Rather than the higher-echelons of the conspiracy I am more-interested in the events which took place on the day at DP: shooters, locations, the mysterious pools of blood, three tramps, fake secret service, people observed behind the fence, any "famous" Cubans/CIA spotted in DP photos.
May I request book/video/documentary recommendations covering the above topics?
EDIT: not interested in single gunman propaganda.
hello Richard and welcome . as you have seen you have encountered those of the lone nut variety . i see nothing wrong in anyone having a view point that oswald acted alone , everyone is entitled to an opinion .opinions are not a concern , what should be the paramount concern is that what ever our opinion that it is based on fact , proven fact not on bias and closed mindedness .
my suggestion is this start with a blank canvas , an open mind and no bias or agenda . look at the evidence with that in mind , and i believe what ever conclusion you reach after that will be an honest conclusion . an honest conclusion reached is better than a dishonest biased conclusion .
charles i believe offered you reclaiming history , and i am pretty sure mr mytton would concur with him . by all means read it , but then study the valid rebuttals of it and bugliosi .
i also would say that you asked a question that suggests you only want pro conspiracy , and that on that basis you have already decided you know what happened . and what you have decided happened may or may not be correct . but that is not for me to decide upon .
i dont know what if any research you have conducted but harold weisbergs white wash books are excellent , based solely on the warren commission and other official so called investigations . you could call them an investigation of the investigations .the other people here would call harold a conspiracy theorists , but the fact is you wont find harold indulging in any conspiracy theories , but you will see fact after fact . he has some other books such oswald in new orleans , never again , post mortem , case open ( a rebuttal of posners case closed ) and a book on dr kings murder . but in main his work is kennedy based . he was among the very earliest of researchers and critics .i recommend all his books .
from more recent times i suggest reclaiming parkland by james di eugenio and destiny betrayed .
a farewell to justice by joan mellen .
if you want information on oswald in new orleans as i said read oswald in new orleans (weisberg) , a farewell to justice (mellen) , on the trail of the assassins (garrison ) .of course all books mentioned above and others will talk about new orleans .
documentaries ? . well i will give it a go .
the jfk horsemen parts 1 and 2
the jim garrison tapes
best evidence
50 reasons for 50 years (50 parts )
evidence of revision all parts
the mysterious death of number 35 (pat speer )
voodoo geometry (pat speer)
all above are available on youtube and can be found elsewhere .
resources :
pat speer has an excellent online book of which the above mentioned video series is based on . its free and a must read .
https://www.patspeer.com/homethe warren report
https://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/warren-commission-reporttestimonies , sworn affidavits , and statements
https://www.jfk-assassination.net/russ/testimony/on youtube helmer reenberg has a raft of jfk related content , much original footage of that tragic day / weekend and much more .
i am sure my post here will be attacked . some may add to my recommendations . but what ever the case keep an open mind .