I don’t understand how Postal could have seen Oswald when she says she did NOT see him
Go past her as she was looking west and didn’t apparently look back towards the theater entrance until Brewer (who came from east= 180 degrees opposite west= approached BEHIND her , and asked her if she had seen the Oswald that Brewer had been following , and if he had bought a ticket.
So Oswald came from the EAST while Postal was looking WEST so she simply is jumping to a conclusion from hearing Brewer, that Oswald must have gone past her and “ducked” in to the theater even though Postal then also she did NOT actually see Oswald go into the theater thru the door because when she looked back, the door was closed.
None the less can we at least conclude that if Postal is certain she did not sell a ticket to the man she saw arrested and taken out the theater later, whom she later IDs as being Oswald, that Oswald de facto must have entered the theater without having bought a ticket from Postal.?