Let's see. Within 24 hours they knew that LHO worked in the building from which the shots were fired, that his rifle was found there, that he had fled the scene, got a gun and killed a police officer, and that he was a political nut. A rock-solid case based on the evidence. There was no rush to judgment. There was an assessment of the evidence which overwhelmingly linked Oswald to the crime for which he was charged within 24 hours. That is unchanged to this day.
I will also add, evidence discovered by Satur.day evening of conciseness of guilt.
Getting on and off a slow bus.
Getting out of his cab way past his rooming house.
Hiding in a theatre.
Resisting arrest.
Trying to kill more Police.
Two FBI agents Hosty and Bookout were at the Friday and Satur.day interrogations and heard Oswald deny purchasing or owning the rifle and Oswald denying the backyard photos and refusing to take a polygraph.