When looking at the JFKA students and researchers who support Donald Trump, are most of them so called "Lone Nutters" or so called "Tinfoil-Hat Conspiracy Theorists"?
I'm guessing the latter.
Which people are you talking about? These students or researchers? Names, please? It's not a big crowd. We have one Trump supporter here - Richard Smith - who is a lone assassin believer. We have another Trump supporter - Royell Storing - who is a conspiracist. Other than those two, who are we talking about?
I would guess that, like most ordinary Americans (Trump supporters or opponents), they are probably mostly conspiracy believers. Since again it's the dominant view of Americans regardless of political affiliation. I think that's also true of Harris supporters. I.e., most are conspiracy believers. Conspiracy belief transcends the left/right spectrum.
You keep trying to force Trump or Putin into this "conspiracist vs. lone assassin" issue when they really don't fit. The big name conspiracy believers - the ridiculous Stone and the bizarre DiEugenio (is this guy for real? he must be acting?) among others - are on the Left not the Right. But that doesn't tell us about rank-and-file conspiracy believers. Or the hobbyists or buffs. They are all over the political map. As to the noted/serious researchers, they are, from my experiences, almost all on the Left.
Anyway, aren't you a conspiracy believer? That the Soviets were behind the assassination?