The HSCA dictabelt 4 shot saga was a knee jerk reaction to what was presented late in the hearings by Gary Mack and friends. Since has been proven to be totally false.
WC Conclusion: "The eyewitness testimony may be subconsciously colored by the extensive publicity given the conclusion that three shots were fired"
HSCA Conclusion: "The committee believed that the witnesses memories and testimony on the number, direction, and timing of the shots may have
been substantially influenced by the intervening publicity concerning the events of November 22 1963" HSCA Final Report- pg 87
The HSCA Sound Analysis report lists the exact same conclusion but still no real explanation other than they were surprised. This leaves the question why does being “surprised” cause someone to report more shots and not less?
HSCA Sound Analysis Conclusion: The buildings around the Plaza caused strong reverberations, or echoes, that followed the initial sound by from 0 .5 to 1 .5 sec . While these reflections caused no confusion to our listeners, who were prepared and expected to hear them, they may well have inflated the number of shots reported by the suprised witnesses during the assassination . HSCA Earwitness Analysis Report, pgs 135-137
Six Seconds in Dallas is the source of Josiah’s belief only two shots were fired from the Depository. The belief was the result of his observation of marks on the shell casings while filming for Life magazine. The big question is what did the FBI know as Josiah’s observations had also been previously noted and corroborated in the FBI’s analysis of the shell casings, but not to the extent of what Josiah had observed. It is entirely likely this is why the WC and HSCA felt the media influenced the witnesses into inflating the number of shots. Something that is never really explained.
Jack, Thanks for taking the time to pull together the quotes, I hadn’t seen them all, those are good references.
Also, I need to add a follow up note. I said that although I didn’t have his latest book, I thought Josiah now believed in 4 shots with the last one around z327. I think my recollection was from an article in the San Francisco Chronicle who made a report as he lives in the Bay area. I found a link to an SFC article that talks a little about his current position and new book. Apparently, I was thinking 4 shots where this article says he is actually now thinking 5 shots. his new book readers here can confirm what the Chronicle says:
“The sequence of events, according to Thompson, is that there were five shots fired, in three bursts. First, Kennedy was shot in the back. Then came the fatal shot from the right front. And finally, less than a second later, Kennedy was shot in the back of the head. Thompson postulates that the shots were fired from three different directions.”
Also, “What makes Thompson’s findings a big deal is that, without setting out to do so, he all but proves that there was, indeed, a conspiracy. There had to have been one, by definition, because — according to Thompson — at least three people were involved (unless you believe that three lone assassins woke up that day with the same idea)”
Net, it appears that he now believes in three shooters and 5 shots, not 2 shooters and 4 shots, and uses the acoustics evidence from the Dictabelt as backbone evidence to support his scenario.