If the CIA largely controlled the news media through "Operation Mockingbird" as some conspiracists claim, can a conspiracy advocate who believes this explain why the NY Times published a story about the planned Bay of Pigs invasion? About two weeks before the event (on April 6; the invasion was on the 17th) they ran a front page story detailing the plans. In fact, JFK heard about the story and called the editor up and asked to suppress the story. The editor refused and ran it anyway (although they removed the part about when and moved the story to below the fold).

So why didn't the CIA get the story stopped? Furthermore, if Mockingbird worked then why did the media expose the "Family Jewels" and other abuses by the CIA in the 1970s? The stories broken by Hersh et al.? Were they able to suppress the media or not?
What's the explanation, please?