It is more like English is your third language. You have managed to have completely prove the opposite and do not seem to realize it. Your claims of two prints on the barrel have become a distant memory. You posted Mr Strombaugh detailing the black finger print powder all over the rifle, yet claim the powder is not there. You now are admitting the second print Lt Day referred to was on the trigger housing not the barrel. Exactly what is your point again?
The FBI authenticated the palm print on the Carcano due to the irregularities of the barrel appearing in the finger print. Exactly what is your problem with that again?
Begging for someone to please believe you, that there is a conspiracy is not the same as actually proving it and with zero evidence of any kind to boot. You believe there is the appearance of impropriety just by your reasoning alone, so that means there has to be a conspiracy?
DM---Just to make something clear - I'm not disputing that the rifle belonged to Oswald (there would be no point framing him with someone else's rifle). I'm pointing out that some aspects of the investigation were clearly corrupt. There can be no doubt about this.
This is not proof of a conspiracy. LHO's rifle being found on the 6th floor and being matched to the bullet and fragments is proof of LHO's guilt not a conspiracy. If not LHO, who and why?

Even for you, this insane rant of a post is next level.
I'll deal with the craziest part of it first, then try to pick my way through this swamp of Nutter confusion and delusion.
You posted:
"You now are admitting the second print Lt Day referred to was on the trigger housing not the barrel. Exactly what is your point again?"In the post you are responding to. I wrote this:
"When Day states that this second print was "near" the trigger housing he is saying that IT IS
I wrote that the second print was not on the trigger housing. I wrote it IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
I even put the word "NOT" in bold print.
Yet you have somehow interpreted this as me "admitting the second print Lt Day referred to was on the trigger housing not the barrel"!!
How have you interpreted what I have written this crazy way?
How have you interpreted it as the exact opposite of what I actually posted??
How confused are you?
Can't you understand basic English?
I also posted this:
"There is only one place Day can be referring to and that is on the barrel of the rifle, this is the metal part "under the wood".
I specifically stated that, as far as the second print is concerned, Day was talking about it being on the barrel. It's totally obvious what I'm saying but you seem to be so confused that you understand it as the opposite of what's being said!
Then we have this gem:
"You posted Mr Strombaugh detailing the black finger print powder all over the rifle, yet claim the powder is not there."I have already patiently explained this 'mystery' to you but you just don't get it.
Rather than explain it all again I will simply reproduce my earlier post:
Part of the barrel of the rifle of the MC is covered by a wooden foregrip when it is assembled.
Do you understand that?
The area where Day said he discovered two sets of prints was on the part of the barrel that was covered by the foregrip.
Day had to disassemble the rifle so he could access this part of the underside of the barrel of the rifle.
It was on this part of the rifle that Day said he saw two sets of prints.
Day would like us to believe that he covered this area of the barrel of the rifle with black fingerprint powder and tried to lift a palmprint off the surface.
Obviously, the rifle had to be disassembled for him to do this.
Hopefully that all makes sense.
Now, let's go back to when the rifle was first discovered on the 6th floor.
Tom Alyea filmed Day covering the rifle with fingerprint dust, using his little brush to brush away lots of the fibre evidence.
Paul Stombugh, the FBI's fibre expert, was the first person to view the rifle when Drain brought it back to Washington. Stombaugh comments how well the rifle was packaged:
"...I received this gun from Special Agent Vincent Drain of the Dallas FBI office. It was crated very well. I opened the crate myself and put my initials on the gun and at that time I noted it had been dusted for latent prints."
Stombaugh notes that "fingerprint powder was all over the gun".
So your stupid idea, that all this powder had simply disappeared, can be put to one side.'s the bit where you really have to focus.
Stombaugh never disassembled the rifle!!
So he didn't examine the area where Day claimed to have lifted the print from.
The person who disassembled the rifle was a firearms expert brought in by Latona, as part of a team that examined the alleged murder weapon of the President.
Although the rifle was covered with latent fingerprint powder, when Latona examined the underside of the barrel that had been covered by the foregrip, he discovered there was no fingerprint powder there. There were no prints there. The underside of the rifle barrel was clean.
The rest of the rifle was covered with fingerprint powder except for the area where Day lied about having lifted a palmprint.
It was clean.
It had either been wiped clean or it had never been examined in the first place.
Stombaugh testified that the rifle was covered with fingerprint powder.
But when the rifle was disassembled the underside of the barrel, which had been covered with wood, was clean.
There was no fingerprint powder and no prints.
I can't state this any more simply.
The rifle was covered with fingerprint powder, but not the part of the barrel that had been covered by the wooden stock.
Do you understand what is being said here?
Do you understand that there is no mystery or contradiction?
The FBI authenticated the palm print on the Carcano due to the irregularities of the barrel appearing in the finger print. Exactly what is your problem with that again?Firstly, the FBI DID NOT authenticate the palmprint on the Carcano.
There was no palmprint on the Carcano when the FBI received it.
You should know this basic fact.
The FBI authenticated that the palmprint allegedly lifted by Day was taken from the Mannlicher Carcano. As has been explained to you over and over again, this DOES NOT mean the palmprint was on the rifle when Day first examined it.
More importantly, it doesn't explain where the print and the fingerprint powder that Day insisted was on the barrel of the rifle when sent it to the FBI, disappeared to.
And that is the question that is being asked.
How did the print and fingerprint powder disappear?
You have already stated that you don't know. It is the only honest thing you have posted on this thread.
Like all Nutters, you have no idea what happened to the print and powder.
Like all Nutters, you don't think there is anything wrong with this. You don't think there's anything mysterious or suspicious about it.
Like all Nutters, you don't do any thinking for yourself.
Your opinions are provided for you and are based on the investigation into the assassination.
But what if the investigation was corrupt?
Would that cause you to have second thoughts? [

as if]