The Love Field photos don't show Kennedy as he was seated for the neck wound.
In the example above, the original photo (left inset) shows the President was tilted away from the car interior and towards Jackie. He's reaching up to shake hands. In Dealey Plaza, he didn't lean towards Jackie and shake hands. The tip of the blue arrow reaches to the armpit area of the Governor.

Connally needed no adjustment because his torso seems to have some rotation, though not as much as in Dealey Plaza.
So, that's your plausible answer? Moving Kennedy even further to the side of the car and drawing a "possible single-bullet flightpath"?
Really? Why don't you try to make it a bit more convincing and show us a full flightpath from the 6th floor window to the limo to show what the actual angle is?
And btw, if the blue arrow reaches Connally's armpit, wouldn't it have gone through Kennedy's cheek rather than through his neck? Remember, the bullet is supposed to be coming down from a high location and your photo shows it would have missed Kennedy's back completely. Had it gone through Kennedy's back and neck, it would have left Kennedy's body too low to hit Connally's armpit? Let me guess what your solution is; lifting Kennedy up some more?