So, I didn't misread you. You *do* believe there was a Soviet role in Oswald's act.
Correction: I *do* believe that there *may* have been a Soviet role in Oswald's act.
For all of the reasons I mentioned, above.
As to the Venona intercepts: the names in those messages have been identified (largely by the historian Haynes and Klehr). DeMohrenschild isn't among them.
I don't have access to the VENONA decrypts Russell was referring to.
All I know is that he said that in Petty's opinion, GdM matched the description of an NKVD "illegal" who:
1) Was from "Poland," or some-such country.
2) Was in the U.S. before WW II.
3) Had lived in Mexico during WW II.
4) Was a real "wheeler-dealer."
George "von" Mohrenschildt was born in Mazyr, Belarus, about 300 miles east of the Polish border.
He immigrated to the U.S. in May 1938.
He and his girlfriend, Lilia Larin, lived in Mexico for several months in 1942.
He was an insurance salesman.
He marketed his own artwork.
He was a sugar speculator.
He was an oil speculator.
He was a film producer.
And . . . gasp . . . he married at least one woman for her substantial moo-la (sp?),