It only takes a handful of them to have been eliminated for the odds against a conspiracy to become extreme.
If, out of a group of 50 people, 5 of them win the lottery in the same year, you can conclude that it is almost certain, beyond reasonable doubt, there is foul play. The fact that the other 45 do not win, does not alter this.
For the witnesses, one can assume that it was not necessary to eliminate the others. If they were all eliminated, suspicions would be overwhelming and the scheme would collapse.
Sorry, Dude.
You make no sense to me.
Take this sentence, for example:
"It only takes a handful of them to have been eliminated for the odds against a conspiracy to become extreme."
WTF does "them" mean here?
WTF does "eliminated mean" -- death, or being removed from a list?
WTF does "odds against a conspiracy become extreme" mean?
And this one:
"For the witnesses, one can assume that it was not necessary to eliminate the others."
WTF does "for the witnesses" mean here?
. . . . . . .
Regardless, did I suggest that ALL of the witnesses should have been "eliminated" by the evil, evil "Deep State" / evil, evil "National Security State"?
No, I didn't. Why not say "too many," or some such thing, instead?
In other words, why the hyperbole?
Rhetorical question: Were only the most important witnesses "eliminated," or were they chosen randomly? Was just the right number of them (not too many, not too few) "eliminated" to effectively put The Fear of God in all of the others?
. . . . . . .
PS You want a strange death? Look into how former CIA officer Edward Ellis Smith died.
Hint: Smith was the dead drop setter-upper for CIA's spy, GRU Colonel Pyotr Popov in Moscow who was "honey trapped" and recruited by the KGB in 1956. Former CIA officer Tennent H. Bagley says in his 2007 Yale University Press book,
Spy Wars, that Smith betrayed Popov to high-level KGB officer Vladislav Kovshuk in Washington DC movie houses in early 1957, but author John M. Newman (you've heard of him, right?) says it was Angleton's confidant, mentor and mole-hunting superior, Bruce Leonard Solie, who met with Kovshuk in those movie houses and that Smith just provided logistical support.
FWIW, Smith went on to become a scholar at the Hoover Institution, an officer in the Commonwealth Club, and a bank vice-president.