To demand that anybody, CT or not, prove that a document is not authentic, when the original of that same document is either buried deep in the National Archives or simply does not exist, and thus is not available for scrutiny, is not only disingenuous but also utterly dishonest. Secondly, to flip the coin, given that the original evidence is not available for examination, why is it that any LN can claim it's authentic without having been able to examine it? You demand proof from a CT but you accept without question that any authenticity claim of a LN is genuine. Could this be the "true believers" cult at work?
No, it's merely an attempt to put all the "rifle" evidence together.
I'm utilizing the
only evidence that has EVER been available to researchers or the FBI or the Warren Commission for the rifle-purchasing records.
You know full well that Klein's didn't save the ORIGINAL documents for any of the orders it filled in 1963. When they received an order, all of the paperwork connected with that order was transferred to microfilm for easy compact storage. (You surely don't think the idea of storing orders on microfilm is "suspicious" or "conspiratorial" in some fashion, do you?)
And since I've never belonged to that popular CTer fraternity known as the
"All The Evidence Looks Suspicious To Me And Therefore I Get To Believe It Was Probably Tampered With" club, and since those Klein's records for the Hidell/Oswald rifle purchase were found just exactly where they were supposed to be found---among the Klein's internal files in Chicago, Illinois---I, therefore, have absolutely no valid reason to think that those microfilmed records are anything
but legitimate documents relating to the sale of one Carcano rifle by Klein's Sporting Goods to Lee H. Oswald (aka A. Hidell).
The logical "reasonable inference" here is this one....
The rifle we see Oswald holding in the 3/31/63 backyard photographs and the rifle with the serial number C2766 stamped on it that was found on the 6th floor of the TSBD on 11/22/63 is the same rifle that Klein's shipped to Oswald on March 20, 1963 (which is the exact same "C2766" rifle referred to in the Klein's documents).
Any other "inference" is just plain silly and far-fetched.
Show me a LN and I'll show you somebody who thinks all his opinions are "reasonable LN inferences"!
Well, of course! That's only natural. What would you expect, for Pete sake? Would you actually think that an LNer who believes he has a solid argument regarding a matter in dispute is going to think he has LOST the argument to a CTer (who is, after all, a person who has nothing but his imagination and speculation about tons of "fake evidence" to work with)??!
Is your middle initial
D, Martin? (As in
And the merry-go-round continues to grind away....