Bowley's call was at 1:17.
where do you get this garbage from?
There are three different and contradictory versions of DPD radio logs.
The WC accepted 2 obviously doctored versions before pretending to get a complete one.
And that did not happen until the investigation was just about over.
March 1964The 1st version was given to the WC. It is Exhibit 705.
The DPD portion takes up 104 pages. It was made available by Inspector Sawyer.
There is a lack of name identification for many of the code numbers.
April 8, 1964"Sawyer Exhibit A and B" is only 12 pages and accepted without question.
The version was also prepared with no names but at some point the names were added in longhand.
It also misidentified some and failed to identify others.
August 11, 1964In response to a WC request the FBI supplied the final version. It is Exhibit 1974.
216 pages yet incomplete by the WCs design.
They limited the periods to be covered to only nine hours for the three-days.
The WC was almost finished with its work.
source: Harold Weisberg | Whitewash