Thanks Brian, yes I used the Roberdeau map which is a straight down view that shows the line from the window to the Z124 position crossing the traffic light. However, that is not the same as a view from the sniper’s window. My mistake. Thanks for the correction.
I also misspoke regarding what angle I was describing when I said down from level at the sniper’s nest window to the limo. I should have said up from straight (vertically) down. I was also only considering how far away from the building (perpendicular to the south wall) in an effort to find the difference required in aiming the Z133 shot versus the Z124 shot. So this wasn’t an effort to be anything other than a rough idea. Here is how it calculated using only a perpendicular distance from the building where 60’ is the height of the window above the street and 71’ is the horizontal distance from the building:

I suppose I should have used both the perpendicular distances and the distances down the street to the the actual distances. If I had done that I think that it should have been ~75’ for the Z124 shot, and ~81’ for the Z133 shot. Again these are only for a rough idea and not intended to be totally accurate.
I know my measurements are necessarily estimates so are good for estimated, not exact, results.
How I made the estimates I gave you for the first shot may look a little different than yours, so there would be some variability expected. I used Google Earth Pro, which I think was free, to draw a 3D path option available.
Starting with a click at the snipers nest I went to the road around were I expected the bullet hit and clicked there. At each subsequent click it gives you a total path length so I then clicked on the base of the TSBD below the snipers nest and then back up to the snipers nest. This path method is supposed to give cumulative 3D distances along the path or triangle sides here, and using distances in the same manner you did, I used the triangle side lengths in in case paths I draw don’t have a right angle in them.
The clicks may be off a little, but I believe the method is accurate enough to get close. If I ever find out otherwise, I will change methods. For the picture here the path lengths it came back with were 107.2 ft direct bullet flight, 89.52 ft from there back to the base of the building, and 58.1 ft. back up to to the start just below the window to basically close the triangle.