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Author Topic: Why Didn't the Soviets and Cubans Expose the Alleged Fake Oswald Visits?  (Read 5636 times)

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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If Oswald was, as conspiracists claim, impersonated in the visits to the Cuban consulate and Soviet Embassy in Mexico City by the man pictured below then one of the obvious questions to ask is why the Cubans and Soviets didn't expose this duplicity, didn't tell the world about this conspiracy? After all both governments stated that the CIA (them again) was behind the assassination and that part of their plan was to blame them, e.g., Havana or Moscow, for the act. So why not include this duplicity into their charges? It's clearly not Oswald and it's clearly in their interests to reveal it.

But they didn't. Not only did they not make the claim they both concluded, according to top Cuban intelligence officer Fabian Escalante and KGB agent Oleg Nechiporenko, after investigating the matter that the person was the actual Oswald and not a double.

Here is Escalante on the Cuban investigation:

Here is then KGB chief Vladimir Semichastny in his report to the Politburo the day after the assassination:

And the supposed Oswald double (who conspiracists think fooled the Soviets all of these years):
« Last Edit: June 04, 2024, 05:15:45 PM by Steve M. Galbraith »

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Online Charles Collins

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If Oswald was, as conspiracists claim, impersonated by the man pictured below then one of the obvious questions to ask is why the Cubans and Soviets didn't expose this duplicity, didn't tell the world about this conspiracy? After all both governments stated that the CIA (them again) was behind the assassination and that part of their plan was to blame them, e.g., Havana or Moscow, for the act. So why not include this duplicity into their charges? It's clearly not Oswald and it's clearly in their interests to reveal it.

But they didn't. Not only did they not make the claim they both concluded, according to top Cuban intelligence officer Fabian Escalante and KGB agent Oleg Nechiporenko, after investigating the matter that the person was the actual Oswald and not a double.

Here is Escalante on the Cuban investigation:

Here is then KGB chief Vladimir Semichastny in his report to the Politburo the day after the assassination:

…as secretary of a pro-Cuban organization, he was being harassed by the FBI.  …

It seems to me that the above quote from the Soviet memo might help to explain why LHO requested to speak with an FBI agent while he was in the custody of the New Orleans police. I have often wondered about what his reasoning might be. If he was already planning and creating his resume and appeal to the Cuban and Soviet embassies, this might make some sense.

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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…as secretary of a pro-Cuban organization, he was being harassed by the FBI.  …

It seems to me that the above quote from the Soviet memo might help to explain why LHO requested to speak with an FBI agent while he was in the custody of the New Orleans police. I have often wondered about what his reasoning might be. If he was already planning and creating his resume and appeal to the Cuban and Soviet embassies, this might make some sense.
Good catch. Nechiporenko et al said Oswald complained about the "notorious FBI" hounding him, he shows the revolver et cetera. But this was all *before* the Hosty matter. So where was the hounding?

It's clear, at least to us, what he was doing with all of that New Orleans activity: building a pro-Castro resume, showing he was being harassed by the US government, that he was a friend of the Revolution and an enemy of the imperialists. All in order to get to Cuba. And the attacks by the FBI claim was manufactured by him by the NO arrest incident. He clearly WANTED to get arrested.

The problem is the conspiracists see all of it as an act, that he was pretending to hold these views; in reality it was his legend, his cover, he was really a gung-ho pro-American defending us from the communists (oy, what these people believe!). We see up and they see down. Here we are going in circles 60 years later.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2024, 09:44:52 PM by Steve M. Galbraith »

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Online Charles Collins

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Good catch. Nechiporenko et al said Oswald complained about the "notorious FBI" hounding him, he shows the revolver et cetera. But this was all *before* the Hosty matter. So where was the hounding?

It's clear, at least to us, what he was doing with all of that New Orleans activity: building a pro-Castro resume, showing he was being harassed by the US government, that he was a friend of the Revolution and an enemy of the imperialists. All in order to get to Cuba. And the attacks by the FBI claim was manufactured by him by the NO arrest incident. He clearly WANTED to get arrested.

The problem is the conspiracists see all of it as an act, that he was pretending to hold these views; in reality it was his legend, his cover, he was really a gung-ho pro-American defending us from the communists (oy, what these people believe!). We see up and they see down. Here we are going in circles 60 years later.

The more that I consider that Semichastny specified, in his memo dated 11/23/63, that LHO cited his “position” as secretary of a pro-Cuban organization…. , the more it becomes obvious that this should be considered strong evidence that LHO himself was indeed there in Mexico City petitioning the Cubans and Soviets as reported. How else could Semichastny have known on 11/23/63 about LHO’s claimed “position” as secretary? I know it was in the news media very early on that LHO was associated with the fair play for Cuba Committee. I could be mistaken, but I really don’t believe that the information regarding his claimed position as secretary became publicly known until much later in the investigation. If this is correct, it appears to me that the only way Semichastny could have know this would have been from the earlier reports from their embassy in Mexico City. Evidence indicates that LHO created this “position” and the related membership card while he was in New Orleans a short while before the trip to Mexico City. I know his association with the FPCC was news while he was in New Orleans. But was his “position as secretary” a part of the news in New Orleans? I do not remember that it was, but I could be wrong.

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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The more that I consider that Semichastny specified, in his memo dated 11/23/63, that LHO cited his “position” as secretary of a pro-Cuban organization…. , the more it becomes obvious that this should be considered strong evidence that LHO himself was indeed there in Mexico City petitioning the Cubans and Soviets as reported. How else could Semichastny have known on 11/23/63 about LHO’s claimed “position” as secretary? I know it was in the news media very early on that LHO was associated with the fair play for Cuba Committee. I could be mistaken, but I really don’t believe that the information regarding his claimed position as secretary became publicly known until much later in the investigation. If this is correct, it appears to me that the only way Semichastny could have know this would have been from the earlier reports from their embassy in Mexico City. Evidence indicates that LHO created this “position” and the related membership card while he was in New Orleans a short while before the trip to Mexico City. I know his association with the FPCC was news while he was in New Orleans. But was his “position as secretary” a part of the news in New Orleans? I do not remember that it was, but I could be wrong.
Oswald said he was the secretary of the NO FPCC chapter in his August '63 radio debate:

SLATTER: How many people do you have in your committee here in New Orleans?
OSWALD: I cannot reveal that as Secretary of the Fair Play for Cuba committee.

So that fact was known before the assassination. But it's still hard for me to see how an Oswald double would have known the other details that only the real Oswald would have known and then told both the Cubans and Soviets. He showed his marriage license to the Soviets, talked about what he did there. Was that well known? The "Oswald was impersonated" story falls apart when you drill down further. And I think the alleged impersonation on the phone calls don't add up either. I know conspiracists see the all powerful CIA behind everything, that they had/have near absolute power, but they must recognize some limits to what they could do?

Nechiporenko gave this account on what Oswald told them over the two days (note the "stories and documents" part):

As to the material: Boris Yeltsin gave some KGB/Soviet files about Oswald to Clinton back in 1995 or so but the Russians are still withholding many more. Like the surveillance of Oswald in Minsk, et cetera. This report by Semichastny and the reports by Nechiporenko to Moscow about the visits would be interesting to see what they said.

Yuri Nosenko was the KGB officer who defected shortly after the assassination and said he was the case officer for Oswald. He told the HSCA this:

He said that he ordered that Oswald not be given a visa. He also said that after the assassination he asked for and was given Oswald's file. It was quite large. It seems to me that if the KGB had told Moscow that Oswald had been impersonated in Mexico City, that a double was sent, that Nosenko would have read that and told the HSCA. In other words, the Nechiporenko claims that it was Oswald were not made up, he originally said it was a impostor before he wrote his book.

At this point this is sort of like bombing the rubble; the rubble being the "it was a double" claim. How much more evidence do we need? The supporters have Azcue saying it wasn't Oswald and Duran saying the man had blonde hair and was only a few inches taller than she was. Okay. That's on one side and this other evidence is on the other side. Weighing all of that simply doesn't indicate it was an impersonation.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2024, 10:39:30 PM by Steve M. Galbraith »

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Online Charles Collins

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Oswald said he was the secretary of the NO FPCC chapter in his August '63 radio debate:

SLATTER: How many people do you have in your committee here in New Orleans?
OSWALD: I cannot reveal that as Secretary of the Fair Play for Cuba committee.

So that fact was known before the assassination. But it's still hard for me to see how an Oswald double would have known the other details that only the real Oswald would have known and then told both the Cubans and Soviets. He showed his marriage license to the Soviets, talked about what he did there. Was that well known? The "Oswald was impersonated" story falls apart when you drill down further. And I think the alleged impersonation on the phone calls don't add up either. I know conspiracists see the all powerful CIA behind everything, that they had/have near absolute power, but they must recognize some limits to what they could do?

Nechiporenko gave this account on what Oswald told them over the two days (note the "stories and documents" part):

As to the material: Boris Yeltsin gave some KGB/Soviet files about Oswald to Clinton back in 1995 or so but the Russians are still withholding many more. Like the surveillance of Oswald in Minsk, et cetera. This report by Semichastny and the reports by Nechiporenko to Moscow about the visits would be interesting to see what they said.

Yuri Nosenko was the KGB officer who defected shortly after the assassination and said he was the case officer for Oswald. He told the HSCA this:

He said that he ordered that Oswald not be given a visa. He also said that after the assassination he asked for and was given Oswald's file. It was quite large. It seems to me that if the KGB had told Moscow that Oswald had been impersonated in Mexico City, that a double was sent, that Nosenko would have read that and told the HSCA. In other words, the Nechiporenko claims that it was Oswald were not made up, he originally said it was a impostor before he wrote his book.

At this point this is sort of like bombing the rubble; the rubble being the "it was a double" claim. How much more evidence do we need? The supporters have Azcue saying it wasn't Oswald and Duran saying the man had blonde hair and was only a few inches taller than she was. Okay. That's on one side and this other evidence is on the other side. Weighing all of that simply doesn't indicate it was an impersonation.

Thanks, that radio debate information answers the main question that remained in my mind regarding the “secretary position.” However, I remain skeptical that the Soviets would have gotten that information from the radio debate. And, unless the news media immediately disseminated that information in the immediate aftermath of the assassination, the Soviets couldn’t have gotten it through the news media in time for a 11/23/63 memo. The more likely source seems to me to be when LHO was begging for a visa and providing documentation (marriage license, etc) of his claims. So at least to me it is still evidence that LHO was there, just not as conclusive (on its own) as I first thought. I agree with you, if all the evidence is considered, the conclusion seems to be that LHO was there in Mexico City as reported.

Offline Joe Elliott

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Why didn't the Soviets and Cubans expose the alleged fake Oswald visits?

If I may answer for the CTers, because everyone was in on the assassination and coverup. The FBI, CIA, the military, the industrial-military complex, the Texas Oil millionaires and the Russians. All to prevent communism from taking over all of Vietnam. Just as the Russians didn't expose our fake moon landings, less we expose all their fake manned space flights and that the world is really flat.

Offline Jon Banks

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Given that embassies are spy bases and they spy on each other 24-7, a better question is:

Why didn't ANY of the embassies in Mexico City photograph Lee Harvey Oswald entering or exiting?

Were all the cameras broken that weekend? Did all the embassy employees take the weekend off?

Why didn't the Warren Commission interview Sylvia Duran?

Everything from the fake FPCC chapter to the Mexico City story reeks of an intelligence operation. And it doesn't necessarily mean it was related to the JFK assassination. It's plausible that Oswald wittingly or unwittingly was an intelligence asset...

Speaking of Fabian Escalante, retired CIA agent, Felix Rodriguez recently named Escalante as a co-conspirator in JFK's assassination

(Discussion of Escalante beings at 21:14 in the video)

Retired CIA agents, for decades, have pointed the finger for Kennedy's murder at Castro. So Rodriguez's comments are not unusual. But it's the first time I've seen Escalante named as part of the Cuba-Oswald conspiracy.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2024, 04:21:31 PM by Jon Banks »

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