On 22nd November, 1963, Carr was working on the seventh floor of the new courthouse building on the corner of Houston Street in Dealey Plaza. Just before President John F. Kennedy was shot Carr saw a heavy-set man with horn-rimmed glasses and a tan sport jacket on the sixth floor of the Texas Book Depository.
After the shooting Carr saw the man emerge from the building. Carr followed the man and later told the FBI: "This man, walking very fast, proceeded on Houston Street south to Commerce Street to Record Street.
Carolyn Walther lived in Dallas, Texas and on 22nd November, 1963, saw the motorcade of President John F. Kennedy from Elm Street. She later claimed that saw two men firing at Kennedy from the Texas School Book Depository.
She gave this information to the FBI. According to her testimony: "I saw a man with a gun, and there was another man standing to his right. I could not see all of this man, and I couldn't see his face. The other man was holding a short gun. It wasn't as long as a rifle. He was holding it pointed down, and he was kneeling in the window, or sitting. His arms were on the window. He was holding the gun in a downward position, and he was looking downward... I said the man was on the fourth or fifth floor, and I still feel the same way."
Carolyn Walther to FBI: "This man was standing in about the middle of the window. In this same window, to the left of this man, she could see a portion of another man standing by the side of the man with a rifle. This other man was standing erect, and his head was above the opened portion of the window. As the window was very dirty, she could not see the head of this second man. She is positive this window was not as high as the sixth floor. This second man was apparently wearing a brown suit coat, and the only thing she could see was the right side of the man, from about the waist to the shoulders."
https://www.jfk-assassination.net/russ/exhibits/ce2086.htmRichard Carr to Shaw trial:"The same man that I saw here in this window was with the three men that I told you a minute ago, they came out
from behind the School Book Depository, got in the station wagon, one man crossed the street and then came down
this side of Houston Street and turned onto Commerce Street."
"The FBI came to my house—there were two of them—and they said they heard I witnessed the assassination
and I said I did. They told me, "If you didn't see Lee Harvey Oswald up in the School Book Depository with a rifle,
you didn't witness it." I said, “ Well, the man I saw on television that they tell me is Lee Harvey Oswald was not
in the window of the School Book Depository. That’s not the man.” And [
one of the agents] said I better keep my mouth shut.
He did not ask me what I saw, he told me what I saw."
More than one man in the window