The Warren Commission’s conclusions have been debated for decades, with many questioning the FBI’s role and Hoover’s influence. Whether one believes Oswald acted alone or not, skepticism about the investigation’s impartiality remains. True justice depends on transparency and accountability—key factors that continue to drive discussions about this case.
You can find the LBJ and Hoover tapes on YouTube, where Hoover is rambling on about how they've got their man, but they can't quite figure out what the Mexico City deal is about. LBJ is carefully listening, and it's obvious that he's not convinced that Hoover can wrap up the case and sell it to the public. LJB would rather go with Hoover's report, as he politely puts it, but then explains why he needs a blue ribbon commission to block other investigations into the case; the idiom he uses is a three-ring circus. It's pretty obvious where LBJ is headed.