Most of us have read that LHO scored above average on his rifle training in the USMC basic training. But we haven’t really explored what that means. I did this exercise for my own benefit and decided to share what I have found. I am not an expert by any means. But I have learned a few things about shooting guns in the last couple of years.
In target shooting, a minute of angle (MOA) is defined as 1-inch at 100-yards distance. In other words, two hits on a target at 100-yards distance that are spaced at one-inch apart (center to center) equals one-MOA. A MOA, being an angle, means that as the distance to the target changes, so does the distance between the hits that lie on that target. Examples: at 200-yards distance, one-MOA equals 2-inches. At 500-yards distance, one-MOA equals 5-inches. At only 50-yards, one-MOA equals 0.5-inches. Measuring the size of groups of shots in minutes of angle is one way of gauging (measuring) the precision and accuracy of guns, marksmen, ammo, sights, etc.
Precision airgun competitors (think Olympics, etc) typically shoot at only 10-meters (~10.9-yards) distance. The 10-meter targets are sized accordingly. The aiming black (aka: 4-point ring) is 30-mm (1.190-inches) in diameter and at the 10-meter distance equals ~11MOA. Within the aiming black are the 3-point ring through the 10-point dot, which is ~0.75-mm (~0.03-inches). The one-point outer ring is 45-mm (~1.79-inches) or ~16-MOA.

Compare the dimensions of the 10-meter targets to the dimensions of the United States Marine Corps (USMC) targets in use in 1956 (which are used at much greater distances).

The “A” target, used for 200 & 300 yard distances, had an aiming black (worth 5-points) of 10-inches in diameter. At 200-yards distance the aiming black equals 5-MOA, the 4-point ring equals 13-MOA, and the 3-point ring equals 23-MOA. However, at 300-yards distance the “A” target aiming black equals 3.33-MOA, the 4-point ring equals 8.66-MOA, and the 3-point ring equals 15.33-MOA. See how this works?
Okay, so for an example, let us take a look at one of the “targets” that LHO shot (as shown in his USMC rifle training scorebook, aka: CE239).

This is indicated to be a 200-yard distances slow target which was shot standing and offhand (the least stable position. This target was shot on Tuesday, which was a preliminary practice round (didn’t count in his final score). Counting all ten shots in a group, it measures (in diameter using the distance between the two shots furthest apart) something a little greater than 23-MOA. If we consider that he was aiming to hit the center of the target, we can see that his worst shot missed the intended point of impact by about half of the slightly greater than 23-MOA (~11.5-MOA).