Exactly! The only reason we are even talking about a shot being fired almost straight down through a half open window is due to Max Holland and his cockamamie theory of a bullet striking that signal light support beam. There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE of a shot striking that signal light support beam. No physical evidence, no eyewitness evidence, no earwitness evidence, Nothing. ALL of this being the intro to the biggest fish story of them all, the SBT. What we have is nothing more than 1 preposterous fairy tale piled on top of another. One lie leading to another. We have "stories" about the assassination being faked, 2 and 3 different Oswald's, Ruby himself never having shot Oswald, and these stories rightfully get laughed at and ridiculed. Yet, here we have a planned assassination with a shooter using a WW2 bolt action rifle, posed inna standing position and firing down into a signal light support beam? This Max Holland stuff should have been shirt canned right outta the gate. Laughable, yet megaphoned by National Geographic.
I agree with everything you have said. But not only do we not have evidence of a first missed shot, there is abundant evidence that JFK was struck by the first shot. The problem is that the first shot was not the shot that JBC felt strike him in the back. The real issue is: when did that second shot strike JBC?
The LN crowd for the most part (myself, the original FBI analysis, the Connallys and the Secret Service excluded) have bought into the premise that JBC was not struck anywhere on the first shot and that all his wounds were caused by one bullet: CE399 (despite the difficulty in explaining the condition of CE399). Whether one subscribes to the multiple shooter or single shooter scenario, acceptance of that premise means either:
1. that the first shot went through JFK's neck and caused no further damage to any person or the car; or
2. the Connallys, the "last two shots close together" witnesses, "first shot hit JFK" witnesses, and the "first shot after z186" witnesses were all hallucinating.
Neither of these is plausible, in my view. Although, of the two, the first conflicts with less evidence.
I simply suggest that there is a third alternative that is not only plausible but conflicts with no evidence at all. It is also a better fit with the physical evidence and with the evidence of Greer, Powers, Gayle Newman and Hickey: the premise that CE399 caused all of JBC's wounds is incorrect.