtain rods. Not one to be held like a soldier walking with a rifle.
Buell has always maintained the package was tucked under his armpit. That could not be the gun. Disassembled, the rifle is 34.8 inches long.

thank you for posting this Michael . as the british would say WHAT CANT SPEAK , CANT LIE . these images speak for them selves .

Offline Jack Nessan

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Re: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory
« Reply #116 on: May 14, 2024, 02:23:10 PM »
my silly friend i speak as i find . meaning i call a spade a spade . if i speak to a person (LN or CT ) and they are being idiots , especially being an idiot with me . well then i will highlight the fact that they are being IDIOTIC .name calling which i have been subjected to here is at the best juvenile , yet most (but not all) LN go down that route . ones intellect and knowledge / research should be all that one requires in a discussion / debate such as this , it is all i need , sadly in those respects you fall quite short . so i dont have to say anything disparaging about you because your own posts here have done that job quite well .

a little common sense also is a good thing , i think most would agree . for example myers animation is RIGHTLY criticized , for some very valid reasons . he himself had to admit that neither connally nor his jumpseat were in the position in which his animation placed him , which was the 6 INCHES INBOARD . he in fact admitted the fact that the jump seat was 2.5 inches inboard as per the limo makers schematics / measurements . this is also the same  man who has said Oswald didnt do either shooting and who now has profited quite a bit from saying the opposite . so their are valid criticisms of myers and his work , just as i am sure there may well be valid criticisms of other work (such as knotts lab ) that should be considered and evaluated . however i see not one criticism of myers and his work made or accepted by LN or by you .and i see no common sense there .

The discussion was all about Knotts Lab. A topic you obviously are avoiding. Wasting all this effort to avoid a simple subject in itself tells the story. 

Instead, you have engaged in this bizarre solo whining, sniveling, crying rant and rave about LNers and Meyers. It seems to be the sum total of all your knowledge concerning the JFK Assassination. 

How come gentleman, such as yourself, always portray yourselves as knowledgeable and/or “researchers”. You have demonstrated you could not know less. A simple little subject and you are running for cover. If you are afraid of the subject maybe just don’t post about it. It matters not to anyone.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory
« Reply #116 on: May 14, 2024, 02:23:10 PM »

Offline Fergus O'Brien

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Re: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory
« Reply #117 on: May 16, 2024, 02:56:09 PM »
"How come gentleman, such as yourself, always portray yourselves as knowledgeable and/or “researchers”. You have demonstrated you could not know less. "

i have not in any way portrayed my self as a researcher / expert in this case . this is another nonsense from you . in regards being knowledgeable about this case well it is clearly evident that i have knowledge of this case . that in no way makes me an expert , nor have i ever claimed this to be the case . but again another very simple point has proven too difficult for you to comprehend . which was that i do not go down the LN route of attack , insult , abuse , ad hominem , ridicule etc etc , i have zero need (nor any desire ) for such juvenile nonsense . on the other hand people like you need that sort of thing as a means to detract from the points , info and facts being discussed .and its an easy option for LN like you because it requires little or no intelligence .

"If you are afraid of the subject maybe just don’t post about it. It matters not to anyone."

I HAVENT POSTED ABOUT IT lol lol  , and i made it clear i was not posting about it quite a way back in this thread .

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory
« Reply #118 on: May 16, 2024, 03:31:31 PM »
"How come gentleman, such as yourself, always portray yourselves as knowledgeable and/or “researchers”. You have demonstrated you could not know less. "

i have not in any way portrayed my self as a researcher / expert in this case . this is another nonsense from you . in regards being knowledgeable about this case well it is clearly evident that i have knowledge of this case . that in no way makes me an expert , nor have i ever claimed this to be the case . but again another very simple point has proven too difficult for you to comprehend . which was that i do not go down the LN route of attack , insult , abuse , ad hominem , ridicule etc etc , i have zero need (nor any desire ) for such juvenile nonsense . on the other hand people like you need that sort of thing as a means to detract from the points , info and facts being discussed .and its an easy option for LN like you because it requires little or no intelligence .

"If you are afraid of the subject maybe just don’t post about it. It matters not to anyone."

I HAVENT POSTED ABOUT IT lol lol  , and i made it clear i was not posting about it quite a way back in this thread .

i made it clear i was not posting about it quite a way back in this thread .

Just another reason that no one should take your claims about it seriously then…
« Last Edit: May 16, 2024, 03:32:05 PM by Charles Collins »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory
« Reply #119 on: May 16, 2024, 03:33:12 PM »
Quote from: Fergus O'brien on May 10, 2024, 08:45:33 PM

so i wrote highlighting that Fritz was less than honest and asking a valid question , which was why should we then by default trust every word of such people . in essence they have given us reason , good reason to doubt their honesty , so then is it not and SHOULD IT NOT BE a valid concern of any person as to whether such person/s warrant our distrust ? .  and then i get the above reply stating that FRITZ WAS PARTY TO A CONSPIRACY TO FRAME OSWALD FOR JFKS MURDER . and LN wonder why i might question their intellect ? , i rest my case . i guess LN just find it easier to talk nonsense than to have to talk about such things as the honesty or lack their of of one of their own witnesses .

By "less than honest" you claimed he lied about what the suspect said in a homicide investigation.  Not just any homicide investigation but the assassination of the president.  Why would he do this in your fantasy except to frame Oswald for the crime?  Something that folks like yourself and others have claimed was a conspiracy.  If you want to back away from that given its absurdity, then do it without trying to have it every possible way.  A classic mindset of a CTer is to make a claim but then back away from addressing the issues raised by their claim having any validity.  Here it is obvious that Oswald lied about the bag either to Frazier or the police.  He told contradictory stories.  How to get around this for a CTer?  Suggest that the police were not honest about what was said.  Even that makes no sense because the police in this situation are indicating that Oswald claimed he was innocent and didn't carry a long bag.  If they are lying to frame him, they would have said the opposite (i.e. that he confessed and confirmed that he carried his rifle that morning in a long bag).  It's laughable to see the pretzel of logic that you CTers navigate to reach a desired conclusion.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2024, 03:34:38 PM by Richard Smith »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory
« Reply #119 on: May 16, 2024, 03:33:12 PM »