The lunatic fringe at the Ed Forum - notably one of the current moderators, but he's not alone - is obsessed with the idea that internet forums and specifically JFKA forums are literally teeming with paid CIA disinformation agents posing as Lone Nutters. The EF loons worship at the altar of someone named Cass R. Sunstein. This was a new name to me, but apparently he suggested the idea years ago.
Because I'm sane, I find this notion wildly implausible. If it's true, hopefully Elon and DOGE will soon get to the bottom of it and stop the CIA from wasting $30 billion annually on internet trolls so the money can be better spent on a fleet of Tesla cybertrucks.
In the meantime, however, yours truly would like to get in on the gig if possible. Are any of my fellow Lone Nutters here on the payroll? How much are you paid? Who do I contact? Just send me a PM if outing yourself in public would violate your contract and cause your name to be added to the list of Mysterious JFK-Related Deaths.
Let's be serious here, folks: If the CIA actually had the inclination and resources to sponsor legions of internet trolls, do you really think said trolls would be posing as Lone Nutters? Or would they pose as absolute lunatics, people who believe things like
Harvey & Lee and Prayer Person and Jim Garrison and Other Assorted Nonsense, thereby embarrassing the JFKA community and causing all CT efforts to be laughed at?
That's right, The Caped Factoid Buster hereby accuses the EF loons and anyone here of similar CT ilk of being CIA disinformation agents! Prove you aren't or shut up. I'm looking at
you, EF forum moderators, because there is no way anyone this side of an asylum actually believes the absurdities you purport to believe. Promoting
Harvey & Lee is,
ipso facto, proof that you receive $750 a month from the CIA and have a red telephone with a direct line to Langley. Prove you don't!
(On the small chance that any fellow Lone Nutters actually are on the payroll, however,
do let me know how it works because the price of Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Ale has simply gone through the roof since The Donald was elected.)
Anyway, this video was recently posted at EF and will confirm your darkest suspicions: