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Author Topic: Tippit Debate  (Read 12151 times)

Online Mitch Todd

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Re: Tippit Debate
« Reply #40 on: January 20, 2025, 12:08:57 AM »
Sorry, but can’t see how Bowleys watch which he says he looked at when reaching the scene , could be 7 minutes slow.

And Markams clock would have to be similarly 7 minutes slow.

So that’s why I at least was offering double timing for Oswald  so the timeline  can work without having to impeach major WC witnesses.

Did Calloway ever agree with anyone making a suggestion that he must of heard the shots fired at 1:15?

And there is that pesky 1:15 DOA by the emergency doctor which is MOT the same as a physicians “estimate” of when Tippit was shot. The DOA document is simply noting what the time of the hospital clock was when the doctor announced the body is dead. That clock also would have to be 7 minutes slow if you believe that the Bowleys radio call was made at 1:17.

As I've said before, we can't assume that everyone's clock was set to a specific time standard. In the days before NTP and quartz movement, you could reliably figure that any random clock you would see would be within 5 minutes of "real" time. Sometimes not even that. Bowley is quoted in Into the Nightmare as saying that his watch could be 5 minutes off. So, it could have been as late as 1:15 when Bowley's watch indicated 1:10. Also, the DPD clocks are not guaranteed to be exactly on time either, though they should generally be closer than Bowley's watch. Bowles said the dispatch center clocks were as much as 2 minutes off.

So if Bowey's watch is 5 minutes slow, and the channel one clock is two minutes fast, then 1:10 Bowley time is 1:15 "real" time and 1:17 on the channel one clock is also 1:15 "real" time, and there isn't a discrepancy.

As for Markham's  laundromat clock, I will say that I've never seen anyone set their watch to a laundromat clock. There may be a reason for that.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Tippit Debate
« Reply #40 on: January 20, 2025, 12:08:57 AM »

Online John Iacoletti

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Re: Tippit Debate
« Reply #41 on: January 20, 2025, 04:04:59 AM »
As I've said before, we can't assume that everyone's clock was set to a specific time standard.

Including the police dispatcher's clock.

Also, the DPD clocks are not guaranteed to be exactly on time either, though they should generally be closer than Bowley's watch. Bowles said the dispatch center clocks were as much as 2 minutes off.

No, what he actually wrote was "Therefore, it was not uncommon for the time stamped on calls to be a minute to two ahead or behind the "official" time shown on the master clock. Accordingly, at "exactly" 10:10, various clocks could be stamping from 10:08 to 10:12, for example. When clocks were as much as a minute or so out of synchronization it was normal procedure to make the needed adjustments. During busy periods this was not readily done."

Online John Iacoletti

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Re: Tippit Debate
« Reply #42 on: January 20, 2025, 04:06:25 AM »
From CE705 (the original transcript of the police recordings):

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Tippit Debate
« Reply #42 on: January 20, 2025, 04:06:25 AM »

Online Mitch Todd

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Re: Tippit Debate
« Reply #43 on: January 20, 2025, 04:32:07 AM »
From CE705 (the original transcript of the police recordings):

think you meant CE 705 and not CD 705?

The CE705 transcripts were hastily done by people weren't transcriptionists. They aren't very good, to say the least. The best transcripts of channel one traffic  made by Russ Shearer using the Dix tape. They are, by far, the beast  and most complete transcript of channel one traffic. You can find it at Bill Drenas' site:

This is what the shearer transcript looks like along the interface you quoted.:

905. CITIZEN: Between Marsaliis and Beckley. It's a police officer. Somebody shot him. What--what's... 404 Tenth Street.
906. DIS: Can you hear me?
907. (Man and woman's voice in background)
908. DIS: 78.
909. CITIZEN: It's a police car, number 10.
910. DIS: 78.
911. DIS: (?) 78.
912. CITIZEN: Got that?
913. CITIZEN: Hello, police operator. Did you get that?
914. DIS: Attention. Signal 19, police officer, 510 East Jefferson.
915. CITIZEN: Thank you.
916. 35: 35.
917. 259: 259.
918. DIS: The citizen using the police radio: Remain off the radio now.
919. DIS: 91.
920. 69: 69's going out there.
921. DIS: 10-4, 69, code 3.
922. 602: 602, code 5.
923. 211: 211.
924. DIS: 211.
925. 211: We're clear, Industrial and Stemmons. We'll go out there.
926. DIS: 10-4, 211.
927. 15: 15.
928. 603: 603, code 5, Baylor.
929. 602: 602, code 6 (?).
1:19 930. DIS: 10-4, 603 and 602. 1:19.
931. 602: What was that address on Jefferson?
932. DIS: 501 East Tenth.
933. 85: 85 en route.
934. 19: 19.
935. DIS: 19.
936. 19: Give me the correct address on the shooting.
937. DIS: 501 East Tenth.
938. 105: 105.
938a. 602: 602, code 6.
939. 102: 102, code 4.
940. 105: Was 519 East Jefferson correct? (Siren)
941. DIS: We have two locations; 501 East Jefferson and
501 East Tenth.
941a. DIS: 19, are you en route?
941b. 105: Is this an officer?
942. : This is northward on Tenth.
942a. 19: 10-4.
942b. : 10-4.
942c. : 10...4.
942d. : 10-4.
942e. : ...on Tenth.
943. 19: 19 is en route.
944. DIS: 10-4, 19.
945. 605: 605, code 5
946. DIS: 10-4, 605. 1:19.

Offline Michael Capasse

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Re: Tippit Debate
« Reply #44 on: January 20, 2025, 04:43:21 PM »
Bowley is quoted in Into the Nightmare as saying that his watch could be 5 minutes off. So, it could have been as late as 1:15 when Bowley's watch indicated 1:10. Also, the DPD clocks are not guaranteed to be exactly on time either, though they should generally be closer than Bowley's watch. Bowles said the dispatch center clocks were as much as 2 minutes off.

As for Markham's  laundromat clock, I will say that I've never seen anyone set their watch to a laundromat clock. There may be a reason for that.

lol - All clocks are wrong except for the time that implicate Oswald.  :D 
Bowley said his watch could have been off, therefore it WAS. Todd hangs around laundromats looking for who might set a watch by the clock on the wall.
 Never did see anyone, therefore it was at least 1:15p

Meanwhile - 3 witnesses corroborate the earlier time of shooting (before 1:10p) - He just doesn't like them.
4 Documents also indicating an earlier time of death are obviously fudged.

And no matter how many times he says it. The dicta belt times just cannot be relied upon. - It is garbage.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2025, 04:48:22 PM by Michael Capasse »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Tippit Debate
« Reply #44 on: January 20, 2025, 04:43:21 PM »

Online Mitch Todd

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Re: Tippit Debate
« Reply #45 on: January 23, 2025, 12:17:21 AM »
lol - All clocks are wrong except for the time that implicate Oswald.  :D 
Bowley said his watch could have been off, therefore it WAS. Todd hangs around laundromats looking for who might set a watch by the clock on the wall.
 Never did see anyone, therefore it was at least 1:15p

Meanwhile - 3 witnesses corroborate the earlier time of shooting (before 1:10p) - He just doesn't like them.
4 Documents also indicating an earlier time of death are obviously fudged.

And no matter how many times he says it. The dicta belt times just cannot be relied upon. - It is garbage.

In the 70's, Dallas Morning News reporter Earl Golz interviewed a nurse named Thompson, who was one of the Methodist ER staff attending to Tippit that afternoon. She said that the Methodist ER clock was off by 15 minutes that day. Dale Myers interviewed Dr Mohlenhoff, who assisted Dr Liguori's attempt to resuscitate Tippit. Mohlenhoff said that any timing discrepancy would have been due to issues with the Methodist time system. Therefore, your attempt to build a case around Methodist time will fail miserably, since you're relying on the least realiable clock that day.



Offline Michael Capasse

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Re: Tippit Debate
« Reply #46 on: January 23, 2025, 01:56:25 AM »
In the 70's, Dallas Morning News reporter Earl Golz interviewed a nurse named Thompson, who was one of the Methodist ER staff attending to Tippit that afternoon. She said that the Methodist ER clock was off by 15 minutes that day. Dale Myers interviewed Dr Mohlenhoff, who assisted Dr Liguori's attempt to resuscitate Tippit. Mohlenhoff said that any timing discrepancy would have been due to issues with the Methodist time system. Therefore, your attempt to build a case around Methodist time will fail miserably, since you're relying on the least realiable clock that day.

 who said 4 documents rely on one clock?  :D
« Last Edit: January 23, 2025, 02:00:24 AM by Michael Capasse »

Online Mitch Todd

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Re: Tippit Debate
« Reply #47 on: January 23, 2025, 04:47:55 AM »
who said 4 documents rely on one clock?  :D
None of your four documents reference any clock, and all are second, third, or fourth-hand accounts. As such they are usless for what you think you can prove.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Tippit Debate
« Reply #47 on: January 23, 2025, 04:47:55 AM »