But Oswald was using a semi auto 7.62 mm M1 Garand rifle when he was doing that “rapid fire” USMC target shooting test that was NOT shooting from 72 ft height.
Operating an old bolt action MC rifle with fixed fsights zero of 200m from a 72ft height and shooting down at a target less than 100 meters away moving at 15mph , with a cross wind of 15-20 mph , and a tree in the way , may not not be quite the same thing?
The CBS trial shooters seem to have had quite a lot of problems and they didn’t even have a tree in the way or were required to sit on a box and then lean forward to place the rifle to rest on top of the box resting on the window ledge.
And even with the added advantage of having a white painted track clearly visible and the target itself being a red shape on a black square, there were 33 attempts required of which only one old guy was supposedly able to have made 3 shots and scored 3 hits ( but missed the head) in approx 5.1 secs.
I do not know if that one old guy who APPEARS to be shooting the rifle actually hit the target or not because there was not a secondary camera zoomed in on the target to verify holes appearing simultaneous with movement of the old guys trigger finger.
And I don’t think that old guy ever was tested again and if he did some other test by other independent media to verify he could replicate what CBS and Dan Rather CLAIM he did.
(Not sure this guy was ever interviewed or had to make statement under oath that he actually did accomplish the feat).
The theoretical position of sitting on the box by the pipes so as to remain out of LOS of Hughes film camera , was actually tested by one of this forums members, (Mr. Collins) who actually built a scale model in his garage. and posted some photos showing how the shooter leans forward holding his rifle while still sitting on the box.
It would be not so much a question if all 3 shots could definitively be established to be spread out over at least an 7 second period but because the closest ear witness right beneath the 6th floor TSBD shooter , Harold Norman replicated the 3 shots completed in only about 4 secs max ( via his boom click sequence in the video recordings) then there is still reasonable doubt.
And it’s even more in doubt because so many witness vast majority heard the last 2 shots so close together that it’s improbable that the head shot at Z313 could be the 3rd shot 4.8 seconds after the 2nd shot at Z224.