FBI wiretap
12:04 PM EST
Santo: “We’re gonna whack the President tomorrow in Dallas.”
Carlos: “I like it. Who we got – Big Lou and Crazy Frankie, the Trigger Twins?”
Santo: “Nah, they’re in Vegas on annual leave. Nicoletti has a 21-year-old punk named Files.”
Carlos: “Italian, of course? Works for Joe Bananas, I presume?”
Santo: “Uh, close. He was born in Alabama and has a solid background in, uh, shoplifting, I believe.”
Carlos: “Weapon?”
Santo: “Handgun. Kind of a Buck Rogers thing called a Remington Fireball.”
Carlos: “Oh, yeah. I think I bought one for my grandkid’s birthday. Shoots candy, right?”
Santo: “Be nice, Carlos. It’s kind of a high-velocity peashooter. Varmint gun. It should do the job on our Presidential varmint if Files can shoot straight." [Chuckles] Nicoletti got a dozen ice slugs from the CIA, but the damn things melted in transit. [Chuckles]
Carlos: “We got a patsy, right?”
Santo: “Of course, commie punk named Oswald. Owns an Italian rifle – World War Two surplus called a Mannlicher-Carcano. A nice touch, eh paisano?”
Carlos: "Locations?"
Santo: "Files and peashooter 40 yards in front at ground level behind picket fence. Patsy's rifle planted 80 yards to the rear on 6th floor of some office building."
Carlos: “New plan: Whack Nicoletti and this Files punk. Get back to me when Big Lou and Crazy Frankie sober up. Take some annual leave yourself - you're losin' it, Santo."