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Author Topic: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory  (Read 21181 times)

Offline Fergus O'Brien

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Re: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory
« Reply #128 on: May 19, 2024, 03:53:04 PM »
A serious problem with this case is the staggering incompetence of the good ol' boy investigation.
Not a single piece of evidence, other than the rifle, was photographed in it's original position - not the Sniper's Perch (a staged photo was put in evidence), not the hulls (picked up by Fritz before being photographed), not the rifle bag ( a drawing of where it was positioned was put in evidence!!) and not Bonnie Ray Williams' lunch remains (discovered by at least SEVEN first responders on top of the boxes that formed the SN).
That there was no tape recording or stenographer present during Oswald's interrogation regarding the assassination of the President of the United States is simply mind-blowing.
All of this is fuel for the Conspiracy Theorist, the trick is trying to discern what is incompetence, what is corruption and what is conspiracy.
It doesn't help that Nutters believe law enforcement can never do anything wrong and everything was done honestly and competently. It reveals them for the frauds they really are.

"All of this is fuel for the Conspiracy Theorist "

the above assertion infers that ANYONE who does not accept the official version of events is A  by default a conspiracy theorist ,  B by LN definition then a kook or a nut , C who simply only look for and ONLY seek anything no matter how outlandish that would appear to support a conspiracy narrative . the above is not only completely unfair ,irrational but false .

"the trick is trying to discern what is incompetence, what is corruption and what is conspiracy"

well yes that i guess is not unreasonable logic .there was incompetence , there was corruption , and at the least a conspiracy of both silence and to conceal truth after the fact . as an example i do not think that Fritz intention in picking up the shells was intended by him to interfere with the crime scene (some may disagree ) but none the less he did just that , and then was untruthful about it . two LN witnesses alyea and mooney say him do this . so LN can not reasonably dispute this without them selves looking dishonest .there is no doubt , fritz did it , he was seen doing it , there is testimony and a statement from alyea that they saw him do it . this was done PRIOR to the shells being photographed , and so that in turn means undeniably that we simply cannot rely upon the positions of the shells in the photos taken after the above events . of course they may have been re positioned roughly as the DPD thought they had originally laid , but we simply do not know this .

on another note i do feel that the man seen hanging out of the snipers nest window seen by Rowland can only have been Williams . we know he was up there on the 6th floor , we know he was eating lunch , and we know his lunch sack was found in close proximity to the snipers nest on a box . officially he is the only one on the 6th floor at that time , all be it the FBI , commission and LN have in the past sought to dishonestly get him off the 6th floor long before 12.15 . so logically if Williams was the only person on the 6th floor at 12.15 (excluding any thoughts of Oswald at this time ) as Williams was a man of color and Oswald was not , and if we accept that Rowland did see a man in the window . well then who else but williams could have been that man ?. to my knowledge he never admitted being inside the snipers nest , and to my knowledge he was never asked if he was , but people can feel free to correct me if i am wrong . i of course understand why LN are reluctant to have Williams inside the snipers nest at 12.15 , because if he was he simply could not have missed Oswald sat in there with a rifle . assuming Oswald was in there of course . that would raise serious questions , uncomfortable questions .

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory
« Reply #128 on: May 19, 2024, 03:53:04 PM »

Offline Jack Nessan

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Re: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory
« Reply #129 on: May 19, 2024, 04:30:51 PM »
lol you are funny , idiotic but funny . but it is a serious topic and people like you help to lighten it up for us , so thank you .

It is good to know you are able to see the ridiculousness of your actions.

Offline Jack Nessan

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Re: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory
« Reply #130 on: May 19, 2024, 04:35:07 PM »
"i made it clear i was not posting about it quite a way back in this thread " fergus obrien

"Just another reason that no one should take your claims about it seriously then…" Charles

riddle me this Charles IF I NEVER posted about it HOW can i have made claims about it ? .

Oh, but you did. You mention the event as a hypocrisy but do not explain it, instead post a bunch of meaningless crap about Myers and LNers.  Both animations end with the exact same outcome. A bullet striking JBC in the back except Knotts Lab claims to have proven SBT is false while Myers claims it proves it. The hypocrisy is all yours when you go on a strange rant and rave about Myers but accept Knotts Lab. Not directly mentioning Knotts Lab does not make you non-committal, what it makes you is a – better not, you are kind of delicate and hypersensitive.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory
« Reply #130 on: May 19, 2024, 04:35:07 PM »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory
« Reply #131 on: May 19, 2024, 07:36:11 PM »
"All of this is fuel for the Conspiracy Theorist "

the above assertion infers that ANYONE who does not accept the official version of events is A  by default a conspiracy theorist ,  B by LN definition then a kook or a nut , C who simply only look for and ONLY seek anything no matter how outlandish that would appear to support a conspiracy narrative . the above is not only completely unfair ,irrational but false .

"the trick is trying to discern what is incompetence, what is corruption and what is conspiracy"

well yes that i guess is not unreasonable logic .there was incompetence , there was corruption , and at the least a conspiracy of both silence and to conceal truth after the fact . as an example i do not think that Fritz intention in picking up the shells was intended by him to interfere with the crime scene (some may disagree ) but none the less he did just that , and then was untruthful about it . two LN witnesses alyea and mooney say him do this . so LN can not reasonably dispute this without them selves looking dishonest .there is no doubt , fritz did it , he was seen doing it , there is testimony and a statement from alyea that they saw him do it . this was done PRIOR to the shells being photographed , and so that in turn means undeniably that we simply cannot rely upon the positions of the shells in the photos taken after the above events . of course they may have been re positioned roughly as the DPD thought they had originally laid , but we simply do not know this .

on another note i do feel that the man seen hanging out of the snipers nest window seen by Rowland can only have been Williams . we know he was up there on the 6th floor , we know he was eating lunch , and we know his lunch sack was found in close proximity to the snipers nest on a box . officially he is the only one on the 6th floor at that time , all be it the FBI , commission and LN have in the past sought to dishonestly get him off the 6th floor long before 12.15 . so logically if Williams was the only person on the 6th floor at 12.15 (excluding any thoughts of Oswald at this time ) as Williams was a man of color and Oswald was not , and if we accept that Rowland did see a man in the window . well then who else but williams could have been that man ?. to my knowledge he never admitted being inside the snipers nest , and to my knowledge he was never asked if he was , but people can feel free to correct me if i am wrong . i of course understand why LN are reluctant to have Williams inside the snipers nest at 12.15 , because if he was he simply could not have missed Oswald sat in there with a rifle . assuming Oswald was in there of course . that would raise serious questions , uncomfortable questions .

the above assertion infers that ANYONE who does not accept the official version of events is A  by default a conspiracy theorist ,  B by LN definition then a kook or a nut , C who simply only look for and ONLY seek anything no matter how outlandish that would appear to support a conspiracy narrative . the above is not only completely unfair ,irrational but false .

Every word of this is utter nonsense. It all exists in your own mind and nowhere else.
Jack puts forward a compelling case for only two shots being fired instead of the three shots that are part of the official narrative. Just because he does not accept the official version of events does not make him a Conspiracy Theorist. As you are finding out, Jack is a proper Nutter.
Personally, I accept a large portion of the official narrative apart from one, quite significant detail - I don't believe Oswald took the shots.
Now, this does, by default, make me a Conspiracy Theorist.
You are being overly sensitive and reading too much into things. Present your case, the evidence for it and the arguments emanating from that evidence. You seem to be spending a lot of your time putting out fires that have nothing to do with the actual case.

Offline Fergus O'Brien

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Re: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory
« Reply #132 on: May 19, 2024, 07:48:13 PM »
Oh, but you did. You mention the event as a hypocrisy but do not explain it, instead post a bunch of meaningless crap about Myers and LNers.  Both animations end with the exact same outcome. A bullet striking JBC in the back except Knotts Lab claims to have proven SBT is false while Myers claims it proves it. The hypocrisy is all yours when you go on a strange rant and rave about Myers but accept Knotts Lab. Not directly mentioning Knotts Lab does not make you non-committal, what it makes you is a – better not, you are kind of delicate and hypersensitive.

i mention " THE EVENT " what event ? . i made zero comment about knotts lab either in favor or against it . neither pushing it as accurate nor questioning its accuracy . that is the beginning ,middle and end . you even had someone else (i think it was charles ) believing i did mention it . however that is now cleared up . i never mentioned it . PERIOD . the only one now having a difficulty in accepting reality is you .

there is a hypocrisy , and LN hypocrisy .as i accurately pointed out , one of many .

LN will cite a witness to support todays LN claim , while tomorrow they will attack the same witness if they said or saw something LN do not like .
LN continually ask CT to produce animations or work to support their claims . when an animation has been produced (all be it not a CT created animation ) you as an LN then immediately look to attack and dismiss it .
LN as i have said choose to ignore problems with myers animation , while you seek to go to town on attacking and dismissing knotts lab animation  .
as i said only one  of many hypocrisies by LN .

there is no hypocrisy on my side . i merely stated a fact , a fact that you dont care for .

"John Kelin: What do you think about Lee Harvey Oswald? Could he have done it by himself?

Dale Myers: Oh, certainly: anybody could have done it by themselves. First off, I don't think Lee Harvey Oswald pulled the trigger.

John Kelin: The trigger, or a trigger?

Dale Myers: Okay ... a trigger.

John Kelin: I mean – you know, if there were two gunmen, could he have been one of them?

Dale Myers: Exactly. Okay. Well the gun that was fired from the Texas School Book Depository was the gun that fired all the shots that hit any victims. And including the fatal shot. But I don't think he was the finger that was behind that trigger. Although there's no doubt that it was his rifle. And to say that he did not pull the trigger does not mean that he was not involved in some way; he obviously was involved. But as far as saying that he was guilty ... I find that extremely hard to believe. And I think I'll show enough evidence to indicate, or that I think I could circumstantially beyond a reasonable doubt, so to speak, prove to anybody else, that he was not the man behind the trigger."

theres another hypocrisy . a man who said that Oswalds finger WAS NOT on the trigger , that he can prove to a reasonable doubt that Oswald did not do it  .yet he now has profited substantially certainly by over 1 million by saying Oswald did do it . the grass really is greener (green being the operative word ) on the LN side of the fence lol .

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory
« Reply #132 on: May 19, 2024, 07:48:13 PM »

Offline Fergus O'Brien

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Re: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory
« Reply #133 on: May 19, 2024, 07:58:55 PM »
the above assertion infers that ANYONE who does not accept the official version of events is A  by default a conspiracy theorist ,  B by LN definition then a kook or a nut , C who simply only look for and ONLY seek anything no matter how outlandish that would appear to support a conspiracy narrative . the above is not only completely unfair ,irrational but false .

Every word of this is utter nonsense. It all exists in your own mind and nowhere else.
Jack puts forward a compelling case for only two shots being fired instead of the three shots that are part of the official narrative. Just because he does not accept the official version of events does not make him a Conspiracy Theorist. As you are finding out, Jack is a proper Nutter.
Personally, I accept a large portion of the official narrative apart from one, quite significant detail - I don't believe Oswald took the shots.
Now, this does, by default, make me a Conspiracy Theorist.
You are being overly sensitive and reading too much into things. Present your case, the evidence for it and the arguments emanating from that evidence. You seem to be spending a lot of your time putting out fires that have nothing to do with the actual case.

"Every word of this is utter nonsense. It all exists in your own mind and nowhere else."

actually it exists on multiple threads not only on this forum but everywhere that LN post . whether you accept that or not matters not one bit to me .

you dont need to tell me on what side of the fence any particular person posting here is on .

"You are being overly sensitive and reading too much into things"

as i have already said to one or two people here who are far to quick to attack . YOU WORRY ABOUT YOU and how and why and what you post . i am a big boy , i can take care of myself .

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory
« Reply #134 on: May 19, 2024, 08:15:09 PM »
"Every word of this is utter nonsense. It all exists in your own mind and nowhere else."

actually it exists on multiple threads not only on this forum but everywhere that LN post . whether you accept that or not matters not one bit to me .

you dont need to tell me on what side of the fence any particular person posting here is on .

"You are being overly sensitive and reading too much into things"

as i have already said to one or two people here who are far to quick to attack . YOU WORRY ABOUT YOU and how and why and what you post . i am a big boy , i can take care of myself .

you dont need to tell me on what side of the fence any particular person posting here is on

I wasn't showing you what side of the fence anyone was on.
I was showing that you post nonsense that you can't back up.
But you crack on "big boy", let's see what you've got.

Offline Fergus O'Brien

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Re: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory
« Reply #135 on: May 20, 2024, 12:33:48 PM »
you dont need to tell me on what side of the fence any particular person posting here is on

I wasn't showing you what side of the fence anyone was on.
I was showing that you post nonsense that you can't back up.
But you crack on "big boy", let's see what you've got.

i back up that WHICH I CLAIM to be fact , not what LN falsely state that i claim . the two are very different things . just like you i / we have zero responsibility for what OTHERS claim , only what i / you  claim . this is the very reason why i have posted multiple times to a person who said i made claims / was claiming (asking them to quote ME and speak to me directly ) when i never did . that person neither responded to me nor quoted me because it is patently obvious that i never made the claims they mentioned .

as i have said YOU WORRY ABOUT YOU and what you post or claim ok ? , let me worry about me . oh and again you seek to be nasty or rude ,why is that ? .  when i said i am a big boy i simply mean i am an adult and that as such i can look after myself . it seems to me that you took that in a very different way to how it was intended . but so be it .

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald Acted Alone Is The Most Popular Theory
« Reply #135 on: May 20, 2024, 12:33:48 PM »