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Author Topic: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire all three shots.  (Read 43565 times)

Online Andrew Mason

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Re: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire the three shots.
« Reply #88 on: January 06, 2025, 04:14:12 PM »
  Exactly! The only reason we are even talking about a shot being fired almost straight down through a half open window is due to Max Holland and his cockamamie theory of a bullet striking that signal light support beam. There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE of a shot striking that signal light support beam. No physical evidence, no eyewitness evidence, no earwitness evidence, Nothing. ALL of this being the intro to the biggest fish story of them all, the SBT. What we have is nothing more than 1 preposterous fairy tale piled on top of another. One lie leading to another. We have "stories" about the assassination being faked, 2 and 3 different Oswald's, Ruby himself never having shot Oswald, and these stories rightfully get laughed at and ridiculed. Yet, here we have a planned assassination with a shooter using a WW2 bolt action rifle, posed inna standing position and firing down into a signal light support beam? This Max Holland stuff should have been shirt canned right outta the gate. Laughable, yet megaphoned by National Geographic.
I agree with everything you have said. But not only do we not have evidence of a first missed shot, there is abundant evidence that JFK was struck by the first shot.  The problem is that the first shot was not the shot that JBC felt strike him in the back.  The real issue is: when did that second shot strike JBC?

The LN crowd for the most part (myself, the original FBI analysis, the Connallys and the Secret Service excluded) have bought into the premise that JBC was not struck anywhere on the first shot and that all his wounds were caused by one bullet: CE399 (despite the difficulty in explaining the condition of CE399).  Whether one subscribes to the multiple shooter or single shooter scenario, acceptance of that premise means either:

1. that the first shot went through JFK's neck and caused no further damage to any person or the car; or
2. the Connallys, the "last two shots close together" witnesses, "first shot hit JFK" witnesses, and the "first shot after z186" witnesses were all hallucinating.

Neither of these is plausible, in my view.  Although, of the two, the first conflicts with less evidence. 

I simply suggest that there is a third alternative that is not only plausible but conflicts with no evidence at all. It is also a better fit with the physical evidence and with the evidence of Greer, Powers, Gayle Newman and Hickey:  the premise that CE399 caused all of JBC's wounds is incorrect.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire the three shots.
« Reply #88 on: January 06, 2025, 04:14:12 PM »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire the three shots.
« Reply #89 on: January 06, 2025, 04:43:31 PM »
I agree with everything you have said. But not only do we not have evidence of a first missed shot, there is abundant evidence that JFK was struck by the first shot.  The problem is that the first shot was not the shot that JBC felt strike him in the back.  The real issue is: when did that second shot strike JBC?

The LN crowd for the most part (myself, the original FBI analysis, the Connallys and the Secret Service excluded) have bought into the premise that JBC was not struck anywhere on the first shot and that all his wounds were caused by one bullet: CE399 (despite the difficulty in explaining the condition of CE399).  Whether one subscribes to the multiple shooter or single shooter scenario, acceptance of that premise means either:

1. that the first shot went through JFK's neck and caused no further damage to any person or the car; or
2. the Connallys, the "last two shots close together" witnesses, "first shot hit JFK" witnesses, and the "first shot after z186" witnesses were all hallucinating.

Neither of these is plausible, in my view.  Although, of the two, the first conflicts with less evidence. 

I simply suggest that there is a third alternative that is not only plausible but conflicts with no evidence at all. It is also a better fit with the physical evidence and with the evidence of Greer, Powers, Gayle Newman and Hickey:  the premise that CE399 caused all of JBC's wounds is incorrect.

 I keep coming back to,  "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" BBC Special (1988). In that Special it was said that 3 total shooters were used to assassinate JFK.  (2) Behind JFK, "1 ALMOST on the horizontal". That 2nd rear shooter, "Almost on the horizontal" could explain the Connally wounds. The Pristine Bullet CE399 was "Planted". It never entered/traversed the body of Connally.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2025, 04:45:54 PM by Royell Storing »

Online Andrew Mason

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Re: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire the three shots.
« Reply #90 on: January 06, 2025, 06:20:02 PM »
Weren't the shots at Z-222 -224 and Z-313 in the general direction of the Triple Underpass?

Well, I disagree that there was a shot at z222-224. The first shot was earlier and the second was later:
First shot before z222: Phil Willis said his z202 photo was taken an instant after the first shot.  Hugh Betzner said that his z186 photo was taken before the first shot.  Occupants of the VP car said that their car had completed the turn and going down Elm St. when the first shot occurred. It is still turning at z181 when last seen in the zfilm. Linda Willis said that the first shot occurred when JFK was between her and the Stemmons sign, which puts it between about z192 and z202. 

Second shot after z222: Ike Altgens said his z255 #6 photo was made after the first shot but before any other shot and that the head shot was the last shot. George Hickey said he had turned around from looking rearward and was watching JFK at the moment of the second and third shots. He is seen in Altgens' photo #6 at z255 still turned rearward.  Driver Wm. Greer said he turned around "almost simultaneously" with the second shot and saw JBC falling back onto his wife.  We can see his is already turning at z280 and completes his turn by z283. Dozens of witnesses like Robert MacNeil, observed the last two shots close together, which means that the second shot was a perceptible time after the midpoint between shots 1 and 3:

which puts the second shot a perceptible time after z255.
Do you think Oswald should have shot at JFK when the limo was on Houston Street, instead?
I don't think he should have shot JFK at all.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2025, 06:25:59 PM by Andrew Mason »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire the three shots.
« Reply #90 on: January 06, 2025, 06:20:02 PM »

Online Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire the three shots.
« Reply #91 on: January 06, 2025, 06:48:27 PM »
  Have you watched "The Lost Bullet"?  Have you watched the SS Re-Creation Filming that was done shortly after the assassination? I'm not gonna permit you to turn this into name calling. Please do your research.
Have u watched the lapel flip?,3089.msg155378.html#msg155378

Online Tom Graves

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Re: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire the three shots.
« Reply #92 on: January 06, 2025, 08:36:43 PM »

I disagree that there was a shot at z222-224. The first shot was earlier and the second was later [at Z-255].

We know that JFK and JBC have already been hit by Z-225, the first frame in which we can see JFK's head and upper torso after he has emerged from behind the Stemmons Freeway sign. JFK's mouth is open in pain and he's already automatically raising his arm. Although JBC isn't yet reacting conspicuously in Z-225, his jacket lapel had already started to flap outward in Z-223. He didn't react to being shot as quickly as JFK did because, unlike JFK, his spinal column wasn't damaged by the bullet.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2025, 08:40:24 PM by Tom Mahon »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire the three shots.
« Reply #92 on: January 06, 2025, 08:36:43 PM »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire the three shots.
« Reply #93 on: January 06, 2025, 09:42:15 PM »
We know that JFK and JBC have already been hit by Z-225, the first frame in which we can see JFK's head and upper torso after he has emerged from behind the Stemmons Freeway sign. JFK's mouth is open in pain and he's already automatically raising his arm. Although JBC isn't yet reacting conspicuously in Z-225, his jacket lapel had already started to flap outward in Z-223. He didn't react to being shot as quickly as JFK did because, unlike JFK, his spinal column wasn't damaged by the bullet.

   A couple things here: (1) Basing any conclusion on what you see on the Z Film is a crap shoot. Especially timing issues. That film admittedly has been spliced numerous times. (2) The "lapel flip" stuff is also based on Zapruder. That, and everybody talks about how the women's skirts on the (S) side of Elm was blown out from around their ankles, yet some do Not give this same consideration to a lapel. A lapel attached to a man that is whipping around in his jump seat. Come on people! Shed the blinders.

Online Tom Graves

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Re: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire the three shots.
« Reply #94 on: January 06, 2025, 09:58:06 PM »

A couple things here: (1) Basing any conclusion on what you see on the Z Film is a crap shoot. Especially timing issues. That film admittedly has been spliced numerous times. (2) The "lapel flip" stuff is also based on Zapruder. That, and everybody talks about how the women's skirts on the (S) side of Elm was blown out from around their ankles, yet some do Not give this same consideration to a lapel. A lapel attached to a man that is whipping around in his jump seat. Come on people! Shed the blinders.

Do you think a bullet struck JFK in the upper back and exited his throat?

If so, what do you think happened to it after it exited his throat?

(Or do you think the wound in his throat was caused by a bullet from the front?)
« Last Edit: January 06, 2025, 10:10:11 PM by Tom Mahon »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire the three shots.
« Reply #95 on: January 06, 2025, 11:50:49 PM »
Do you think a bullet struck JFK in the upper back and exited his throat?

If so, what do you think happened to it after it exited his throat?

(Or do you think the wound in his throat was caused by a bullet from the front?)

  The throat wound was an entry wound. This stuff with the Connally Lapel is just 1 more thing mandated from that shot to make the SBT work on paper. That Connally wound was fired from a weapon, "almost on the horizontal" per "The Men Who Killed Kennedy".  Wiegman said in "Unsolved History JFK, Death In Dealey Plaza", that he felt the "compression" of a bullet on his Face. This would be that same shooter, "Almost on the horizontal".

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald took 10.2 seconds to fire the three shots.
« Reply #95 on: January 06, 2025, 11:50:49 PM »