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Author Topic: My interview with Dr. Martin J. Kelly, PhD  (Read 2337 times)

Offline Fred Litwin

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My interview with Dr. Martin J. Kelly, PhD
« on: June 11, 2024, 04:45:23 PM »
Don't miss this fun interview with Dr. Martin J. Kelly, PhD. We cover the single-bullet theory, the head shot,
JFK's politics, and conspiracy theories in general.

This is the fourth episode of my podcast series, On the Trail of Delusion.


JFK Assassination Forum

My interview with Dr. Martin J. Kelly, PhD
« on: June 11, 2024, 04:45:23 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: My interview with Dr. Martin J. Kelly, PhD
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2024, 10:57:14 PM »
Doctor Kelly is a retired PhD in Psychology.  Also, for those of you on Facebook:

Martin J. Kelly Jr's Reign of Error

This is a work in progress.  I've been compiling a list of Martin J. Kelly Jr's claims that are either false, misrepresentations, or unsubstantiated by the actual evidence.  Martin has thus far never admitted or acknowledged being wrong about any of them.

There is no shame in being wrong about something or making a mistake, but there is shame in being wrong and then being condescending and arrogant about it.

1. "there were some shells found that matched bullets in Tippit".

The truth:  No shells matched bullets in Tippit.  It's not even possible to do that.

2. "Cunningham was clear that he couldn't determine at the microscopic level, but he believed a cruder level of analysis showed the bullets to have been produced by Oswald's revolver."

The truth:  Cunningham didn't say anything about a cruder level of analysis.  He said that the bullets had the same class characteristics (5 lands and grooves, right twist).  But that's true of ANY .38 revolver.  Also "Oswald's revolver" is a claim that must be justified, not just stated as a fact.

3. "Cunningham believed the bullets came from Oswald's gun".

The truth:  Cunningham's testimony says nothing like this.

4. "Cunningham testified that it [modifying a .38 barrel to accommodate .38 Special ammunition] was unusual but not rare"

The truth:  On the contrary, Cunningham testified that it was NOT unusual.

5. "The testimony in WC about the tests on the revolver indicated that the non-reliable etchings from the pistol were close to the markings on the bullets".

The truth:  there is no such testimony.  Cunningham testified that there were not a lot of similar markings.

6. "There are thousands of .38s that could not have fired these bullets."

The truth:  Cunningham said that ANY .38 would produce bullets with the same class characteristics, and estimated that there were 2 1/2 million of them out there.

7. "In fact, WC testimony offers the observation that the relatively gross etchings produced in the tests administered, resembled closely the relatively gross etchings on the bullets."

The truth:  there is no such WC testimony.

8. "Under certain circumstances, ballistics can pinpoint who fired a weapon."

The truth:  this is nonsense.  Ballistics can sometimes tell you what weapon fired a bullet, or where it originated from, but never who fired it.

9. "it is not true Brennan failed to ID Oswald initially"

The truth:  it's absolutely true.  This is basic information. 

10. "She [Helen Markham] said she didn't recognize 'nobody' in the line-up from BEFORE the incident."

The truth:  Markham says nothing in her response that refers to "before the incident".

11. "The evidence shows the rifle was the murder weapon"

"Of course it belonged to Oswald because he bought it and his palmprint is on the weapon"

The truth:  There is no physical evidence that shows what weapon killed Kennedy.  The fragments in his head were too small to effect ballistic identification.  There is no evidence that "Oswald bought" the CE 139 rifle.  There is some biased and unscientific handwriting "analysis" that purports that he filled out an order coupon for a similar but not identical rifle.  There is no evidence that any such rifle went through the US postal service, was shipped to Dallas, or was signed for and picked up by Oswald or anybody else.  A partial palmprint turned up a week after the assassination on an index card, not on the weapon.

12. "There is no evidence he didn't purchase the money order. Therefore he must have slipped out from work for the requisite period of time."

The truth:  There's no evidence he DID purchase the money order found in Virginia (not in Klein's records).  This is a circular argument.

13. "Oswald's print on the rifle is true. Therefore it is a fact. The rifle was purchased by Oswald is true. Therefore it is a fact."

The truth:  calling an opinion "a fact" doesn't make it one.

14. "There is a report in the literature about Klein's and its stock [that Klein's ran out of the 36" Carcanos]

The truth:  There is no such report in any "literature".  This is pure speculation to attempt to "explain" why CE 139 isn't the same kind of gun as the one in the alleged Hidell order coupon.

15. "The man [Franklin Griffin] testifies to seeing Oswald. He testifies he picked him from a line-up."

The truth:  Franklin Griffin didn't attend any lineup or give any testimony.

16. "The shells were from Oswald's gun. The shells, which were empty when discovered in the murder scene and were confirmed by witness testimony as having been ejected by Oswald/Oswald's gun, did not contain the bullets found in Tippit? So how did they get into Tippit's body? And, why did the ballistics testing of Oswald's gun produce the same run of indeterminate markings as the bullets in Tippit's body"

The truth:  no witness was able to positively identify the shells.  And there was no "same run of indeterminate markings".

17. "Brennan testified he saw the rifle discharge"

The truth:  On the contrary, Brennan testified that he did NOT see the rifle discharge.

18. "The palm print was certified as a lift from the rifle by presence of lifting adhesive in the print"

The truth:  the is no such "certification".  Hoover's claim was that a test lift showed 5 "imperfections" that were similarly arranged.  It had nothing to do with adhesive in the print.

19. "There are photos of him with the rifle. His shirt fibers were caught in the armature. The garage blanket fibers left traces in the brown wrapping paper, paper from TSBD."

The truth:  The rifle in the backyard photos cannot be specifically identified to the exclusion of any other rifle.  Fibers cannot be matched to any specific shirt or blanket to the exclusion of all other objects.

20. "The testimony in WC by expert states that adhesive residue is visible in photo."

The truth: there is no such expert WC testimony.  And Hoover's letter is not expert WC testimony and it has nothing to do with adhesive residue in a photo.

21. "expert testimony reported the lifted print bore adhesive traces carrying rifle grain."

The truth:  there is no such expert WC testimony.  And Hoover's letter says nothing about rifle grain.  The alleged barrel lift was done from metal, not wood.

22. "The photograph accompanying Hoover's letter is, in fact, a photograph of the rifle and of the lift."

The truth:  Commission Exhibit 2637 is purportedly a photo of the Carl Day lift on the index card and a test lift that the FBI took from the CE 139 rifle.  Neither is a "photograph of the rifle".

23. "I excerpted the portion of WC report, Vol 4, in a reply to you. It states clearly that the adhesive, with traces of rifle grain, is visible in photo according to expert."

The truth:  The WCR says nothing about adhesive with traces of rifle grain.

24. "Lt. Day testified that he saw the weapon as an Italian rifle on the spot in the TSBD."

The truth:  There is nothing like this in Day's testimony.

25. "Lt. Day LIFTED the palm print. Therefore, it is not unusual that it WASN'T there for the FBI. Duh!"

The truth:  Day testified that there were traces of the print remaining after he did his lift.  That is why it is unusual that the FBI found none.

26. "The evidence is clear that the bullet that went through Connally came from Oswald's Carcano. The same is true of the fragmented bullet that killed JFK."

The truth:  There is no evidence that any ballistically identified bullet or bullet fragment "went through Kennedy".

27. "Since the rifle was Oswald's, and since he carried it into the building, and since his palmprint was on it, it seems that the proposition in quotes above ["these fibers are from Oswald's shirt"] is supported by even more evidence."

The truth:  there is no evidence that Oswald carried that rifle or any rifle into the building.  Nor would that constitute evidence for what shirt any fibers came from.

28. "Of course, he carried the rifle in. The evidence is unmistakable"

The truth:  there is none.

29. "Bates testified that the match between latest firings and CE 399 was contaminated by use and deterioration."

The truth:  Bates' testimony says nothing so definitive.  He says that this could account for why his test bullets from CE 139 didn't match the FBI's test bullets from 1964.  He provided no evidence of any absence of proper cleaning, maintenance and/or protective lubrication.

30. "It was not only his rifle, but there are photos of him with it in his hand while he displays his political position."

The truth:  again, the rifle in the photos cannot be uniquely identified.

31. "The autopsy puts the wound at C7, right where Ford put it."

The truth:  the autopsy report makes no mention of C7.  Neither does Ford's alteration of "back" to "neck".

32. "The scope became defective in its mooring AFTER the assassination as is certified by the forensic examiners' testimony."

The truth:  No forensic examiners certified that the scope became misaligned after the assassination.  This is pure speculation.  As is the oft-repeated claim that the shooter probably used iron sights and not a scope.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: My interview with Dr. Martin J. Kelly, PhD
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2024, 10:57:14 PM »