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Author Topic: If I had planned the conspiracy ...  (Read 19581 times)

Online Tom Graves

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Re: If I had planned the conspiracy ...
« Reply #312 on: February 27, 2025, 10:38:52 PM »
Why would an implausible scenario need a plausible alternative?

Because the Warren Commission's "implausible scenario" is a lot less implausible than any of the anti-CIA / anti-FBI / anti-Military scenarios that you and the other tinfoil-hat JFKA conspiracy theorists have been able to come up with over the past sixty years, especially given the fact that most if not all of your conspiracy theories require an implausibly large number of bad guys involved in the planning, the "patsy-ing," the shooting, and the all-important cover up.

« Last Edit: February 27, 2025, 11:23:35 PM by Tom Mahon »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: If I had planned the conspiracy ...
« Reply #312 on: February 27, 2025, 10:38:52 PM »

Online Tom Sorensen

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Re: If I had planned the conspiracy ...
« Reply #313 on: February 27, 2025, 11:24:42 PM »
Because the Warren Commission's "implausible scenario" is a lot less implausible than any of the anti-CIA / anti-FBI / anti-Military scenarios that you and the other tinfoil-hat JFKA conspiracy theorists have been able to come up with over the past sixty years, especially given the fact that all of your conspiracy theories require an implausibly large number of bad guys involved in the planning, the "patsy-ing," the shooting, and the all-important cover up.


The WC scenario is junk in it's own right, based on the available evidence. Junk is junk. It doesn't matter what other junk scenarios you can come up with, even if you believe they're worse, so your argument is simply false.

Online Tom Graves

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Re: If I had planned the conspiracy ...
« Reply #314 on: February 27, 2025, 11:46:42 PM »
The WC scenario is junk in it's own right, based on the available evidence. Junk is junk. It doesn't matter what other junk scenarios you can come up with, even if you believe they're worse, so your argument is simply false.

Admit it, you can't think of any anti-"Military Industrial Intelligence-Community Complex" JFKA scenarios that are simpler than the Lone Gunman scenario the Warren Commission uncovered.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2025, 12:10:23 AM by Tom Mahon »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: If I had planned the conspiracy ...
« Reply #314 on: February 27, 2025, 11:46:42 PM »

Online Tom Sorensen

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Re: If I had planned the conspiracy ...
« Reply #315 on: February 27, 2025, 11:56:59 PM »
Admit it, you can't think of any anti-"Military Industrial Intelligence-Community Complex" JFKA scenarios that's simpler than the Lone Gunman scenario the Warren Commission uncovered.

Um, the LG scenario is inherently the simplest, so I would be wasting my time. The WC didn't uncover the LG scenario, that came from above. You didn't know that?

Offline John Mytton

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Re: If I had planned the conspiracy ...
« Reply #316 on: February 28, 2025, 12:14:18 AM »
You think you alone know what would happen at a hypothetical trial?

The problem is that neither Hill nor Carroll "seized" anything from anybody, Carroll didn't know whose hand he grabbed a gun from, and he didn't mark anything until long after a gun left his possession.

No chain of custody whatsoever.

No chain of custody whatsoever.

Do you even know what a "chain of custody" is?
Because this has been explained to you ad nauseum, it's no wonder you earned the nickname "Dishonest John"!

• Officer McDonald confirms he removed the pistol from Oswald.

Mr. BALL - Your right hand?
Mr. McDONALD - Yes, sir. Now, as we fell into the seats, I called out, "I have got him," and Officer T. A. Hutson, he came to the row behind us and grabbed Oswald around the neck. And then Officer C. T. Walker came into the row that we were in and grabbed his left arm. And Officer Ray Hawkins came to the row in front of us and grabbed him from the front.
By the time all three of these officers had got there, I had gotten my right hand on the butt of the pistol and jerked it free.

• Officer McDonald confirms he gave the pistol to Carroll

Mr. BALL - What happened when you jerked the pistol free?
Mr. McDONALD - When I jerked it free, I was down in the seats with him, with my head, some reason or other, I don't know why, and when I brought the pistol out, it grazed me across the cheek here, and I put it all the way out to the aisle, holding it by the butt. I gave the pistol to Detective Bob Carroll at that point.

• Officer Carroll confirms he kept the pistol on his person until he gave the pistol to Hill

Mr. CARROLL. After I took the pistol, I stuck it in my belt immediately. Then, after we got into the car and pulled out from the theater over there, I gave it to Jerry Hill, Sgt. Jerry Hill.

• Officer Hill confirms he took the pistol from Carroll.

Mr. BELIN. And being that he had the keys to the car, Bob Carroll drove the vehicle.
Mr. HILL. As he started to get in the car, he handed me a pistol, which he identified as the one that had been taken from the suspect in the theatre.

• Officer Hill confirms he kept the pistol and later scratched his name on the same pistol, the same pistol in evidence.

Mr. BELIN. Officer, you have just pointed out a place which I will identify as a metal portion running along the butt of the gun. Can you describe it any more fully?
Mr. HILL. It would be to the inside of the pistol grip holding the gun in the air. It would begin under the trigger guard to where the last name H-i-l-1 is scratched in the metal.
Mr. BELIN. Who put that name in there?
Mr. HILL. I did.
Mr. BELIN. When did you do that?
Mr. HILL. This was done at approximately 4 p.m., the afternoon of Friday, November 22, 1963, in the personnel office of the police department.
Mr. BELIN. Did you keep that gun in your possession until you scratched your name on it?
Mr. HILL. Yes, sir; I did.
Mr. BELIN. Was this gun the gun that Officer Carroll handed to you?
Mr. HILL. And identified to me as the suspect's weapon.
Mr. BELIN. This is what has now been marked as Commission Exhibit 143, is that correct?
Mr. HILL. Yes, sir; that is what it says.

• Oswald even admitted to various Police Officers he was carrying a pistol because since he knew he was caught with it, he had no choice but to admit the obvious.

Mr. STERN - Was he asked whether he was carrying a pistol at the time he was in the Texas Theatre?
Mr. BOOKHOUT - Yes; that was brought up. He admitted that he was carrying a pistol at the time he was arrested.

Mr. McCLOY. Was it a sharpshooter's or a marksman's? There are two different types, you know.
Mr. HOSTY. I believe it was a sharpshooter, sir. He then told Captain Fritz that he had been living at 1026 North Beckley, that is in Dallas, Tex., at 1026 North Beckley under the name O. H. Lee and not under his true name.
Oswald admitted that he was present in the Texas School Book Depository Building on the 22d of November 1963, where he had been employed since the 15th of October. Oswald told Captain Fritz that he was a laborer in this building and had access to the entire building. It had offices on the first and second floors with storage on third, fourth, fifth and sixth floors.
Oswald told Captain Fritz that he went to lunch at approximately noon on the 22d of November, ate his lunch in the lunchroom, and had gone and gotten a Coca Cola from the Coca Cola machine to have with his lunch. He claimed that he was in the lunchroom at the time President Kennedy passed the building.
He was asked why he left the School Book Depository that day, and he stated that in all the confusion he was certain that there would be no more work for the rest of the day, that everybody was too upset, there was too much confusion, so he just decided that there would be no work for the rest of the day and so he went home. He got on a bus and went home. He went to his residence on North Beckley, changed his clothes, and then went to a movie.
Captain Fritz asked him if he always carried a pistol when he went to the movie, and he said he carried it because he felt like it. He admitted that he did have a pistol on him at the time of his arrest, in this theatre, in the Oak Cliff area of Dallas. He further admitted that he had resisted arrest and had received a bump and a cut as a result of his resisting of arrest. He then denied that he had killed Officer Tippit or President Kennedy.

Mr. BALL. What did he say?
Mr. FRITZ. He told me he went over and caught a bus and rode the bus to North Beckley near where he lived and went by home and changed clothes and got his pistol and went to the show. I asked him why he took his pistol and he said, "Well, you know about a pistol; I just carried it." Let's see if I asked him anything else right that minute. That is just about it.

• The revolver in evidence was ordered by Oswald and the address is the same PO Box that Oswald owned.

« Last Edit: February 28, 2025, 12:21:32 AM by John Mytton »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: If I had planned the conspiracy ...
« Reply #316 on: February 28, 2025, 12:14:18 AM »

Online Tom Graves

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Re: If I had planned the conspiracy ...
« Reply #317 on: February 28, 2025, 12:15:37 AM »
Um, the LG scenario is inherently the simplest, so I would be wasting my time. The WC didn't uncover the LG scenario, that came from above. You didn't know that?

Dude, you're wittingly or unwittingly full of KGB* disinformation, compliments of Joachim Joesten, Thomas G. Buchanan, Mark Lane, the Communist-owned "Paese Sera" newspaper, Jim Garrison, Oliver Stone, and Stone's JFKA guru, Jim "I Never Met a Communist I Didn't Absolutely Adore" DiEugenio, et al. ad nauseam.

*Today's SVR and FSB

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: If I had planned the conspiracy ...
« Reply #318 on: February 28, 2025, 01:36:42 AM »
Does not John Mytton think it was incredibly stupid that Oswald would have filled out a mail order form using his own handwriting style when he could have easily used his left hand and it would have been totally different?

If Oswald was using the fake name Alex Hidel is it not incredibly stupid to allow his own real P.O. Box to  receive mail addressed to the fake name?

And is it not incredibly stupid of Oswald to have been carrying this fake ID in his wallet on the day of Nov 22/63 if Oswald was the assassin?

And even more stupid of Oswald to drop that wallet with fake ID in it at the Tippit shooting scene?

Maybe they should exhume Oswald’s body and examine the brain to see if they can determine if he could either have been that stupid or if he was a schizophrenic.

The other remaining  options imo are :
1. The DPD and FBI and Will Fritz were engaged in manufacturing , planting and or  embellishing evidence.
2. Oswald planned it this way (like smart alek :) would ) thinking he could have his cake and eat it too. Ie: Thinking he could leave evidence in a way which would implicate himself, leading to his arrest , and then he figures he will be able to get an attorney of his choice to argue that it was all obviously a set up. He gets this sensational trial of the century and gets acquitted and he’s now the famous Marxist ( writes a book and then interviews etc.)

Offline John Mytton

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Re: If I had planned the conspiracy ...
« Reply #319 on: February 28, 2025, 02:13:04 AM »
Does not John Mytton think it was incredibly stupid that Oswald would have filled out a mail order form using his own handwriting style when he could have easily used his left hand and it would have been totally different?

If Oswald was using the fake name Alex Hidel is it not incredibly stupid to allow his own real P.O. Box to  receive mail addressed to the fake name?

And is it not incredibly stupid of Oswald to have been carrying this fake ID in his wallet on the day of Nov 22/63 if Oswald was the assassin?

And even more stupid of Oswald to drop that wallet with fake ID in it at the Tippit shooting scene?

Maybe they should exhume Oswald’s body and examine the brain to see if they can determine if he could either have been that stupid or if he was a schizophrenic.

The other remaining  options imo are :
1. The DPD and FBI and Will Fritz were engaged in manufacturing , planting and or  embellishing evidence.
2. Oswald planned it this way (like smart alek :) would ) thinking he could have his cake and eat it too. Ie: Thinking he could leave evidence in a way which would implicate himself, leading to his arrest , and then he figures he will be able to get an attorney of his choice to argue that it was all obviously a set up. He gets this sensational trial of the century and gets acquitted and he’s now the famous Marxist ( writes a book and then interviews etc.)

Does not John Mytton think it was incredibly stupid that Oswald would have filled out a mail order form using his own handwriting style when he could have easily used his left hand and it would have been totally different?

I think Oswald thought of himself as quite clever to use the alias Hidell.

If Oswald was using the fake name Alex Hidel is it not incredibly stupid to allow his own real P.O. Box to  receive mail addressed to the fake name?

The Hidell name was definitely associated with his New Orleans PO Box but I believe that the corresponding Dallas PO documents were not found.

And is it not incredibly stupid of Oswald to have been carrying this fake ID in his wallet on the day of Nov 22/63 if Oswald was the assassin?

No, if Oswald was stopped and questioned and they were looking for a man named Oswald, then having the Hidell ID would be advantageous.

And even more stupid of Oswald to drop that wallet with fake ID in it at the Tippit shooting scene?

Oswald did NOT drop his ID at the Tippit crime scene.

Maybe they should exhume Oswald’s body and examine the brain to see if they can determine if he could either have been that stupid or if he was a schizophrenic.

How much brain would be left after 60+ years? I personally don't think Oswald was stupid, a bit simple perhaps. In fact Oswald reminds me of a lot of members who post here, they think they are a lot smarter than they really are.

1. The DPD and FBI and Will Fritz were engaged in manufacturing , planting and or  embellishing evidence.

Is there another recorded case where they manufactured such a large mountain of evidence and at the end of the day why would they even bother, what was in it for them? 

2. Oswald planned it this way (like smart alek :) would ) thinking he could have his cake and eat it too. Ie: Thinking he could leave evidence in a way which would implicate himself, leading to his arrest , and then he figures he will be able to get an attorney of his choice to argue that it was all obviously a set up. He gets this sensational trial of the century and gets acquitted and he’s now the famous Marxist ( writes a book and then interviews etc.)

Now you're getting closer. Oswald didn't expect to survive the first day but when he did, he started to plan how infamous he was going to become and even tried to get John Abt to represent him.

John Jacob Abt (May 1, 1904 – August 10, 1991) was an American lawyer and politician, who spent most of his career as chief counsel to the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) and was a member of the Communist Party and the Soviet spy network "Ware Group" as alleged by Whittaker Chambers

« Last Edit: February 28, 2025, 02:31:51 AM by John Mytton »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: If I had planned the conspiracy ...
« Reply #319 on: February 28, 2025, 02:13:04 AM »