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Author Topic: Bill "The CIA Did It" Simpich over at the so-called Ed Forum should read this  (Read 114 times)

Online Tom Mahon

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Bill Simpich over at the so-called JFK Assassination Debate - Education Forum is jumping for joy in a thread he titled "Two CI-SIG Files Are Linked: The FPCC/Oswald file and the Pepe Letters in the 1962 Plot to Kill JFK' file" because some researcher has shown that two files opened three years apart are . . . gasp . . . linked!

Simpich should re-read what John M. Newman wrote on page 397 of his 2008 book, “Oswald and the CIA”.

Here's an excerpt.

My comments are in brackets.

“The association of Oswald’s security number (351-164) with the 100-300-11 file denotes an Office of Security tie-in. They had been tracking Oswald all along and now had access to this [Fair Play for Cuba] file, too. Thus, it appears that it was Angleton’s CI/SIG which, in conjunction with the Office of Security [-- home of Bruce Leonard Solie, CIA’s chief mole hunter and probable KGB mole, himself, as Newman came to realize some 14 years later in his book, Uncovering Popov's Mole --] had all the pieces to the Oswald puzzle.”

To answer Simpich's question -- Who so deviously changed the file number on a 10 September 1963 routing sheet ("right before Mexico City")?, my money's on aforementioned Bruce Leonard Solie -- the guy who, among other things, probably sent Oswald to Moscow in 1959 to prevent himself (Solie) from being uncovered as a mole, and who definitely "cleared" KGB false defector Yuri Nosenko in 1968.
« Last Edit: Today at 11:43:30 AM by Tom Mahon »

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