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Author Topic: The Man On The 6th Floor  (Read 301 times)

Online Dan O'meara

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The Man On The 6th Floor
« on: March 11, 2025, 10:34:21 PM »
Leading up to the assassination four eye-witnesses saw a slender, white male on the 6th floor of the TSBD building.
They were surely talking about the same man.

“To my best description, a  man in his early thirties, fair complexion, slender but neat, neat slender, possibly 5-foot 10… “
[Warren Commission testimony of Howard Brennan]

“Uh---he had a slender face and neck---uh---and he had a light complexion----he was a white man.”
[Warren Commission testimony of Ronald Fischer]

"He was rather slender in proportion to his size...He appeared to be fair complexioned, not fair, but light complexioned, but dark hair…I would say either a light Latin or a Caucasian."
[Warren Commission testimony of Arnold Rowland]

"White man...about average. Possibly thin."
[Warren Commission testimony of Robert Edwards]

Obviously, the Nutters want this man to be Oswald and believe that the description - white, slender male - fits Oswald so perfectly that it couldn't apply to anyone else ( ::))
However, once we begin to examine their descriptions of this man more closely it starts to become clear that the man they are talking about is not Oswald at all.


"Light colored clothes, more of a khaki color…not a real white shirt, in other words. If it was a white shirt, it was on the dingy side.”
[WC - Howard Brennan]

“...he had on an open-neck shirt…It was light in color; probably white..."
[WC - Ronald Fischer]

"He had on a light shirt, a very light-colored shirt, white or a light blue or a color such as that. This was open at the collar. I think it was unbuttoned about halfway, and then he had a regular T-shirt, a polo shirt under this, at least this is what it appeared to be."
[WC - Arnold Rowland]

"Light colored shirt, short sleeve and open neck."
[WC - Bob Edwards]

The collective statements of the four eye-witnesses reveal that the man on the 6th floor was wearing a shirt that was so light coloured it was almost white, best described as an off white colour. The shirt was open at the collar.

This is the shirt Oswald wore to work that day. There is zero chance this shirt can be described as white or almost white (note to Nutters - don't bother with the 'all colours become white in daylight' argument)


One of Oswald's most distinguishing features was his receding hairline. Both Fischer and Brennan observed the man on the 6th floor looking towards the direction of the triple underpass meaning Oswald's receding hairline would have been fully on view. It is notable that neither man mentions a receding hairline. Neither does Bob Edwards. And Arnold Rowland makes the following observation - “It didn't appear as if he had a receding hairline…it was either well-combed or close cut.”
It seems unthinkable that Oswald's most prominent feature went unnoticed.
Clearly, the man on the 6th floor didn't have a receding hairline (but he did have a bald spot a few inches above his hairline according to Amos Euins. Another thing Oswald didn't have)


This might seem unusual but it is a detail often overlooked.
Three of the witnesses - Brennan, Fischer and Rowland - describe the man as having a fair/light complexion:

“To my best description, a  man in his early thirties, fair complexion, slender but neat, neat slender, possibly 5-foot 10… “
[WC - Brennan]

“Uh---he had a slender face and neck---uh---and he had a light complexion----he was a white man.”
[WC - Fischer]

“Seemed, well, I can't state definitely from my position because it was more or less not fully light or bright in the room. He appeared to be fair complexioned, not fair, but light complexioned, but dark hair.”
[WC - Rowland]

Ronald Fischer expands on the importance of this detail:

“Yes; one thing--and that is in the picture he looked like he hadn't shaved in several days at least. And--uh--I don't know whether at that distance, looking at him from the street in the School Book Depository Building--if I could have been able to---if I could have seen that. I think, if he had been unshaven in the window, it would have made his complexion appear--well---rather dark; but I remember his complexion was light; that is, unless he had just a light beard.”

Oswald had a dark, unshaven complexion. Fischer had a very good look at the man on the 6th floor but never believed it was Oswald.

« Last Edit: March 11, 2025, 11:13:35 PM by Dan O'meara »

JFK Assassination Forum

The Man On The 6th Floor
« on: March 11, 2025, 10:34:21 PM »

Online John Mytton

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Re: The Man On The 6th Floor
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2025, 12:49:11 AM »
Thanks for the thread Dan but you couldn't be more wrong!

1) Yes, Oswald was average height, slender and white there is little deviation amongst the eyewitnesses. These characteristics are by far the most important and hence the consistency.

2) Oswald's shirt appeared lighter when in direct sunlight, you've been told this before. This photo has deep shaded shadows, therefore this photo hasn't been artificially lightened.

Note the background from street level, it appears quite dark being contrasted with the relatively lightened brickwork.

This lighting phenomenon is what is known as an optical illusion and objects of the exact same shade can appear to differ wildly as compared to the contrasted background. In the following image both "A" and "B" are the exact same shade but witness the difference when contrasted with varying adjacent shades! Like night and day. eh!

3) And most absurd of all, a man has a fair complexion regardless of facial stubble. LOL!

4) BTW, as for your comment about what Fischer thought??, I'll let the reader make their own conclusion. Sheesh!

Mr. FISCHER - Well, they actually showed me two pictures--one of Lee Harvey Oswald, and one of Jack Ruby.
Mr. BELIN - All right. And what did you say?
Mr. FISCHER - I told them that that could have been the man.
Mr. BELIN - Now, which one did you say could have been the man?
Mr. FISCHER - Lee Harvey Oswald. That that could have been the man that I saw in the window of the School Book Depository Building, but that I was not sure. It's possible that a man fit the general description that I gave---but I can't say for sure.
Mr. BELIN - Was there anything different---do you remember the picture?--- between the picture you saw and the man you saw in the window?
Mr. FISCHER - Yes; one thing--and that is in the picture he looked like he hadn't shaved in several days at least. And--uh--I don't know whether at that distance, looking at him from the street in the School Book Depository Building--if I could have been able to---if I could have seen that. I think, if he had been unshaven in the window, it would have made his complexion appear--well---rather dark; but I remember his complexion was light; that is, unless he had just a light beard.

4a) Fischer didn't see Oswald in full sunlight.

Mr. BELIN - Was the sun shining on his face when you saw him in the window or not-or don't you remember?
Mr. FISCHER - No; uh--no the sun wasn't shining on his face. He was back in the shadow of the window.


« Last Edit: March 12, 2025, 01:06:48 AM by John Mytton »

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: The Man On The 6th Floor
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2025, 02:47:10 AM »
Actually that photo of Oswald I’d say looks like a face that’s unshaven.
That photo of the light reddish brownish shirt, I could see how it’s possible somebody could describe it as khaki color.

The T-shirt Oswald was wearing wasn’t a clean T-shirt and his long sleeve shirt was probably open enough to see the T-shirt.
Agree with JohnM that if the other darker brown shirt Oswald was wearing at the theater could appear that light tone ( in that photo at least) then the other  lighter reddish shirt I think could appear similar to khaki color if sun was on it. (may need to test that though cause it might appear just a lighter shade of red.) 😳

Oswald was 5’9” and about 135 lb so a description of 5’10” and “slender” is pretty darn close.

Arnold Rowland was viewing a man at the  SW corner window  of TSBD from about as far away as the  Hughes camera perspective view of TSBD. So it’s doubtful Rowland could have seen that slight bit of receding hairline of Oswald in a mere 10 second duration glimpse.

Lately I’ve gravitated towards a simple conspiracy theory (involving LBJ simply having knowledge about Oswald ) and Oswafd is the sole TSBD shooter but has an accomplice who aided him to use the east elevator  from 6th floor, which allowed Oswald to bypass Dorothy Garner unseen. It’s possible he could run to the east elevator in 25 sec if not having to hide the rifle. The accomplice takes Oswald  to 2nd floor level by 50 sec post shots then returns east elevator to 5th floor locking it there by 70-75 secs thus in time for  the elevator to have been seen by Truly looking up the shaft.

The accomplice then goes up the 5th floor stair to 6th floor, and hides the rifle after wiping it clean of prints, in the boxes near the staircase.
The accomplice then walked back down the staircase to the 5th floor and this time took the west elevator down at about the moment that Baker/Truly have just bypassed Garner on the 4th floor without seeing her ( probably she must have moved back the 4th floor office after seeing them “come up” the stairs) . So the accomplice on the west elevator was able to bypass Baker,Truly and Garner unseen.

Note: this scenario might also work with some other shooter than Oswald,if the reason Oswald was seen by Baker at 90 sec post shots thru the outer door window is because Oswald had come up from 1st floor entrance lobby to get his jacket or a coke from the 2nd floor lunchroom . The timing would be more complicated though for the shooter to get thru the lunchroom, and out of TSBD without being seen by Adams  Stiles or Baker/Truly or Oswald himself coming up from lobby and using the outer hallway to get to the lunchroom.

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Re: The Man On The 6th Floor
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2025, 02:47:10 AM »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: The Man On The 6th Floor
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2025, 11:10:28 AM »
Thanks for the thread Dan but you couldn't be more wrong!

My pleasure John and I look forward to a man of your obvious capabilities putting me on the right track.
As long as I don't have to listen to the old 'all colours turn white in daylight' schtick it should all be good.

1) Yes, Oswald was average height, slender and white there is little deviation amongst the eyewitnesses. These characteristics are by far the most important and hence the consistency.

Okay...point #1. You're off to a solid start.
Oswald was a slender, white male. There can be no doubt about that.
And this description of him was consistent, as you say. I don't recall any descriptions where his gender, race or body-type were different. For instance, I don't ever recall Oswald being described as an overweight, 7 foot, African American female, so you might be onto something.
By the same token, it's like saying the shooter had two legs, two arms and a head and you're jumping up and down shouting "So did Oswald! So did Oswald!"
There could hardly be a more generic description than "slender, white male", which probably applied to more than half the male population of Dallas in 1963.
You make a valid point but it's one hardly worth making.

2) Oswald's shirt appeared lighter when in direct sunlight, you've been told this before. This photo has deep shaded shadows, therefore this photo hasn't been artificially lightened.

Not the 'all colours turn white in daylight' horsesh*t!!
I specifically stated I didn't want to hear this about insanity in my post.
You've already been taken to task over this nonsense fairly recently but I notice you used it again shortly afterwards.
It is so embarrassing to have to deal with this issue, it's like sitting a child down to explain something they should already understand. Unfortunately, you insist on using it so it will have to be laid to rest once and for all.

The Prayer Man fanatics used to have, what I thought, was the craziest piece of mental gymnastics to account for the fact that Oswald had stated on camera that he was "in the building" at the time of the assassination. Obviously, they needed him to be out on the front steps at the time of the assassination. In order to make this work they argued that - because Prayer Man/Oswald was stood on the front steps, and because the front steps were set into the building, that he was still "in" the building even though he was outside the front doors. They argued that he was both in and out of the building at the same time!
But now we have Bill Chapman's 'all colours turn white in daylight' argument, which you insist on resurrecting.  ::)

It is an immense problem for the Oswald-Did-It crowd that four eye-witnesses who saw the man on the 6th floor describe him wearing a shirt, open at the collar, that was so light coloured it was almost white. The problem being that Oswald wasn't wearing such a shirt that day. In short, the man on the 6th floor was wearing clothes that Oswald wasn't. It wasn't Oswald.
To counter this most damning piece of evidence some creative thinking was required (rather than just take the evidence at face value). So, Bill came up with idea of taking an over-exposed photograph, one in which the light colours were bleached out, and pointing out that in the photograph where the difference between the colours that were in shadow and those that were in daylight demonstrated that all colours turned white in daylight.
You heard that correctly - daylight turns all colours white.
Now, in an over-exposed photographed this may well be true but the insanity kicks in when it is realised that this argument was being applied to real life!

Look at how over-exposed the light colours are in the above pic. This is not how things look to the eye in daylight.
The conditions on the day of the assassination were perfect for seeing colour, a blue sky sunny day. In these conditions colour stands out vividly, the human eye can detect the smallest change in the hue of a colour and the true colour of things are on display.
When an object moves into the shadow it's colour becomes darker, that is obvious but Bill was arguing that the true colour could be seen in shadow and then bleached out to a white colour in daylight.

It is such a desperate attempt to explain away a piece of evidence that demonstrates the man on the 6th floor wasn't Oswald.

Note the background from street level, it appears quite dark being contrasted with the relatively lightened brickwork.

This lighting phenomenon is what is known as an optical illusion and objects of the exact same shade can appear to differ wildly as compared to the contrasted background. In the following image both "A" and "B" are the exact same shade but witness the difference when contrasted with varying adjacent shades! Like night and day. eh!

When an object moves from light to dark it's colour becomes darker.
This is not an optical illusion.
There is no trick or misunderstanding.
A child can understand what's happening.

3) And most absurd of all, a man has a fair complexion regardless of facial stubble. LOL!

After peddling the 'all colours turn white in daylight' baloney you have some nerve using the word "absurd".
All I can do is accept the explanation of the eyewitness himself. Unlike you I don't know what they 'really meant to say'.

“Yes; one thing--and that is in the picture he looked like he hadn't shaved in several days at least. And--uh--I don't know whether at that distance, looking at him from the street in the School Book Depository Building--if I could have been able to---if I could have seen that. I think, if he had been unshaven in the window, it would have made his complexion appear--well---rather dark; but I remember his complexion was light; that is, unless he had just a light beard.”

4) BTW, as for your comment about what Fischer thought??, I'll let the reader make their own conclusion. Sheesh!

Mr. FISCHER - Well, they actually showed me two pictures--one of Lee Harvey Oswald, and one of Jack Ruby.
Mr. BELIN - All right. And what did you say?
Mr. FISCHER - I told them that that could have been the man.
Mr. BELIN - Now, which one did you say could have been the man?
Mr. FISCHER - Lee Harvey Oswald. That that could have been the man that I saw in the window of the School Book Depository Building, but that I was not sure. It's possible that a man fit the general description that I gave---but I can't say for sure.
Mr. BELIN - Was there anything different---do you remember the picture?--- between the picture you saw and the man you saw in the window?
Mr. FISCHER - Yes; one thing--and that is in the picture he looked like he hadn't shaved in several days at least. And--uh--I don't know whether at that distance, looking at him from the street in the School Book Depository Building--if I could have been able to---if I could have seen that. I think, if he had been unshaven in the window, it would have made his complexion appear--well---rather dark; but I remember his complexion was light; that is, unless he had just a light beard.

" for your comment about what Fischer thought??"

What comment was that?

4a) Fischer didn't see Oswald in full sunlight.

Mr. BELIN - Was the sun shining on his face when you saw him in the window or not-or don't you remember?
Mr. FISCHER - No; uh--no the sun wasn't shining on his face. He was back in the shadow of the window.


Finishing strong with point #4.
At no time have I mentioned anything about Fischer seeing Oswald in full sunlight or not so this just seems a bit like a senior moment.
BTW doesn't this further condemn your notion that 'all colours turn white in daylight'. If the eyewitnesses are still recognizing the off white colour in shadow where does that leave your lunatic theory?
« Last Edit: March 13, 2025, 11:14:55 AM by Dan O'meara »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: The Man On The 6th Floor
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2025, 10:40:24 PM »
Actually that photo of Oswald I’d say looks like a face that’s unshaven.
That photo of the light reddish brownish shirt, I could see how it’s possible somebody could describe it as khaki color.

The T-shirt Oswald was wearing wasn’t a clean T-shirt and his long sleeve shirt was probably open enough to see the T-shirt.
Agree with JohnM that if the other darker brown shirt Oswald was wearing at the theater could appear that light tone ( in that photo at least) then the other  lighter reddish shirt I think could appear similar to khaki color if sun was on it. (may need to test that though cause it might appear just a lighter shade of red.) 😳

Oswald was 5’9” and about 135 lb so a description of 5’10” and “slender” is pretty darn close.

Arnold Rowland was viewing a man at the  SW corner window  of TSBD from about as far away as the  Hughes camera perspective view of TSBD. So it’s doubtful Rowland could have seen that slight bit of receding hairline of Oswald in a mere 10 second duration glimpse.

Lately I’ve gravitated towards a simple conspiracy theory (involving LBJ simply having knowledge about Oswald ) and Oswafd is the sole TSBD shooter but has an accomplice who aided him to use the east elevator  from 6th floor, which allowed Oswald to bypass Dorothy Garner unseen. It’s possible he could run to the east elevator in 25 sec if not having to hide the rifle. The accomplice takes Oswald  to 2nd floor level by 50 sec post shots then returns east elevator to 5th floor locking it there by 70-75 secs thus in time for  the elevator to have been seen by Truly looking up the shaft.

The accomplice then goes up the 5th floor stair to 6th floor, and hides the rifle after wiping it clean of prints, in the boxes near the staircase.
The accomplice then walked back down the staircase to the 5th floor and this time took the west elevator down at about the moment that Baker/Truly have just bypassed Garner on the 4th floor without seeing her ( probably she must have moved back the 4th floor office after seeing them “come up” the stairs) . So the accomplice on the west elevator was able to bypass Baker,Truly and Garner unseen.

Note: this scenario might also work with some other shooter than Oswald,if the reason Oswald was seen by Baker at 90 sec post shots thru the outer door window is because Oswald had come up from 1st floor entrance lobby to get his jacket or a coke from the 2nd floor lunchroom . The timing would be more complicated though for the shooter to get thru the lunchroom, and out of TSBD without being seen by Adams  Stiles or Baker/Truly or Oswald himself coming up from lobby and using the outer hallway to get to the lunchroom.

"That photo of the light reddish brownish shirt, I could see how it’s possible somebody could describe it as khaki color."

You've been suckered in by Bill and John's infamous 'all colour turns white in daylight' routine.
Below is the shirt Oswald was wearing when he was arrested:

The dark reddish/brown colour is as it would have been seen in daylight.
Now compare that with the colour John has picked out in this picture;

The deception is obvious.
It's amazing what effect can be achieved messing about with the exposure/contrast of a picture.
Below is Oswald' mugshot. Is he clean shaved or heavily stubbled?

"Arnold Rowland was viewing a man at the  SW corner window  of TSBD from about as far away as the  Hughes camera perspective view of TSBD. So it’s doubtful Rowland could have seen that slight bit of receding hairline of Oswald in a mere 10 second duration glimpse."

Oswald's receding hairline was one of his most prominent features.
Fischer, Edwards and Brennan are all stood a lot closer to the TSBD building and none of them mention this most obvious feature, supporting Arnold's observation that the man didn't have a receding hairline.
The only thing that Euins seems to notice is the shooters hair. He, too, fails to mention a receding hairline but, as the shooter looks down the rifle, he notices a bald spot a few inches above his hairline.

The evidence indicates that the shooter was wearing clothes that Oswald wasn't wearing, didn't have the receding hairline that Oswald had but did have a bald spot Oswald didn't have.
The evidence points away from Oswald as the shooter.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Man On The 6th Floor
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2025, 10:40:24 PM »