Fred Litwin kindly pointed out to me that respected author and forensic investigator Robert Wagner (I know Pat Speer respects him) believes the first shot passed through JFK and exited the limousine, while a second shot hit JBC. I thus am comforted to know that others of Wagner's stature are, like me (1) not entirely convinced the SBT is correct, yet (2) not convinced the SBT is essential to the LN explanation.
In the mid-1970s, I owned a used Remington 30.06 with a 4X Weaver scope. I'm was a shooting neophyte with bad eyesight, but with that thing and my front porch as a rest, I pretty much never missed a glass jar at 200 yards (we were living on a ranch). I have a hard time believing that if multiple semi-professional hitmen were shooting at JFK, we'd be arguing 60+ years later about shots that missed their mark or anything like that. The actual events in Dealey Plaza look to me a whole lot more like stressed-out Lee with his Carcano (but, of course, the CTers reply - that's how it was supposed to look!).
Just think about the timing - our gunmen have to be careful to shoot in a sequence that isn't entirely implausible for their patsy to have accomplished. Why, then, not wait a solid five or ten seconds between shots? Now our patsy is even more plausible! And they needed Dark Complected Man and Umbrella Goofball to coordinate the operation? Isn't this all just ... nutty? The reality is, with a reasonably competent hitman JFK would've been dead in one shot. Multiple teams of shooters and spotters to trap him in a cross-fire? Absolutely nutty ... isn't it?