OK, so why don't you post one of these claimed, "good quality Nix film frame grab" that you contend shows a "Brown" shirt? Why? Because it does Not exist. You are merely repeating what you have heard/been told. Every single time I have seen this Nix Snippet, it clearly shows the man moving Up-The-Steps to be wearing a WHITE SHIRT. Even the one posted on this thread clearly shows a White Shirt. So why don't you just shut me up and Post That, "GOOD QUALITY NIX FILM FRAME GRAB"? And please, STOP re-posting those Ghost Images that have been gobbed onto the Willis Photo. THAT is Not "evidence". It smacks of something right out of a "Scooby-Doo" cartoon. But this is where you guys are. Posting cartoons and repeating

like your, "good quality Nix Film frame grab" that shows a "Brown" shirt on the guy moving Up-The-steps. I am eagerly waiting for you to POST THAT "Good Quality Nix Film Frame Grab" showing a "Brown" shirt. I Double Dog Dare you.