Very interesting Brian, thanks for posting this. I am wondering if you ever saw some animated GIFs of spectator reactions in the Zapruder film that Jerry Organ posted here back in about June of 2024. Here is a frame from one of his GIFs with a circle around a lady who snaps her head around and appears to look in the direction of the TSBD. I thought I saved the animated version but cannot find it at the moment. So, I will try to find the posts that have the animated version.

After Jerry Organ posted that animation I noticed a lady with a gold jacket who appears to jump out of her skin and then raise her hand to cover her mouth at about the same time as the first woman snaps her head around. And Jerry noticed some others who appear to stand on their toes to get a look at the limo. Here are a couple of animated GIFs of those folks circled by Jerry.

I believe all of these reactions happen very close to each other. So, I am wondering if they might be something you would be interested in testing and/or commenting on. There are a few others that are documented in Jerry’s post. I will post a link to it when I locate it. Thanks for all you do.
Edit: After further review, the lady who snaps her head around towards the TSBD can be seen at the extreme left of the frame of the animated GIFs. I remembered incorrectly and was thinking she was out of the frame.
Note: As I was typing this up I saw that Tom Mahon made the same observation about a lady in the gif. He beat me to posting it. Tom you have a faster reaction time than I do, but I don’t want to discuss my current reaction times

Charles this is a great question and I had not seen this before but am interested in it.
I can make some comments on it related to PRT study and in fact some of these reactions may be something expected and I have been looking for!
First off, the study uses the very first indication of a start of motion for the person’s reaction, which indicates the end of a perception time and the beginning of a cognitive voluntary reaction. The method cannot use mid part or latter parts of reactions.
On a side note, it also looks like a lady in the foreground with a blue dress, that comes into view about z180 and is moving forward (going in front of the lady in gold), has recently had her head turned sharp to the right, looking back away from where she is walking direction and is in the process of swinging her head back to a more normal forward direction. If she had an earlier head turn back to the right it would have been before the start of the gif at z161 here.
Although these are blurry, I would like to start with the assumption they are voluntary reactions to a z124 shot, with start of reactions around say z161. The blue lady would be a little earlier and the gold lady might be a little later but this could represent their reactions. This is also near when Connally started his head turn left-to-right reaction (after just doing an initial right-to-left head turn starting at z150).
Here is what I would expect, although not all people have to have a voluntary reaction to a stimulus, for the ones that do, the Perception time model would expect the following distribution of reactions to be seen. The time that surprise voluntary reactions start are not a fixed number they are from a distribution. I’ll scale it with z-frame numbers below. If the muzzle blast hit that general area on Elm around z125.7, this is roughly the % of folks who reacted that would react in each time increment below and comes from a rough histogram I used on page 8 in a presentation linked below.
Frame range ~% of Population start reacting
z125.7 -> z144.0 43.6 %
z144.0 -> z162.3 47.7 %
z162.3 -> z180.6 7.8 %
z180.6 -> z188.0 0.9 %
The model would say we should see reactions to a TSBD z124 triggered shot, with the muzzle blast reaching Elm around z125.7, to start occurring over the time frame from z131 to z188 with the start of reactions frequency log normally distributed between those numbers.
Net, we should see some reactions start happening at the time of your gif and it looks like about 10% of the population would start reacting between z160 and z181.
If you want to get more into the weeds on all this, I will give you a link to the slide presentation I did. look at time 17:05 – 20:39 in this presentation for discussion related to estimating when you would expect to see reactions from the first shot in the Plaza.
This presentation covers in more detail how, using human voluntary and involuntary reactions, I got my current trigger time estimates for 3 shots from the TSBD. I wanted to refine my estimates for the total assassination shooting timeline and add some new thoughts on shots 2 and 3.