Here we go again. Grow up and stop playing the Victim.
Any perceived wrong doing by me is simply me reacting to your juvenile outbursts.
It's not a case of me being wrong, the photographic record mere seconds before the incident clearly shows the excessive bunching of Kennedy's jacket and your weak attempt to deflect this bunching by stating "yes JFKs jacket did bunch up a degree", shows any discerning reader who is interested in the truth, that you are just here to cause trouble.

The fact that this autopsy photo shows the downward trajectory only reinforces my observation.

And the simultaneous reaction of both Kennedy and Connally, along with Connally's right lapel being violently thrust forward, only cements this very obvious conclusion.

Fergus, your silly attempts to negate these pieces of irrefutable evidence with nonsense, is simply further proof of your inability to examine the evidence with honesty.
"Here we go again. Grow up and stop playing the Victim.
Any perceived wrong doing by me is simply me reacting to your juvenile outbursts."
how long have you been doing this ? a lot of years , i know you a long time even if you do not know me . you are a big boy , and lets face it , you are more than happy to push your weight around and not just here . grow a set ok , you tried to push me around , you tried to insult me and you got nowhere and you will get nowhere . your "A GAME " in this sense was not and is not good enough , get over it , get on with it , move on . as for "outbursts" juvenile or otherwise lol all i did was post a photo (all be it unknown to me the photo did not show at the time which i apologized for and i fixed ) to show what YOU DID NOT . as it is EXTREMELY relevant , and it is vital that people looking at this site have ALL the info , and the BEST info so that they can make and reach informed decisions . i appreciate that as an LN that you would rather people be ill informed , and just take the LN word for everything . people need to have both sides , both can be wrong for sure , i am not exempt from making errors all be it i try not too . i am human i make mistakes , there is no shame in that , the shame comes when people are wrong and refuse to admit it , i have no difficulty if wrong in admitting it . but the truth and what is accurate can be judged by the readers . and frankly if you do not care that i posted a photo or that you dont care for what i post i could not care less . call me all the names you wish , toss all the insults you desire ,i can assure you that it will not make a dent . water off a ducks back .
"It's not a case of me being wrong, the photographic record mere seconds before the incident clearly shows the excessive bunching of Kennedy's jacket and your weak attempt to deflect this bunching by stating "yes JFKs jacket did bunch up a degree", shows any discerning reader who is interested in the truth, that you are just here to cause trouble. "
i made no such " weak attempt " what i said was very clear . YOU assumed wrongly that i was pushing certain claim /s of Pat speer , you further assumed i was claiming things i was not and you posted photos assuming i had posted one of them . now i appreciate that UNKNOWN to me the photo i posted did not post , so to be fair to you you could not be certain which photo i was talking about , but you acted on complete assumption . but the photo is fixed now and it shows the warren commission positioning of the entrance location . the autopsy photos also show the entrance location , neither of which is in the area that specter was highlighting .
here is what i said in both comments , YOU REALLY SHOULD QUOTE .
"the above is the angle that mr Specter and it seems mr Mytton do not want people to see , NOTE THE WHITE MARK ON THE BACK OF THE AGENT IN THE JFK POSITION .
the above is courtesy of mr Pat speer . : my apologies the original image seems not to have worked so i fixed it , but the original image is in the link just above ."
"firstly Mr Mytton you should concern yourself with your own image or reputation on forums such as this . the manner in which you have behaved over the years and in which you still behave hardly shows you and the LN community in a great light .
secondly the image i posted as you stated correctly (unknown to me ) did not display , i have edited my post accordingly and corrected that . and NO the image i posted is NONE of the images you posted . which was rather part of the point i was making , which was that the image i posted shows the CORRECT entry wound location highlighted with a white mark on the back of the agents jacket .
yes JFKs jacket did bunch up a degree , certainly at times when he was waving , that is a given and not in dispute . Mr Speer can very capably make his own arguments , he does not require myself or anyone to do that for him . however you should have noted my comment did not reference ANY claim by Mr Speer , it was simply to show the readers what the commission , Specter , LN and it seems you did not want them to see ."
so i made it CRYSTAL clear i was not pushing mr Speers work , nor any theory , i merely linked to his site because THE PHOTO I USED WAS SUPPLIED BY HIM ON HIS SITE .
oh and by the way mr Organ here very kindly supplied a photo of the late dr wecht displaying for want of a better term the single bullet theory , he has been attacked here and in another thread for DECEPTION , claims that he falsely positioned the people in the chairs that JBC was inboard , as he certainly was by 2/5 inches . here is the photo from mr Organ and my sincere thanks to him .