Do you even know what a "chain of custody" is?
Yes. But apparently you don't. A list of names cobbled together after the fact is not a chain of custody.
• Officer McDonald confirms he removed the pistol from Oswald.
Ok so far....
• Officer McDonald confirms he gave the pistol to Carroll
Bzzzt. Nope, not corroborated by Carroll.
Mr. CARROLL. Yes, sir; and then when I got up close enough, I saw a pistol pointing at me so I reached and grabbed the pistol and jerked the pistol away and stuck it In my belt, and then I grabbed Oswald.
Mr. BALL. Who had hold of that pistol at that time?
Mr. CARROLL. I don't know, sir. I just saw the pistol pointing at me and I grabbed it and jerked it away from whoever had it and that's all, and by that time then the handcuffs were put on Oswald.
• Officer Carroll confirms he kept the pistol on his person until he gave the pistol to Hill
• Officer Hill confirms he took the pistol from Carroll.
Mr. BELIN. And being that he had the keys to the car, Bob Carroll drove the vehicle.
Mr. HILL. As he started to get in the car, he handed me a pistol, which he identified as the one that had been taken from the suspect in the theatre.
Bzzzt. Nope. Carroll had no way of knowing that the pistol he had was "taken from the suspect".
• Officer Hill confirms he kept the pistol and later scratched his name on the same pistol, the same pistol in evidence.
"later". LOL.
How would McDonald or Carroll (who also scratched their initials "later") know that this was the same gun either one of them handled earlier? That's why it's not a chain of custody.
• Oswald even admitted to various Police Officers he was carrying a pistol because since he knew he was caught with it, he had no choice but to admit the obvious.
Even if he did (and there's no proof of that), it doesn't tell you what pistol he admitted carrying. According to the accounts of the interrogation, he admitted purchasing a gun in Fort Worth.
• The revolver in evidence was ordered by Oswald and the address is the same PO Box that Oswald owned.
Irrelevant to the issue of chain of custody.
P.S. "was ordered by Oswald". LOL