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Author Topic: JFK Assassination computer analysis video!  (Read 5641 times)

Online Tom Graves

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Re: JFK Assassination computer analysis video!
« Reply #104 on: February 27, 2025, 09:42:38 PM »
Apparently your standard is different for believing that Oswald did it.

How many bad guys and bad gals do you figure were involved in the planning, the "patsy-ing," the shooting, and the all-important cover up, Iacoletti?

Oodles and gobs?
« Last Edit: March 01, 2025, 10:31:47 AM by Tom Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK Assassination computer analysis video!
« Reply #104 on: February 27, 2025, 09:42:38 PM »

Online Patrick Davies

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Re: JFK Assassination computer analysis video!
« Reply #105 on: February 28, 2025, 02:32:09 AM »
If only a small, elite group planned and did the assassination (eg, rogue intelligence operatives, organised crime guys, or military people), the number of people with direct foreknowledge could be as low as 5 to 10.
This would include planners, shooters, and key facilitators who ensured security gaps, logistics, or cover-up efforts.

If multiple groups were involved (eg, intel agencies, mob connections, and political insiders), the number of people with some foreknowledge would increase to around 10 to 30.
This could include backchannel operatives, bribed officials, and key personnel ensuring media control or evidence manipulation.

This can be seen in someting like Operation Neptune Spear in 2011 when they killed bin Laden: known to only a small group of 5 to 10 high-ranking US officials, a few Navy SEALs, and CIA operatives before execution. Even White House was unaware.

CIA/Mafia plots against Castro involved a handful of CIA operatives and mob figures like Sam Giancana and Johnny Roselli, but information eventually leaked.

Iran/Contra... about 20 or 30.

Online Tom Graves

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Re: JFK Assassination computer analysis video!
« Reply #106 on: February 28, 2025, 02:44:41 AM »
If only a small, elite group planned and did the assassination (eg, rogue intelligence operatives, organised crime guys, or military people), the number of people with direct foreknowledge could be as low as 5 to 10.
This would include planners, shooters, and key facilitators who ensured security gaps, logistics, or cover-up efforts.

If multiple groups were involved (eg, intel agencies, mob connections, and political insiders), the number of people with some foreknowledge would increase to around 10 to 30.
This could include backchannel operatives, bribed officials, and key personnel ensuring media control or evidence manipulation.

This can be seen in someting like Operation Neptune Spear in 2011 when they killed bin Laden: known to only a small group of 5 to 10 high-ranking US officials, a few Navy SEALs, and CIA operatives before execution. Even White House was unaware.

CIA/Mafia plots against Castro involved a handful of CIA operatives and mob figures like Sam Giancana and Johnny Roselli, but information eventually leaked.

Iran/Contra... about 20 or 30.

Why aren't you willing to accept that a sharpshooting, psychologically disturbed, self-described Marxist (who had probably been sent to Moscow in 1959 by a KGB "mole" in the CIA as an ostensible "dangle" in a planned-to-fail hunt for "Popov's U-2 Mole" -- the mole who sent LHO to Moscow!!! -- in the wrong part of the CIA and who lived two blocks from a KGB school in Minsk for two-and-one-half years) killed JFK all by himself by firing three shots at him over 10.2 seconds in the echo chamber known as Dealey Plaza?
« Last Edit: March 01, 2025, 10:32:39 AM by Tom Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK Assassination computer analysis video!
« Reply #106 on: February 28, 2025, 02:44:41 AM »

Online Patrick Davies

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Re: JFK Assassination computer analysis video!
« Reply #107 on: February 28, 2025, 10:49:57 AM »
I merely answered your question: How many needed to be in on a plot, if there were one? Given examples of known plots, the answer was about 5 to 30

If we knew the facts for certain, this forum would not exist. 

Online Tom Graves

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Re: JFK Assassination computer analysis video!
« Reply #108 on: February 28, 2025, 11:17:14 AM »
I merely answered your question: How many needed to be in on a plot, if there were one? Given examples of known plots, the answer was about 5 to 30

If we knew the facts for certain, this forum would not exist.

Why do you think John Armstrong felt it was necessary to create his complicated "Harvey and Lee" theory?

To "fit together" certain seemingly contradictory bits of evidence so that "innocent" Lee Harvey Oswald could be seen by gullible tinfoil-hat conspiracy theorists as having been "patsied" by the bad guys, right?

Do you think Oswald was "patsied" by the bad guys?

If so, how do you think the bad guys did that?

Did they have to forge a lot of documents, etc?

« Last Edit: February 28, 2025, 11:19:15 AM by Tom Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK Assassination computer analysis video!
« Reply #108 on: February 28, 2025, 11:17:14 AM »

Online Patrick Davies

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Re: JFK Assassination computer analysis video!
« Reply #109 on: February 28, 2025, 12:17:06 PM »
If the goal was to frame Oswald,  i guess the operation would need to manipulate his movements and employment to place him where he could be blamed.
His sudden job at the Depository just weeks before the assassination? Was this orchestrated by someone guiding him toward Dealey Plaza?

Oswald was Marine with U2 base clearance, defector to the Soviet Union, and Fair Play for Cuba activist: perfect profile for a comie scapegoat.
Connections with CIA linked people, De Mohrenschildt, Ferrie, suggest that intelligence elements had him on their radar.
If he were unwittingly being handled, he might have been steered toward suspect activities eg his Mexico City trip...

Would they need to forge many papers?
If elements of his movements were carefully shaped in real time, there would be little need for large scale forgery.
Selective leaks and supression would be enough. Eg, records of Mexico City trip were altered/withheld, and original autopsy notes disappeared.
Intelligence agencys don’t need to forge every document, they only need to control what gets seen and what doesn’t.

A patsy doesn’t need to be 100% innocent he just needs to be the most convenient, guilty looking guy.
Arrest at a theatre carrying a revolver would firm up illusion of guilt.
Alledged Tippit killing was key... removed any chance of him being seen as an innocent bystander.

Ruby killing made sure there would be no trial to challenge evidence.
Several key witnesses were ignored, intimidated, or died.
WC process ensured inconvenient testimony  was sidelined... like doctors describing rear exit wound.

What I'm saying is, given that there have been other assassination and plots cordinated in such a way, it's not beyond the bounds of possibility? Remeber Iran/Contra and Oliver North? Stuff does go on.

Online Tom Graves

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Re: JFK Assassination computer analysis video!
« Reply #110 on: February 28, 2025, 12:55:06 PM »
If the goal was to frame Oswald, I guess the operation would need to manipulate his movements and employment to place him where he could be blamed. His sudden job at the Depository just weeks before the assassination? Was this orchestrated by someone guiding him toward Dealey Plaza?

Since JFK's speech at the Dallas Trade Mart wasn't booked until November 14 and Oswald started working at the TSBD on October 16, do you think the bad guys decided shortly after June 5 -- when it was decided that JFK would visit Texas -- to put Oswald in the TSBD and hope that not only would there be a motorcade, but that it would go to the Trade Mart rather than to the Women's Building at the fairgrounds?

Or were the bad guys just fortunate that self-described Marxist (and therefore frameable) Oswald was already in place in the TSBD when the Trade Mart commitment was made?

« Last Edit: February 28, 2025, 12:59:56 PM by Tom Graves »

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: JFK Assassination computer analysis video!
« Reply #111 on: February 28, 2025, 03:37:04 PM »
I merely answered your question: How many needed to be in on a plot, if there were one? Given examples of known plots, the answer was about 5 to 30

If we knew the facts for certain, this forum would not exist.
How many were involved in framing Oswald? And you have teams (or just one?) of death squads going around the country silencing witnesses. How many of these? Who ordered them to do this? And then, remarkably, the coverups of this plot. Or plots. The Warren Commission, the FBI, the Rockefeller Commission, the HSCA, the Church Committee.

What about the news media and investigative reporters? Like Sy Hersh? And Tim Weiner? CBS news? PBS? ABC? The NY Times?

You have multiple generations of Americans of various backgrounds over decades planning this, executing the plan, covering it up, silencing witnesses and then coverups of those coverups. You think it's still going on with the files, correct? The files that were reviewed by the ARRB, the Clinton White House, the Bush White House, the Obama White House, the (first) Trump White House, the Biden White House and this Trump White House again. They all covered this up too?

Your 5 to 30 number is getting bigger and bigger each time you explain what happened. At some point don't you think you need to step back and ask: "Is this even possible?"

Shorter: You are simply starting with your conspiracy belief and then reverse engineering your conspiracy. It's a sort of "cargo cult conspiracy" where you have a conspiracy ritual where you construct your conspiracy first and then hope that the conspirators will show up eventually ("In the next files! No the next ones! Not those, those over there!). That is to say, to be frank, you are just making it all up.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2025, 05:23:23 PM by Steve M. Galbraith »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK Assassination computer analysis video!
« Reply #111 on: February 28, 2025, 03:37:04 PM »