Andrew, why are you quoting what Dale Myers wrote about a different portion (Houston Street) of the animation!!?? 
Because that was the only place I could find where he commented on the relative horizontal positions of the two men.
First of all Dale Myers DOES provide some figures and does NOT essentially dismiss error. The following is part of what he indicates regarding potential error in the rotational positioning of the figures as they are seen in the Zapruder film on Elm Street. It seems to me that the distance inboard of JBC versus JFK would be subject to similar margins of error, or perhaps even smaller ones.
He is not talking about the error in the inboard distance between the two men. He is talking about the angle of rotation of each of the two men in their seats. This is really inconsequential. The difference in horizontal position of JBC's right armpit between facing car forward and facing 10 degrees to the right is negligible: If the armpit wound is 20 cm from the spine (6 HSCA 48) a turn of 10 degrees to the right moves the wound left by 20(1-cos(10))=.3 cm or 3 mm. A turn of 3 degrees moves it .02 cm or .2 mm. That cannot be the error in the horizontal placement of JBC relative to JFK.
Myers does not give us the relative vertical or horizontal distances between the neck exit wound on JFK and the right armpit entrance wound on JBC. We are just supposed to accept his animation as accurate without being able to check it. If I have missed it somewhere, please point it out to me.
[Note: Myers cannot be talking about the range of the angle that the two men could occupy relative to Zapruder while still fitting the positions seen in the Zapruder frames from z190 to z223. If that was the case, the distance would be huge: a 3 degree angle represents 1/120th of the circumference of a circle of radius equal to the distance from JBC to Zapruder at z190. That distance is about 120 feet. So a 3 degree angle subtends an arc of 2pi(120)/120=6.28 feet!!!]