So let me get this straight. People for 60+ years have gone on-and-on about there being some kinda "echo" effect there in Dealey Plaza with sound bouncing every which way, yet in the face of this, some of you wanna rely on 11/22/63 Ear Witness Accounts/Testimony to go ahead and justify an extremely early 1st shot. And that extremely early 1st shot would require the shooter to: (1) fire his rifle from a Standing Position, (2) Fire his rifle downward through a 1/2 Open Window, (3) the fired bullet then striking a traffic light support beam, (4) the fired bullet then caroming off, (5) the fired bullet then striking a street curb, and (6) resulting in an injury to some guy standing about a football field away? Do you hear yourselves? Do you have any idea as to how ridiculous all of this sounds?
Roselle's and Scearce's 2020 study (have you read it?) did not involve analyzing "earwitness accounts" in the traditional meaning of the term, but analyzing the caught-on-film timing of the conscious (i.e., not "startle") head movements made by seven witnesses (including JFK, Jackie, JBC and Nellie) in reaction to the unexpected sounds and vibrations of the first, missing-everything, shot.
You keep harping on how unlikely is that an early shot hit the traffic signal's mast arm and continued down Elm Street to injure James Tague. Unfortunately, you don't seem to realize that that isn't at issue here because Roselle's and Scearce's shot was at "Z-124," not at Max Holland's "Z-107" and therefore couldn't have hit said mast arm.
It seems that you're so iconoclastic that you don't want to consider the possibility that Tague was nicked by a bullet fragment from the Z-313 fatal head shot, which Brian Roselle has proved to himself may indeed have happened, and which he has, btw, written about at another forum.