The woman that Jerrry pointed out snaps her head to the right to look back over her right shoulder towards the TSBD in the span of 3-frames (or less than 0.164 of one second).
The man right behind her snaps his head from looking to his left to forward just about as fast as the lady in front of him.
No he doesn't. At no point is he looking to his left. He is looking towards the limo at all times.
JFK snaps his head to his right just after glancing to his left towards Jackie.
I literally just dealt with this. He is reacting to Mary Woodward and her colleagues calling out. I have provided evidence for this which you have, yet again, chosen to ignore.
JBC snaps his head to his right just after glancing to his left towards Nellie.
Rosemary Willis snaps her head to look back over her right shoulder towards the TSBD.
I have literally just dealt with this and, yet again, you have chosen to ignore it.
She is not reacting to a shot and I have provided evidence demonstrating this which you totally ignore.
Clint Hill snaps his head to his right to look at JFK as he said he did after hearing the first shot.
I've watched the Z-film a few times now and I can't see this head snap.
There is nothing even remotely like a head snap.
Can you provide evidence of this?
The man in the RR engineer’s hat that Steve pointed out snaps his head around to his right to look towards the TSBD.
Or he turns to watch the rest of the motorcade as he's lost sight of the limo.
The above are six similar head snaps that are all caught on the Zapruder film (hard physical evidence) that happen within 1.33 of one second of each other.
Hard physical evidence?
Of people just looking around.
You're also forgetting that the 20+ people who show no reaction whatsoever is also "hard physical evidence".
A lady appears to be jumping out of her skin then immediately raises her right hand to her mouth in shock.
No, she doesn't.
She's already running as she enters the clip.
Two men suddenly make major shifts in their positions in order to see towards the limo better.
Please explain in what world this indicates a reaction to a loud, explosive noise.
Jackie Kennedy turns to her right towards JFK as she said she did after hearing the first shot.
Already dealt with.
She is reacting to Mary Woodward and her friends calling out. I've provided this evidence. You have chosen to ignore it.
Nellie Connally turns to her right towards JBC.
Probably in response to Mary Woodward and co. calling out.
I believe that Jerry Organ has said that agent Ready turned his head to his right at this same time.
Ready is looking to his left then resumes scanning forward and left.
He stays in this position until we last see him in z207.
At no point does he make the right rear turn towards the TSBD we see in Altgens 6.
All of the above thirteen reactions are seen on the Zapruder film at the same short period of time. Ignore them if you wish. However, you are only fooling yourself.
There must be over 100 people shown in the Z-film.
Two or three turn their heads in the direction of the TSBD around the time you believe the first shot occurred.
I thought you believed a first shot in the z130's anyway?