Now why would there be a plan for one shooter to shoot from the GK just as umbrella man and DC man had successfully captured the attention of the SS agents riding in the follow up car to be looking TOWARD the GK?
Ok, well … let’s just forget about Umbrella man and DC man and THEN maybe there is some explanation for one shooter shooting almost in the opposite direction of the TSBD 6th floor rifle shooter person.
1. The 6th floor TSBD rifle holding person was firing blanks?
2. The 6th floor rifle holding person was a hypnotized person via MK ultra and thus there was uncertainty by the CIA if the individual would actually fulfill the suggestion implanted in his mind of desiring to kill the POTUS by squeezing the trigger of the rifle ,let alone if his aim would be accurate?
3. There was some intent by conspirators that there that the public opinion after the fact, would be that there were 2 gunman at the therefore causing maximum paranoia suspicion of conspiracy?
4. The Mafia and the CIA did not coordinate or were unaware of the others plans to shoot at the JFK limo?
5. 2 individual kooks coincidentally decided to shoot JFK and were unaware of each other even as one of them in the TSBD started firing before the other one at the GK did?
6. BOTH gunman were MK ultra hypnotized and were positioned as they were with similar reason of uncertainty if either would actually fire the weapon and if it would be accurate fire?
7. The conspirators plan was purposely designed to utterly confuse the rational thinking public such that 60 years later there would be OCD analysis that would cause the American citizens to be in perpetual paranoia enough to succumb to a new world order government offering them a solution that human population should be reduced by about 7 billion in order to save earth?