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Author Topic: JFK Assassination Computer Analysis Video!  (Read 6204 times)

Offline Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: JFK Assassination computer analysis video!
« Reply #120 on: February 28, 2025, 10:56:51 PM »
Here's what the conspiracy believers think happened (in part): The conspirators - CIA, Pentagon, FBI, Mob, whatever - got together to assassinate the president - essentially commit treason and if caught executed and their family names disgraced forever - by shooting him in broad daylight with 300-400 people watching, many with cameras. Nobody said no, nobody said, what the hell? They all saluted the plan. They meekly went along with this treason. Yes, they did.

Then the next step, yes there's even more, was to send out kill teams to murder those among the 300+ witnesses there who saw their act and were going to expose it. Yes, they did this too.

Yes, everyone went along with this brilliant ploy. And remained silent. And covered their tracks. And never talked. And future generations of Americans - who had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TREASON - have covered up for them. Even today they are doing so. Or trying.

In some world on some planet in some universe this perhaps makes sense. But not in this one.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2025, 01:01:46 AM by Steve M. Galbraith »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK Assassination computer analysis video!
« Reply #120 on: February 28, 2025, 10:56:51 PM »

Offline Patrick Davies

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Re: JFK Assassination computer analysis video!
« Reply #121 on: February 28, 2025, 11:15:13 PM »

What other possible problem areas do you see with your favorite JFKA conspiracy theory?

Let's discuss them.

For example, maybe a lot more than 30 bad guys and bad gals were involved in the murder of JFK by the "Deep State" / "Military Industrial Intelligence-Community Complex" / "National Security State"?

I have no favoured theory. I would be interested to know what happened.

OK. Let take a parallel, the near successful attempt to assassinate the UK prime minister, Thatcher, in 1984.
Who were involved in the conspiracy?
Here we can be less speculative as we know the IRA were responsible as Patrick Magee, who planted the bomb was caught.
The IRA’s Need-to-Know Structure

The IRA operated in highly compartmentalized cells, meaning only those directly involved in a mission had details.
This minimized the risk of infiltration or leaks.
Magee never revealed the full network

MI5 and police were aware of IRA operations in Britain, but they had no prior warning of the bombing.
While some IRA informants existed, no one tipped off authorities about this specific attack.
Estimated Number of People Who Knew in Advance
On the ground: likely 2 to 3 individuals (including Magee).
IRA estimated 5 to 10 individuals.

Because of their mode of operation, they were able to keep plans entirely secret, and only Magee was ever caught.  Like assassinating bin Ladin, nothing leaked, keeping things as small and tight as possible.

Online Tom Graves

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Re: JFK Assassination computer analysis video!
« Reply #122 on: February 28, 2025, 11:53:03 PM »
I have no favoured theory. I would be interested to know what happened.

OK. Let take a parallel, the near successful attempt to assassinate the UK prime minister, Thatcher, in 1984.
Who were involved in the conspiracy?
Here we can be less speculative as we know the IRA were responsible as Patrick Magee, who planted the bomb was caught.
The IRA’s Need-to-Know Structure

The IRA operated in highly compartmentalized cells, meaning only those directly involved in a mission had details.
This minimized the risk of infiltration or leaks.
Magee never revealed the full network

MI5 and police were aware of IRA operations in Britain, but they had no prior warning of the bombing.
While some IRA informants existed, no one tipped off authorities about this specific attack.
Estimated Number of People Who Knew in Advance
On the ground: likely 2 to 3 individuals (including Magee).
IRA estimated 5 to 10 individuals.

Because of their mode of operation, they were able to keep plans entirely secret, and only Magee was ever caught.  Like assassinating bin Ladin, nothing leaked, keeping things as small and tight as possible.


Patrick Joseph Magee (born 1951)[1] is a former Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) volunteer who is best known for planting a bomb in the Brighton Grand Hotel targeting Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and her Cabinet, which killed five people. He is often referred to as 'the Brighton bomber'.[2]

My comments:

Magee wasn't unwittingly "placed" (as your patsied Oswald ostensibly was) or . . . gasp . . . wittingly lying-in-wait one month before a hypothetical Thatcher would come by his place of work in a motorcade -- au contraire, he checked into the hotel which he'd been (correctly) led to believe Thatcher and her Cabinet would be staying four weeks later, and planted a bomb in a bathroom wall that he set to go off when she and her Cabinet would be sleeping in said hotel.

In other words, Thatcher wasn't his only target; he would have considered his mission "accomplished" if at least some of her evil, evil Cabinet had succumbed but evil, evil Thatcher had survived.

Therefore, Magee's mission was simpler for himself and the other conspirators than it was for the evil, evil bad guys and the evil, evil bad gals who put "patsied" Oswald in position way ahead of time "on spec" and who have, by themselves or their legions of bad-guy and bad-gal descendants, successfully covered up their evil, evil involvement to this very day!!!


« Last Edit: March 01, 2025, 01:10:22 AM by Tom Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK Assassination computer analysis video!
« Reply #122 on: February 28, 2025, 11:53:03 PM »

Offline Patrick Davies

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Re: JFK Assassination computer analysis video!
« Reply #123 on: March 01, 2025, 01:26:20 AM »

Patrick Joseph Magee (born 1951)[1] is a former Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) volunteer who is best known for planting a bomb in the Brighton Grand Hotel targeting Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and her Cabinet, which killed five people. He is often referred to as 'the Brighton bomber'.[2]

My comments:

Magee wasn't unwittingly "placed" (as your patsied Oswald ostensibly was) or . . . gasp . . . wittingly lying-in-wait one month before a hypothetical Thatcher would come by his place of work in a motorcade -- au contraire, he checked into the hotel which he'd been (correctly) led to believe Thatcher and her Cabinet would be staying four weeks later, and planted a bomb in a bathroom wall that he set to go off when she and her Cabinet would be sleeping in said hotel.

In other words, Thatcher wasn't his only target; he would have considered his mission "accomplished" if at least some of her evil, evil Cabinet had succumbed but evil, evil Thatcher had survived.

Therefore, Magee's mission was simpler for himself and the other conspirators than it was for the evil, evil bad guys and the evil, evil bad gals who put "patsied" Oswald in position way ahead of time "on spec" and who have, by themselves or their legions of bad-guy and bad-gal descendants, successfully covered up their evil, evil involvement to this very day!!!



Agreed, but Brighton was a conspiracy to assassinate a major head of state, knowledge was kept only a handful, so securely that conspirators remain hidden indefinitely.
JFK scenario was more elaborate, but equal it appears more has needed to be done maintain secrecy, i.e., apparent silencing of witnesses and classified files for 60 years.

Online Tom Graves

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Re: JFK Assassination computer analysis video!
« Reply #124 on: March 01, 2025, 02:05:05 AM »
Brighton was a conspiracy to assassinate a major head of state . . .

And/or her Cabinet

. . . knowledge [of the conspiracy] was kept [by] only a handful [and was done] so securely that [the] conspirators remain[ed] hidden indefinitely.

Probably because it was such a simple affair and so few people were involved.

[The] JFK scenario was more elaborate . . .

Correct. Much more elaborate.

but equal . . .


. . . it appears more has needed to be done maintain secrecy, i.e., apparent silencing of witnesses and classified files for 60 years.


Much, much more, and by implausibly large numbers of evil, evil bad guys and evil, evil bad gals, too!

PS I'm so relieved that you decided to throw the word "apparent" in there.

There may be hope for you yet.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2025, 10:35:00 AM by Tom Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK Assassination computer analysis video!
« Reply #124 on: March 01, 2025, 02:05:05 AM »

Offline Patrick Davies

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Re: JFK Assassination computer analysis video!
« Reply #125 on: March 01, 2025, 03:34:29 PM »


Do you think release of files will shed any new light? Is there anything still hidden, and if so will it remain buried?

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: JFK Assassination computer analysis video!
« Reply #126 on: March 05, 2025, 08:11:54 PM »
There is really no need for computer analysis which is only as good as what you input into it and what parameters are selected as was pointed out pages ago in this thread.  Nothing can preclude common sense and the difference between circumstance and happenstance!   There only needs to be a few questions asked and there are no answers given.  You then reach credible conclusions when things are ignored or even too well documented.  The number 1) below is the "biggy"!

1)  The most important witness at the crime scene was never interviewed, recorded or allowed to give her eyewitness statement of account.  Jacqueline Kennedy.  From Zapruder film her gaze was down at the chest after the first shot.   Being that close, she would be able to tell you how many shots and how she thought a part of the brain ended up on the trunk.  The conclusion to draw from this is that what she would have told the public would not have aligned or even be allowed by those in charge of the investigation to fabricate and align their stories.   Is that not common sense when you ignore her?   Noteworthy, the FBI and not a local jurisdiction controlled the entire investigation affair.

2)  Oswald was in the limelight and was even photographed by the media and portrayed as a VIP.  Not only did he have money to travel... he defected to Russia...visited Cuba... then had his passport reinstated... then be at the right place...then the right time and ...then have all the right motives.  Patsy and grooming would be the best description of his actions and the most common sense terms to describe how and where he was.   Patsy is his own word to describe his own framing.   He didn't think his handlers would turn on him and that he would wear it.  He was a little naive to not see through the setup!

3)  His inability to speak due to his death is once more common sense.   If he was killed by the great "patriot" nightclub owner Jack Rubenstein for no apparent reason, actually makes no sense. He was also in media circles and circulated.
4)  Jack Ruby never being brought to trial before his death (or even issuing statements from anyone interviewing him and stayed alive)  brings that to a dead end as well.
5)  Having an enemy of JFK such as Allen Dulles (after being fired by JFK), be part of an appointed Warren Commission investigation is also glaringly common sense and obviously common sense.  No grand jury!

You really do not need a computer analysis to analyze the common sense of what the above is telling you.  Do you think you can win the lottery?  Happenstance versus circumstance!  Maybe can run it through a computer's algorithm!

The truth about who runs government and controls things is too obvious.   The elites, the rich and the deep state (made up of the un-elected)  should lead any reasonable observer to a common sense conclusion.   Here is another good example.  Suppose Epstein actually was a CIA operative, well paid and was there to collect dirt on politicians so that they could be controlled....wouldn't that makes sense as well as part of a CIA team?   No cameras, no cellmate, suicide watch, sleeping guards and then have him disappear.   Definitely was suicide!   You might label him a modern day patsy!   You just have a controlled media to report or not report what you deemed is newsworthy to the general public.  The term controlled speech should come to mind.  Narrative control is what CIA is and was good at and is being used on the people since its formation and the beginning of time.  Their use of the media was brought up in the 70's and they went off camera in the investigation of it as they would rather not talk about it.   I think that was the House Intelligence Committee as circulated on youtube - Operation Mocking,2006.0.html

One more thing,  Bush Sr.,  Bush Jr. Bill Clinton and then almost Hilary as President should lead you to conclude that there are no better Presidents than those that are found from within a circle of friends.  You should be vary wary of NGOs and who runs them.  All the elites seems to use them and have them to bypass tax laws and use money to influence public opinion without ever having to pay tax and skim off in the process.

Whether it was secret societies, Skull & bones or the group of Free Masons that made up the Warren Commission (including Zapruder), you must question allegiances and how much power there is at the top end of society.  Who is being groomed and for what positions?  It would certainly appear to be a controlled democracy and NOT in the hands of the people that vote!   Look at the Washington Monument, the Pentagon and the White House, the street pattern in Washington as an example.  Was this not designed by a group that made decisions on "behalf" of the people?    Not to mention the pyramid and eye on every 1 dollar bond note!  Alas only conspiracy that can never be proven to mean anything! And so it went with JFK and his brother.  There is no there....there!
« Last Edit: March 05, 2025, 08:25:47 PM by Allan Fritzke »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK Assassination computer analysis video!
« Reply #126 on: March 05, 2025, 08:11:54 PM »